CHAPTER 43 - Meetings


It was then a few days later, after Arteria Blaze or Arty was training herself in using the Fiery Blade and wielding it to good use more, that something happened which is surprising and slightly unexpected for her, or rather in this case, for the Fiery Blade's chosen wielder.

There were rumors and whispers being heard by one of the spy freedom-fighters, and he came back running to Lord Dark-grip and reported to him about it. Then it didn't take long for Lord Dark-grip to call for Arty and tell her about it.

When she came by to see him and was wondering about the commotion that was starting to spread among the group of freedom-fighters, Lord Dark-grip didn't hesitate on holding back and telling her about the growing rumors about her and that there are more people coming to search for her, but not the friendly or good types.

Arty has already known about this and even though she's not worried about it, she is still concerned from the inside whether this might become a problem for her and the rebellion she's still forming and has not completed yet.

But then another thing was voiced out into their conversation and Arty is more surprised about it.

There was someone else who is looking for her and spoke about her almost accurately and requested a meeting for her personally.

Lord Dark-grip doesn't know who is the person specifically that's searching for Arty and wanting to meet with her but he promised to look into it more on finding out about it, concerning who the person is.

After their conversation, Arty told Lord Dark-grip that she'll consider it on her decision to meet with the unknown people or not, and then Lord Dark-grip nodded to her before she went back to her room to think on it more deeply.

Just as she got inside, Arty sat down and was thinking deeply and pondering about what to do with these matters that seem to concern her and worry her a bit about it.

The unknown person has to be someone who knows about her very well, but the only people she knows were her family and her magician friend that she hasn't seen yet ever since she left them on her journey at that time before.

Somehow, she needed to know about who was the person that knows so much about her and meet them before they would meet her in person so that she won't be caught in some kind of trap being plotted by the enemies or something.

Hopefully, when Lord Dark-grip and his spies look deeper and investigating the matter, they'll find out and tell her who it was and the reason why they know so much about her and all that.

But she knows that it will take time since they're so busy with the other matters concerning the rebellion as they were focused on completing it and searching for more allies to fight against their enemies.

Arty had never thought about what unexpected surprises or other things that would matter the most in front of her mind and keep her slightly distracted by it. She never thought about whatever revelations or situations that might arise that could create conflicts into the rebellion she's trying to form and complete.

Still, she knew that these meetings she'll be going through in the near future when the time comes has to be dealt with, so that she'll focus to finish forming the rebellion and be ready and prepared to face the enemy forces and fight against them, including the main villain, the Mad King himself.

She'll have to deal with this particular matter first and find out who's trying to set up these meetings with her and not reveal themselves on who they are. Hopefully, Arty thought that they might be friendly people instead of more enemies and such. She's not sure if she could be able to handle any more problems when they come unexpectedly into her path and stop her from reaching her goals in the future.

