CHAPTER 49 - Blood Contracts


It was a few days later, exactly about five days that's gone by almost so fast, that something unexpected suddenly happened that Arty didn't expect to occur as they were still forming the rebellion and almost on the verge of completing it.

Arty heard from Lord Dark-grip that another group had come searching for her and wanted an alliance and join into the rebellion. But then she saw the pinched and darkened look on his face, as well as the same ones that were shared among his freedom fighters.

She wondered what's that about but then Lord Dark-grip quickly told her what is the problem about these possible allies, for they are dark creatures of the vampiric side.

Arty was very shocked upon hearing this but then she asked him if it's true and he told her that some of his spies have reported on hearing about it and a few have seen them coming to search for her and approach her for the potential alliance.

Arty wondered more about it and then she asked if they're sure if they're truly vampires and not Dhampir for she remembered that these are the dark beings that she had written and created into the story upon allying with the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade.

Lord Dark-grip didn't think of double-checking so he turned and told his fighters to check it out again and they went off to do just that to check on if what Arty's thoughts were true or not and confirm it, for they really didn't want the kind of dark beings to ally with and join the rebellion.

It didn't take long for the fighters to come back, along with Lord Dark-grip's spies to report to him and Arty that the beings were as just as she thought they would be--that are Dhampir, who are coming to search and ally with the wielder Arteria Blaze of the Fiery Blade.

After confirming that, Arty told Lord Dark-grip that she'll think more on the matter concerning whether they should ally with these beings or not, and he and his fighters trusted her to make the right and wise decisions about it. But he warned Arty that she should consider the matter about these dangerous beings more in case she might not endanger their lives if she chooses to ally with them, and Arty promised that she will.

After Arty was left alone to her thoughts when she went back to her room and then she didn't realize that she was thinking deeply about it that her senses were blind and deafened to everything surrounding her, including her friend Emyrie who tried to get her attention but Arty ignored her for she's too deep in her thoughts about the new matter that came surprisingly to join the rebellion.

Arty had to be very careful when she makes this alliance with the half-human and half-vampire kind, known as Dhampir to join into the rebellion to free them from the tyrannical cruel rule of the Mad King. She knew very well that, even though some of these beings can be honorable with their promises of words, most can be distrustful because of their lust and thirst for blood and flesh due to their dark sides as vampires and that they can also be selfish and greedy when it comes to power-conquering in battles that they can easily win for.

Arty knew that Lord Dark-grip and the Freedom fighters are relying on her to make the wisest decisions on allying with these kinds of dark creatures and though they didn't want them to join the rebellion, they knew very well, including her, that they need the numbers to overthrow the Mad King and his enemy forces.

So Arty had to be very careful into dealing with the Dhampir and that she'll need her magician friend's help into ensuring that the blood contracts she'll form with them is rock solid and unbreakable so that they wouldn't dare to try to go against their so-called honored words and promised vows and that they also won't try to betray them in the case of a losing battle of sorts.

Arty really hoped that she won't be regretting her decisions once she makes up her mind about the alliance with the dark beings and having them join the rebellion so that they'll be fighting off what will be the greatest war in the history of the fantasy world she's in and that she hoped that she will be able to make it out alive so that she'll find a way to return to her home in the real world.

