
Now I know that I'm the shadow priestess. I can use a little bit of my power. Vapid is teaching me how to use it. Thanks to him, I'm less stressed now. But I've been stuck here for 3 weeks.

Everyday, we go for a walk on the island. He could talk to most of the animals on the island. I wonder how many years did he spent on this island. I can see that the animals here respects and loves him. None of them attacks me now. I love to play with them.

We went for a walk today too. But it was different from other days. When we were riding Unicorns a massive earthquake shook the island. The trees started to fall uprooted. Our hut collapsed. We were busy taking the animals to a safer place. But we couldn't save all of them. Most of them died a tragic death. We witnessed it all. I couldn't bear it anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My mind went blank. Vapid's mind was scattered. I could tell by looking at him. He was broken from the inside. His face was pale. The life of the island was being sucked away. The green land turned into a barren desert before us. Our home was destroyed.

When the earthquake calmed down a bit, we saw some thing strange. A large pillar of light emerging from a distance and touching the endless sky. "It is from the spirit valley"Vapid said. "It is the birthplace of all these creatures. "

The animals fell on the ground one after the other. They were pale and weak and were at the verge of death. What was happening? I was shocked.

Vapid started to explain what was happening. His voice was trembling and filled with pain. "The creatures depend upon the spirit river in the spirit valley for survival. The water in the spirit river has the power to cure the injured animal. However if the river is disturbed, it will affect the lifeforce of the animals then shortening their lifespan. "Vapid's blue eyes were filled with tears reflecting the pain in his heart. He kept his head down trying his best to stay strong. He cared about them a lot.

I want to give him courage. But how? I reached out my hands and held his hands tightly. He raised his head and looked towards me. His eyes were still wet. I told him not to worry. We will save the animals. For that we must check out what was happening at the spirit river. We will not let them die.

I withdrew my hands. Vapid wiped the tears off his eyes. He looked determined to save them. We ran to the direction of the spirit valley. The plants on the way were all dried up. The trees were lying on the ground, uprooted. All around us, the animals were lying half -alive. And the light over the spirit valley grew brighter.

At last, the spirit river came into view. Suddenly, Vapid pushed me behind a rock, covered my mouth and told me to stay hidden. What's going on? Then I could hear someone talking behind the rocks. Vapid took his hands from my mouth. Silently, we peeked to find out who it was. A man with black hair, wearing a black and green uniform with a symbol of a monster stood there. He was facing the opposite direction. So I didn't saw his face.

I looked at Vapid, concerned. I was surprised to see his expression. He was extremely furious. His eyes were cold as ice. He whispered to me. His voice was filled with hatred. "They are G-corporation. It is an evil corporation who wants to gain power to rule over the world. "Vapid still gazed at them, furiously. Suddenly he told me to hide saying someone was coming. We hid behind the rocks.

A soldier of G-corporation approached the first one and saluted him. The soldier said that the preparations were about to be completed. What are they talking about?

The first soldier ordered in parched but strong voice:"Continue the process and extract all the life force from the island. Don't forget to bring the creatures back with us. They can be sold for high prices.I will make ornaments out of the remaining dead ones. "

How cruel! We have to stop them. The other soldier saluted and shouted : "Yes! Commander Sage! "

When the soldier called out the commander's name, Vapid went blank. He was frozen and kept murmuring : "How dare you? ", furiously. I was worried about Vapid. Water gushed through his hand and solidified into a water sword. Was he planning to attack? I held his hand to prevent him from attacking. His eyes were cold as ice. He wasn't thinking straight. Without a second thought, he pushed me aside and jumped to attack the commander Sage.

But I was startled to see that he turned and blocked Vapid's sword with bare hands.I could see his face now. He had black eyes filled with darkness. A chill went down my spine.

