Where am I??

I still don't know whether the events yesterday were real or not. Today I went to check on the lightning shrine because I couldn't come up a strategy to enter the ice shrine.

When I reached the lightning shrine I was overwhelmed by its beauty. It was like lightning itself shining on it.

But I was nervous too. My heart was on fire. I stepped on the entrance. Suddenly, my body felt as if it was being torn apart. So painful. I couldn't move. It's as if I was struck by lightning. I screamed for help. But nobody could hear me.

Then, I could see the shrine glowing like before. It pierced my eyes.

Then I lost my consciousness.

I was lying somewhere. I thought it was my house again. I opened my eyes. I looked around to find myself in a forest. My body ached too much. I stood up, trembling. I looked around for a way back. But I couldn't. I kept chanting to myself not to panic.

I was totally lost in the forest. I stood there losing my hope, confused. My heart kept racing. Then, I heard a sound. A sound of a flute. It calmed me. I was so glad to hear it. There might be someone living there. But they can't see me. Still, I followed the sound of the flute hoping to find a way out.

The forest was magical. I saw strange animals on the way. There were butterflies with glowing wings everywhere. I was enjoying the sight when I heard a screech of an eagle. I looked around the bushes hoping to find an eagle.

But a tail came out of the bushes. It was the tail of a lion. I started to panic. Will it eat me? Then, I remembered that I'm a ghost and thought that it was a great opportunity to see a real lion. I waited eagerly for it to come out.

But what came out wasn't a lion. The lion had an eagle's head and wings. A griffon!How can it even exist?

I thought that it can't see me. But my hope was immediately shot down when it came close to me and lifted me up with its yellow beak. I kept yelling to put me down. I was panicking.

At last it threw me hard on the ground. The impact hurted my arm. I stood up and ran as fast as I can away from it. I had no idea to where I was running.

I was panting hard and found myself near a crystal clear lake. I was baffled to know that the griffon could see me. I lost track of the sound of flute too. I thought I was stuck there forever.

My throat was parched and dry. I decided to drink some water from the lake. I reached down my hand took a handful of water and brought it towards my dry lips. It felt so refreshing. The water was clear and fresh.

After sometime I saw the water in the lake creating ripples from the centre. Suddenly something came out from the lake. Something higher than a huge tree. I was stunned to see a three headed dragon in front of me. I was too scared to move. I stood there, shivering all over.

And in a second I found out that it can see me too. Because I was hanging on its teeth. I was terrified. I cried out for help. I yanked my hands and feet here and there.

The dragon threw me to the middle of the lake. I fell with a splash. I thought that of was my chance to escape and began to swim upwards. But I couldn't. I couldn't move my legs. I looked down and found it wrapped up between some strange weeds. I tried my best to brake free. But it was impossibly hard. I bend down and tried to unwrap it with my hands. But I failed. My arm hurted too from the fall before when the griffon threw me. I was hopeless.

I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I couldn't move my body either. I hoped for someone to find me. But I knew it was just my hopeless wish. Everything went dim. And my sight was blurry. I couldn't think straight. My consciousness was fading. My life flashed before me. It was strange for a ghost to say that though. Then I heard a faint voice. Was I hallucinating?