CHAPTER 45 - Friends


Arteria Blaze never thought that she now had Emyrie Skylight by her side and staying with her in the midst of the near completion of forming the rebellion.

Arty was very glad to have Emyrie being by her side, but then she knew there's a lot to talk about a little later after she has finished with some serious matters that need to be dealt with.

First, she introduced her friend to Lord Dark-grip and the Freedom fighters. And even though her friend was a little nervous upon meeting them, Emyrie seemed to have somehow won overall their hearts as they greeted and accepted her as a part of the group almost very quickly upon their first meeting and such.

Arty was glad of this, though she felt a little anxious when Lord Eric Dark-grip gazed upon her magician friend as if trying to discern whether she's really a friend and not an enemy that's staying and living with them.

Then it didn't take long for Arty to become relieved and relax when she saw Lord Eric accepting her friend as the others have accepted and trusted her and Arty smiled upon the slightly funny sight when Emyrie stammered a little in respect upon meeting Lord Dark-grip.

After the meeting, Arty brought her friend back to their rooms they're sharing together so that Emyrie wouldn't feel so nervous and jittery and then they had their talk upon how Emyrie had completed her magical training and such, and also how she found out and searched for Arty when she graduated early.

Then Emyrie responded back, telling her the story and explaining everything to her as simple as she could for Arty to listen to her about everything. The conversation almost took so long about a few hours, including between lunch and dinner time, but by then Arty was happy to listen to her friend prattle and talk on about what she has been through and such in her journey.

When it's almost late at night, Emyrie has finished with her story and she was surprised at seeing the time already but then Arty reassured her that it was alright and she was happy to hear all about it what she's gone through.

Emyrie smiles back to her friend and then the two girls went to bed after their long talk and rest for another new day to go through, and Arty watched as her friend fell asleep first before she joined her next as she looks up silently and thoughtfully upon the ceiling above her, thinking deeply over something.

Arty was glad that she is friends with the magician, who counsels and advises her almost similar to the wizard who stands by the side of a legendary noble king from mythical stories and legends.

She never thought that having her by her side is a great help as the rebellion is nearly complete and that she'd share on who are the greatest warriors and beings to ally with to fight against the Mad King in the future.

Arty knew that there is still a lot of work and planning to be done, but right now she just needs to focus on the matter for the rebellion and making sure she didn't miss anything that might come to their path and stand in their way, to take down the villainous tyrant that's been ruling the world through fear because of his strange evil madness.

She hoped that she'll be able to succeed in defeating him when the time comes and that she'll be able to find a way back home to the real world without dying like she has gotten the heroine to do in the story. Arty hoped that the time might come sooner than later, for she feels that the longer she stays in the story world, she might forget who she truly is from the real one.

