CHAPTER 46 - Expectations


Days pass by, either so slow or fast, to Arty or to others, depending on how they look upon it. But those passing of days at the time doesn't matter, because there is one important matter that many in the rebellion need to discuss and talk about. And it's mainly to the leaders of the still-forming rebellion that has to gather together and discuss the important subject or topic about it.

It was fortunate for Arty, as she and her friend Emyrie were left out on the loop and were confused about what the important matter is when they don't know what it is, that the meeting of them gathered together to talk about it had happened sooner already when Lord Dark-grip called for them.

Even though Lord Dark-grip still has a few doubts concerning her magician friend, he decided to let it be and let Emyrie join in the meeting when Arty and Emyrie came into his office room where the meeting is being held at.

It didn't take long for Lord Dark-grip to reach the heart of the matter and talk about the important topic that needed to be discussed among them. And needless to say, Arty was a little surprised upon finding out what it is about right there and then.

In slightly little matter, they are having problems with the lack of few numbers they have made allies with and joining into the forming rebellion, that it might not be enough of their forces to fight against their enemies. Fortunately, Arty reassured them all that they still have time for it and weren't in any hurry to completing the rebellion unless the Mad King made his move first.

Now, the big matter that's problematic and needs to be dealt with, is that the Mad King's bastard son, the Ice Prince Adrian was rumored to be lurking about from what Lord Dark-grip's spies have reported and told him.

It worried the freedom fighters upon hearing about the Ice Prince that is somewhere lurking about almost near the area or something. But then Arty quickly reassured them that they should think on it more and consider that it might be nothing since the prince doesn't seem to be specifically searching for them. She pointed out the possibility that it cannot be so because the prince would have brought his personal army of sorts to deal with the forming rebellion if he had heard of it or not.

Arty was relieved that they bought her words and were convinced of this but then she knew that they'll become anxious enough to want to deal with it themselves, even by Lord Dark-grip's commands or not.

Once the topics have been shared, they exchanged some small opinions and other suggestions about it, but not good ones to consider about on their final decisions and it only took a few hours later until night time for the meeting to be stopped and dispersed, by Lord Dark-grip commanding it to be so and they'll discuss it more the next time.

After the meeting was dismissed and they went back to their quarters, Arty didn't realize that she was deep in her thoughts as she was thinking about the discussion they've had during the meeting, that she was a bit startled and surprised when her friend Emyrie got her attention upon telling her that they're now in their shared rooms and that they need to rest now until the next day again.

Arty waited for Emyrie to finish washing up and dress in her night-clothes before she had her turn and went straight to her bed with Emyrie now sleeping on her new one right across and beside hers. But Arty didn't go to sleep as she stared up at the ceiling still awake and listened quietly when her friend easily fell into a slumber, her breaths turning soft and gentle as she rests peacefully.

On the other hand, Arty stayed alert and awake still, as her eyes were filled with deep thoughts that she's still thinking about. And it looks like she's considering the worries and concerns she's having about the incomplete forming of the rebellion due to lack of numbers for their army of fighters, and the Ice Prince who's rumored to still be lurking about near their hidden base or something.

Arty is not sure of the expectations being made and that she would be able to complete and finish them as others have expected it from her, as she is the chosen wielder of the magic weapon, the Fiery Blade. She knows that even with few successes she has done with other tasks on gaining allies, there are still lots more to do, like making up good plans on fighting against the forces of the Mad King, and also creating contingencies and back-up plans in case anything goes awry in their preparations and plots.

However, Arty is confident enough that she'll be able to make through this because her determination on getting back home to the real world has motivated her enough to get through this without some difficulties or other delays in the matters of this. But Arty hoped that with her trusted friends and allies, they'll be able to succeed in fighting against the enemies and the forces under the Mad King's rule, and be able to play the story out as it is written and made to be, just so there won't be any more unexpected surprises again in the future as the time comes or something.