The commander smirked and said:"Hey Vapid boy, long time no see". They knew each other? But it didn't seemed like a happy reunion. Vapid's eyes were filled with hatred for him.Vapid pulled his sword out of Sage's hands. Sage was about to say something about someone called Bathard. By hearing that name Vapid suddenly attacked Sage on the stomach shouting:"Don't you dare speak my father's name. And don't lay a finger on my family ". Sage managed to dodge the attack. Vapid's face was pale. He was in pain.

Vapid kept attacking the commander. But Sage anticipated all of his attacks. He was blocking Vapid's every attacks and was badly beating him down. It was a one-sided battle. Vapid was badly injured. Blood gushed from his mouth. But still he was standing up to fight Sage. Vapid used all of his strength and was barely standing. That commander wished to kill him. Sage didn't had a single scratch.

I couldn't stop myself. I jumped into the battlefield and stretched my shadow to bind the commander with it. I immobilized him. Vapid yelled at me saying to escape. I don't know how but Sage could see me too. He words were followed by a devilish laugh.He said that a shadow priestess can't stop him. In an instant, he jumped and escaped from my shadow binding.

He was very powerful and fast. He pulled out his sword to attack me. I let my shadow surround me and hardened it to protect myself. But his sword was too sharp. It scattered my shadow shield into pieces. I fell down from the impact. Sage stood before me with his sword. He smirked and said: "Remember, this is a spirit slaying sword. "A chill spread through my entire body. Sage raised his sword to attack me.

In a split second, Vapid used his water to knock down the sword from Sage's hand. The sword broke into pieces. Sage's hand was cut. I turned to see Vapid lying down unable to move. He yelled in his trembling voice:"Stay away from her".

The commander was furious. He walked towards Vapid and grabbed him by his hair and raised him up. Vapid was covered in bruises and was struggling. Sage threw him hard on the ground. He kicked Vapid on the face. Vapid was bleeding. Sage crushed Vapid's head under his foot. Vapid could barely shout. I must save him.

I tried to stand up. But I couldn't move. I twisted my foot when I fell before. I dragged my feet and tried to move forward. Vapid needs help.

I thought that Sage would kill him. Then a soldier came and said to the commander that all the process are complete and that they should leave now. Sage looked at us with disgust and said:"There's only 10 minutes left. Enjoy your filthy life". He left Vapid there. They pressed a watch on their wrist and then suddenly disappeared, or they teleported.

I couldn't move. I took a stick lying nearby and got up. I was in agony. I walked towards Vapid one step at a time. He was lying there covered in blood and bruises. His eyes were filled with tears.

I looked aside to see the spirit river all dried up. Vapid covered his eyes using his arm and said:"I did it again ". I wanted to say it wasn't his fault. But my voice won't come out. I was still shivering. The island started shaking. It was being pulled downwards. It will sink within 8 minutes. The island will be under water soon. Vapid got up, staggering. He was struggling to move. I sat beside him. He looked into the sky and called Piki. But she never came. Her life force was taken. The trees around us disappeared into the air as dust.

Vapid said that he was scared to see Piki gone. Tears welled up in his eyes. He was still looking to the sky. He wiped the tears with his hands and looked at me trying to smile. His smile was filled with pain.

He said with his trembling but warm voice:"Gabria, I'm really glad to be able to meet you. I'm sorry for causing you trouble and thank you for everything. Please Gabria, fly away from here and find a way to escape. At least save yourself. And I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill my promise to find a way to your home. So go. "

I shook my head in refusal. He shouted and told me to go. He said that I will disappear too if I stayed any longer. I didn't wanted to leave Vapid behind. I tried to take him and fly. But I was too weak.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was useless. Vapid wiped away those tears with his hand. His hand was cold as ice. But I could feel the warmth of his kindness. He again apologized again for breaking his promise. "It's okay". I managed to say at least that. My voice was trembling. I never thought that I will disappear so soon. Not when I met Vapid. Water was about to swallow us. Within 5 seconds the island will sink.

5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... 0

I hugged Vapid as tightly as I can.He held onto me. I could feel the cold water. Everything went blank.