CHAPTER 50 - Royal Matters


Just as Arty thought that things would have gotten better, she was wrong as a few particular matters became much more important that needed to be dealt with, as they seem to be getting worse or such.

And one of those particular matters is concerning about the Ice Prince when some of the spies or few people have reported to them and notified that he's coming almost closer to where their main hideout base is, still searching for whatever it is he's searching for--or rather who he's exactly looking for--which Arty knew that it's her specifically that the prince is searching for.

Arty knew that she needs to deal with this, so she worked on it fast as she can and thought about it quickly and swiftly before the others might resort to drastic measures into dealing with the prince. Specifically, if it's Lord Dark-grip who might choose to do it himself.

She can't let him do that, because it's necessary to have the prince live on for there are plans for him, towards the fulfillment of this story and world she had created, and that he is a possible pair to her main character.

Thankfully, Arty managed to bring up those plans and think up ideas without her companion and friend Emyrie knowing about it as she did it as silent and discreet as possible into conjuring them up.

By the time she was done and finished, Arty didn't hesitate to bring it up and share them with the others, that are Lord Dark-grip, the freedom fighters and the other allies that they have made for the rebellion army.

Once they had heard and listened to her thoughts and ideas about the Ice Prince, they all agreed anonymously that it's best to leave the prince alone, because Arty had shared a reasonable point that it will still draw attention to the Mad King if his bastard son has somehow mysteriously 'disappeared' or something, during his mission and he might send his men to search for him and then expose and find out about their hidden main base.

Lord Dark-grip also agreed reluctantly that Arty's thoughts and ideas on the matter are all good and reasonable, but he still voiced out his opinion that they should keep eyes on the cold prince, just in case he gets too near towards their hiding place and such.

The others gave their agreeing nods to him as well, but thankfully, to Arty's relief, the meeting with them gathered around has turned to the subject concerning the prince and moved on to the other matters, like the final completion of the rebellion and forming the grand plans into facing the Mad King and his enemy forces.

After they're done discussing more with that, with the added plans and preparations for it, the meeting was swiftly adjourned. And Arty didn't hesitate to go back to her quarters and share to her magical friend about what's been discussed in the meeting and such. But while she does that and then goes to bed to rest, her mind strayed a bit on other thoughts that are on her head.

Arty was glad that she was done and over with the royal matters that needed to be dealt with, concerning the Ice Prince. But then she knew that it won't last long since he's still around and searching for the Fiery Blade's chosen wielder, and that Lord Dark-grip won't hesitate to fulfil his dark promise into sending out his men to deal with him when the matter becomes more drastic and dangerous for them.

She hoped it won't come to that, because she needed the main character's future possible partner to live on and stay alive, to be able to fulfill part of the story that it needs to be played out so that she'll reach to the ending and find a way into getting home and back to the real world soon.

