CHAPTER 48 - Meetings Again


It was the next day later, and it seems that the problematic matters that they need to deal with, still continues to be there, at the very moment when Arty and her magician friend Emyrie was called into another meeting from Lord Dark-grip and his fighters.

And the subject of the very matter that they were all concerned about on the problem and such, is specifically Prince Adrian, the Ice Prince, who is rumored and seen from Lord Dark-grip's spies that he's still lurking about and almost coming near towards their hidden area.

Upon hearing about this, Arty was a little shocked on knowing this stunning revelation and she couldn't help but wonder what it is that got Prince Adrian so determined to stick around and search for something whatever it is he's looking for.

She still doesn't know or can't confirm whether it's her that Prince Adrian is looking for because she's the new chosen wielder of the magic weapon, the Fiery Blade.

Or it may be another reason like Prince Adrian is trying to find more connections upon his rule to fight against his cruel father and overtake his throne so that he will make changes to the horrific tyranny the Mad King has done throughout the whole kingdom from the capital to the other states.

Arty knew about the latter part very well because this is how she made his character to be as the story's writer and such, but then there's no way to check if her suspicions were true if she can't even confirm it without letting the others know that the Fiery Blade's wielder is being friendly with the Ice Prince himself.

Arty knew that if she tries to reveal her plans on making allies and friends with the Ice Prince, as the story is made out to be, they won't react well because they cannot trust Prince Adrian at all, since he is the son of the Mad King, despite that he was being mistreated unfairly all because he was born and raised well from a peasant mother that the Mad King had a short fling with.

It looks like Arty has to think up more thoughts and plans on dealing with this as secret as she could, and she hoped that with her magician friend, Emyrie would be on her side with this upon learning and realizing that Arty wants to make friendly relations with the Ice Prince.

It was fortunate and a relief that Lord Dark-grip is having his spies keep watch over Prince Adrian and hasn't made up a decision on making a move against him. For him and his fighters were still expectantly waiting for Arty herself to make up her final decision on what to do with the Ice Prince.

Arty shared that she hasn't made up her mind or thought of her final decision yet so Lord Dark-grip let her be and that they'll wait until the next meeting if the situation becomes more dire and problematic or something.

Arty was glad to hear that and she doesn't plan to reveal out loud that she has been considering one of her choices on allying with the Ice Prince. She'll have to reveal that later when the time comes as she thinks more and considers her choices on the matter and then decides to share it with the others.

It wasn't long until they discuss more concerning the rebellion and its near completion, and then the meeting was dismissed and ended until the next time as Lord Dark-grip had dismissed the others and told them as such.

After those meetings again, Arty had to consider what to do in her deep thinking mind and consider seriously about dealing with Prince Adrian, the Ice Prince, who is still lurking about near their hidden base and area where they are nearly finished with forming the rebellion and the army to fight against the Mad King.

Since the circumstances that are coming to be problematic upon the kind of situation they're in, it looks like Arty has some deep thinking to do and make up her mind on her final decision on dealing with the problems, like completing the rebellion and Prince Adrian that is near them.

Hopefully, with her magician friend's help, Arty would be able to make up her final choices and choose the right and wisest one so that she'll be able to get through this and find a way back home to the real world.

Arty hoped that the final decisions she makes, they will be the right ones and it won't cause consequences and bring more problems in the future when the time comes as they have completed their tasks into gaining the right number of allies, completing the rebellion to grand form and prepare to fight against the enemy forces, especially the tyrant Mad King.

