
It was pitch black. I could hear the sound of birds. It was warm. Where am I?. I opened my eyes and looked around to see myself in a hut. Where am I? What was I doing here?

"At last you're awake. "Someone said to me. I turned to see a boy sitting next to me with a smiling face. He had a soft and gentle voice. He had blue hair, blue sapphire eyes and was about my age. He was wearing rags.

I sat up and we talked for a bit. His name was Vapid. He's a strange guy. He wasn't scared when I told him that I was a ghost. He seemed so happy to talk to me.

He told me that it was an inhabited island. He was the only human who live there. He lived with the animals.

The three headed dragon was his friend, Zappy.Vapid told me that Zappy was nervous to see me and didn't meant any harm. The sound of the flute that I followed wasn't really a flute. It was one of Vapid's birds. He calls her Piki. Her sound is definitely like a melodious flute. She is very pretty. She have a red body, yellow long tail and green eyes. She have red crown-like feathers on her head.

Piki sat on my shoulder flying from Vapid's hands. I like Piki so much. Vapid explained that he was stuck on this island for years. He couldn't find a way out. I was dejected. If he couldn't find a way out in years then how can I find one? Seeking my sad face Vapid promised me that he will find a way to get back to my town. I was so happy to hear that.

He asked me how did I ended up here? I told him that I was searching for clues about how I died in the shrines. His expression suddenly gave way to surprise or more like worried. He started to ask whether it was the shrine of dragons and which shrine did I went in. I told him that when I tried to enter the ice shrine, I reached back to my house and when I tried to enter the lightning shrine, I reached here on this island.

He sat back and started to reveal some secrets which I didn't had any clue. He took my hand and showed me a symbol on my forearm. A purple circle with a star in the middle. I never had it before on my hand. I rubbed my hand hoping for it to fade. But it didn't.

Vapid told me that it is the symbol to indicate that I am the shadow priestess. The one in the legend of the 10 dragons. But not the original one. The 10 priests and priestesses that exist now are the descendants of the original ones. I am the descendant of the shadow priest. I was confused. It was too much to absorb.

Then Vapid showed me his forearm. He had a symbol too.A blue circle with a star in the middle. Vapid was a priest too. He told me that he was the water priest.

Vapid took my hand and began to run out. I was running behind him. He took me near a pond and told me that he will show me his powers. He stretched his hands towards the water. Suddenly some of the water began to rise up and formed different shapes. Flowers, birds and even me. I looked at it with awe. Vapid was doing it. He looked so cool.

Vapid raised his hand and two spheres of water rose from the water. The spheres covered my and Vapid's heads. But I could breath. Vapid took my hand and we jumped into the pond.

I closed my eyes when I jumped. I was too afraid to open it. Vapid stopped swimming and placed his arms on my cheeks through the water sphere. He said softly:"Open your eyes. There's nothing to be afraid of ". I could hear his voice even though we were under water.

I opened my eyes slowly. Vapid took his hands from my cheeks and held my hand. His hand was warm. I looked around in excitement. There were many strange fishes and plants everything in different colours, shapes and sizes. Some of the plants emitted light. I was mesmerized by that sight. And I could breath thanks to Vapid's water spheres. After sometime we swam up. I was laughing in excitement. We sat on the ground but totally wet.

Vapid held my hands and suddenly the water on me dried up. He can do it too. So awesome. He dried himself.

We walked around the island. As we walked, Vapid told me that his father rold him the story of the descendants of priests. I wonder where his father is. Every priests have powers like Vapid did. He promised to teach me to control my powers. I was so glad to hear that.

Vapid told me more about the shrines. The shrines are specialized buildings that enables only the priests with the power same as the dragons to enter. The other priests gets exterminated when they tried to enter the shrines other than theirs. It is to prevent the dragons from controlling the priests's minds. The only priest who can withstand the mind control is the one who made the shrine. The one who have the same power as the dragons.

He told me that I was lucky that someone teleported me twice when I was about to be exterminated. But I had no idea who it was.Mystical creatures lives in this island. Lantern butterflies, winged tortoise, dragons, griffon, birds like Piki and so on. They can see wandering souls like me. Vapid thinks that he can see me because he is a priest.

When I met Vapid, my loneliness disappeared. He accompanied me everywhere on the island. I saw dragons, rode on Pegasus and saw a large group of lantern butterflies. It was magical. Vapid could make weapons with the water in his body.

At night, the sky was filled with glimmering stars. I saw shooting stars too. The fairies accompanied the stars and made the sky more beautiful. I slept in Vapid's hut. I felt secure around him. Today I'm going to sleep peacefully.