CHAPTER 47 - Ice Prince Again


It was the next day later, that Arty decided to train herself with Emyrie fighting against her as a magic enemy in case that she is about to fight one in the future if the time ever comes or not.

When she talked to her friend about it, she didn't mind letting herself become target practice or something, and so the two girls went outside but not far enough from the base and started their training fight with one another.

Arty prepared herself as she brought out the Fiery Blade and posed herself in ready battle position, facing off against her magician friend who took out her magic staff from its hidden place on her person.

Then the battle was on when Emyrie made her first move by shooting out random voiceless spells right at Arty, and the heroine managed to dodge and deflect them with her magic weapon before trying to get near and strike the magician girl down.

Emyrie managed to hold her ground as they exchanged blows and fought one another, almost furiously like they're not friends anymore but instant enemies against each other. It only took a few hours before the training fight was over and both Arty and Emyrie were almost near to exhaustion upon their fight.

Then they didn't notice that they had a small audience watching them, and even though not one of them had won the battle in their training spar, they cheered Arty on like she's the winner and she became slightly startled upon realizing that they're there.

Arty blushed upon being watched on their spar but Emyrie just chuckled as she didn't mind and then one of the fighters started saying that there's a short meeting Lord Dark-grip is giving out to and they need to attend. He had already known that they were training and sparring so he waited until they were done and finished and then call them for the meeting.

Arty thought that Lord Dark-grip will be a bit furious upon her and her friend missing the meeting because of their training but she was relieved to know that they were allowed to when he was aware of it.

Both Arty and Emyrie quickly cleaned themselves up and hurried to the meeting even though they had been told it will only be a short one and find out what it's about now that they needed to gather and talk about in the meeting.

It turns out that the worries about the Ice Prince are still continuing as Lord Dark-grip reported that the man seemed to be looking for something almost intensely and was nearly lurking about close to their base area where they are hiding and forming their rebellion.

They started discussing how to deal with that, no matter how much Arty tried to intercede or interrupt that they should try considering and thinking more on it, and a few of the freedom fighters were getting a little agitated upon knowing that one of their possible enemies continues to lurk about and might come near their hidden base and expose them.

As they discuss, Arty managed to interrupt and talk to Lord Dark-grip into holding this off a little while longer and pointed out again that the prince hasn't done any harm or any other suspicious activities yet that concerns them and that they need to focus on the rebellion and making other allies instead of focusing on the Ice Prince.

It worked as Lord Dark-grip seem to agree with Arty's words on it, but Arty knew better that it only delays the matter more so it turns to her on dealing with it herself, which she is thinking about it deep in her mind all by herself and such.

After another meeting together with the others has been dismissed at the end of their discussion, Arty and Emyrie went back to their rooms, with her magician friend looking at Arty worriedly as she seemed to sense some concerns that her sword-wielding chosen heroine of a friend is having problems with.

And it was true because Arty still has worries concerning the Ice Prince again when she heard the confirmation from others among Lord Dark-grip's fighters and spies that Prince Adrian is still lurking about near their hidden place as if he's still searching for something in the area or maybe it's the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade he's actually looking for and trying to find.

Arty didn't know what to do about that and how to deal with it if it's about the latter case in her mind and it looks like she'll have to do some deep thinking again and consider the choices and decisions she has to make on what to do about the son of the Mad King since Lord Dark-grip and the others are getting anxious and agitated about it.

It would seem that the heroine of the story will need to make a final decision about it and consider meeting the prince sooner than later because it might bring dire consequences if Arty keeps on ignoring that matter later. Arty hoped that it won't bring any unexpected surprises again in the latter note so that she and the others will be able to finally complete forming the rebellion and start their plots into fighting against the Mad King and his enemy forces before the villain himself might decide to make the first move against them soon if the time comes. Arty hoped that it won��t ever come to that.

