CHAPTER 44 - The Magician


It was a few days later that's gone by and it turns out to be surprising and unexpected for Arteria Blaze as she tries to complete forming the rebellion but her mind and focus on other matters.

And that would be the parts of hearing rumors and whispers of approaching unknown threats into the secret areas they were forming the rebellion and gathering allies and such.

Arty didn't think of these sudden problems for another piece of news became surprising for her to confirm if it's true or not.

And that news would concern the certain people on searching for her--specifically one person in truth.

And it was very shocking to find out who it is.

For it is her friend that she never expected to come to find her and join her in the cause.

That would be Emyrie Skylight, the heroine's magician.

She never thought that she would come looking but then she was glad to hear about it.

She told Lord Dark-grip about it, and he instantly cautioned her that friend or not, she has to be on guard and be careful to check first whether this might be some sort of trick to trap her or ambush her when the Fiery Blade's chosen wielder comes out from hiding and reveals herself.

Arty understood his worries and reassures him that she'll be having a few back-up people siding with her to see her friend if it's really her or not.

With that plan made and worries eased, Arty quickly made up preparations to meet up with Emyrie soon, but first she decided to ease some people's worries to make sure if it's her or not, and she lets some of Lord Dark-grip spies to confirm it.

It wasn't long before they came back and reported that it's really her and that she's been waiting patiently to see her friend again in secret when she heard rumors about Arty as she finished her magic training and came to search for her.

Arty was surprised upon hearing this and wanted to know how she finished her magical training as a mage so quickly, but then she remembered and realized that she made the character the way she is like in the story.

For the heroine's magician is skilled and smart, even wielding magic, and finishes the training of her magic powers in early times and graduate early to accompany and assist the heroine of the story.

When the time came, Arty was almost vibrating with excitement and eagerness to see her friend and how she has grown and what she has gone through in her experiences as a finish-trained magician and everything.

By the time they saw each other in another place, far away and in secret from others, they dropped all calm pretenses and ran to hug each other tightly like they're blood-sisters reunited after being far apart.

The back-up of freedom fighters Arty had brought along to guard her and stay by her side, stood by and just watched the reunion as the two girls embraced and nearly sobbed upon seeing each other again.

Then it didn't take long for small talk to be exchanged between them, and then finally Arty offered Emyrie a place to stay with them and she quickly accepted.

It wasn't a long trip to get back to the main headquarters but then Emyrie continued talking with Arty along the way as they walked until they reached Arty's rooms where they will be sharing together.

Some weren't pleased upon this arrangement, but they trusted the wielder to take care of herself and be safe and careful as they left the two girls alone.

Then Emyrie settled herself in, putting her things down and then sits on the bed that Arty decided that they'll share together until the others bring in an extra bed into the room.

After that, Emyrie got a little tired and Arty told her to rest even though she still wants to stay awake and talk to her more, but Arty ordered her and she obeyed without question.

Just as Arty watched her friend surrender to her exhaustion and has gone to her slumber, she sat on her chair to look at her from across the room, while thinking deeply in her thoughts.

Arty never thought that the heroine would have her friend, the magician now at her side at the time of forming the army and allying with other beings to make the rebellion.

She was glad to have her there and even though she's curious about how her friend managed to find her, there is still time to talk more after Arty has her trusted and close friend helping out with the rebellion.

She wondered who else might come to surprise her in the future as the time passes by, and wonders about how they'll be helping the heroine out when the time comes to fight against the Mad King and somehow find her way back home in the real world.

