CHAPTER 51 - Neutral Sides


After it has been two days later that has gone and passed by, almost a little fast or slow to her liking, Arty had to consider the gravity of the serious situation, concerning the near proximity of the Ice Prince that's still lurking about near the area from their hiding place of the rebellion army.

Sure, Arty didn't have to worry about it so much since the prince hasn't exactly found their hiding place yet.

But it will only be a matter of time that he truly might find it and bring trouble upon the big troops, and she can't let that happen, since he's part of the story and the key to ending it, that will give her some clue or chance into finding a way to get back to the real world and to her real true home.

So she'll have to explore all avenues and parameters and be prepared when it comes to that, along with planning on how to persuade her allies, such as Lord Dark-grip, into considering having the Ice Prince to their side.

Even though Lord Dark-grip himself might protest against it, Arty will have to convince him nicely that it will be good to have the Ice Prince as their ally, since he has a long time grudge against his father, for being discarded as a bastard child with having a mother as a peasant and being mistreated and banished away to who knows where they were sent and forsaken to or something.

Granted Arty knows that if the Ice Prince somehow finds out that she's the Chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade, she knew that he'll never leave her alone because of her status and try to ally with her than getting along with the others, and that will bring tension and dissatisfaction among the ranks and such.

So Arty had to be really careful into hiding her identity as the chosen wielder, and also be very secretive about it, with the help from her allies, especially from her dearest magician friend, Emyrie.

Hopefully, nothing worse will come to it or something badly more than that, but then Arty had to relax a little since she knows that the only enemies she had to worry about are just the Mad King and his enemy forces only.

But then Arty couldn't help it upon thinking such things, because she's very anxious into getting this over with, like the completion of the rebellion army successfully, making plots on how to intercept and invade the Mad King's fortress without letting him know, as well as making sure that no casualties will come upon them once they strike.

Arty breathed deeply before letting it out with a soft sigh and then squared herself at the ready to talk to Lord Dark-grip, concerning the matter about the Ice Prince and discuss to him on the incoming confrontation when the prince might find them or they find him first.

Truthfully, she's not very sure how that's going to turn out when it happens, but then Arty had to carefully thought about it more on what will happen as well be prepared for it, and hope that it won't cause some fallout or something between her, the rebellion troops, and the Ice Prince himself.

Arty hoped that discussing the consideration of maintaining some sorts of neutral sides between all of them, might ease the tension, and will make some sort of peaceful arrangement when the time comes to meet up with the Ice Prince in the future. Arty hoped that it will come to that as peaceful as it will be, and it will really be good to have the Ice Prince as their ally.

