Mystery of shrines

It has been a week since I died. School is also closed. I didn't got any clue about things happening around or how I died. I don't have anything to do lately. My friends can't see me. I can't play. So boring. I love to draw portraits. My sketchbook and pencils are the only means to ignore boredom.

Well, my brother saw me drawing. He could only see my book and pencils floating and drawing on its own. He's super terrified now. He calls my room haunted and is scared to even open the door.

Oh, I forgot to tell about my family. I live with my mother, father and younger brother, Cain in 'Petrify town'.

Dad is a very smart business man. He is the most loving father in the world. He is a very busy man but he still finds time for his family.

Mom runs a cafe.She makes the best cakes in the world. She came in

t.v because of her cakes and pastries she baked.

Cain, my brother is in 2nd standard. The naughtiest brother but very kind and lovely. We always quarrels with each other. And he enters my room and plays with my stuffs without asking.But still he is very nice. The one who cried the most when I died was my brother.

Now I remember, headmaster said that my body was found near the shrine of shadows. What was I doing there? I think I didn't told you. Everyone is prohibited from entering the shrines by law.

It is an ancient legend passed down from generations. There are 10 structers constructed in our country which we call 'shrines'. Each one has different names. Ice shrine, Water shrine, Fire shrine, Earth shrine, nature shrine, lighting shrine, shadow shrine, wind shrine, solar shrine and lunar shrine. It is said that there were 10 dragons who took control over the world. They are also known as the dragons of destruction. They could use magical attacks. Hence they were named after their magical elements.Ice dragon, water dragon, nature dragon e.t.c. They wrecked havoc on earth. They killed many animals including humans. Earth turned into a barren land. The priests of that time couldn't bear their destruction. As a result of this the dragons were sealed away underneath the earth.The shrines were built over the spots where the dragons were sealed.

It is said that the dragons are waiting for the day when they are released from the darkness and could take revenge on humanity. Our ancestors and the current law have prohibited us to go near the shrines. Also the security is very tight. No one can enter there. Then, how did I managed to get inside?

I was totally confused. I went near my dad and started to watch t.v with him. The news was strange too. They said that all the deadbodies found recently are all near the shrines of the dragons. But the 10th shrine, the solar shrine didn't had any bodies near it. The securities have no idea how the people got inside. And on top of that, the bodies found suddenly started to glow the next day and in an instant, disappeared. There wasn't any scientific explanation to this. It's as if everyone is hallucinating.

The news turned my attention towards the shrines. I wanted to know what was happening. Without wasting anytime I flew aiming for the shrines.


I stood before the entrance of the ice shrine. It was made of millions of glass panels and glass sculptures finely carved out. The glasses looked like ice panels reflecting rainbows. My eyes widened. It was magical, heavenly.

I looked around to notice no one was around. Did everyone went for a break? I was extremely excited to enter the shrine. My heart was thumping fast. I rushed towards the entrance. Something hit me and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and saw stars glimmering in the sky. I sat upright. My head was spinning. How did I lost my consciousness? It felt as if I jumped onto a wall. But there wasn't any wall on the entrance.

I stood up and walked towards the entrance. Suddenly something hit my face. I stretched out my hands to feels an invisible wall in front of me. It was cold as ice. I couldn't walk through The wall. How can something stop a ghost? I took a stone from the floor and threw it hoping to break the wall. To my surprise, the stone went through the wall. It didn't stopped the stone. Why? I was baffled.

I flew above the shrine and tried to enter from above. But it didn't worked. The wall was covering the entire shrine.

It wasn't possible for me to break through the wall. I decided to return home. I needed to find a way to enter. First I need to cool my head.

When I turned back, the shrine started to glow. It was emitting blue light. I was mesmerized by that sight.

Many people crossed the in front of the shrine. But no one was amazed to see the light. Instead they were ignoring it. Or can't they see this? Am I the only one who is able to see the light?

Inside the shrine, I saw someone standing facing the shrine. The light was too bright to see clearly. It was a boy with white hair. I think he was a bit taller than me. How did he got inside? The light grew brighter and brighter until it felt like it was piercing my

eyes. I forced my eyes shut.

When I opened my eyes, I was in my room. Was all that a dream? My head was spinning. Who was that boy? What was he doing inside? Should I search for him? But I didn't saw his face. How will I search for him?