
It was warm.And pitch black. I was lying on something soft. Where am I? I opened my eyes and looked around to see myself in a room. I was lying on a soft bed. How did I got here? I had no idea.I got up and sat upright.

Then the door in front of me opened. I saw a girl standing there. She had silver, silky hair. Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds. She looked a little older than me. I was terrified. Is she from G-corporation? She came near me and told me not to worry. Her name is Luna. I was still scared of her.She showed me her hand. A silver circle with a star in the middle. She was the lunar priestess. I calmed down a bit.

She told me that she saw me and Vapid lying down in the forest, unconscious. So she took us home. That's right. What happened to Vapid? I jumped out of bed and tried to walk. But a sudden pain shot through my ankle. It must be when I twisted it. I looked down to see it covered in bandages. Luna treated my wounds. But I was worried about Vapid.I told Luna to take me to Vapid.

She lend me her shoulder and helped me walk. We crossed my room to the hall and then to another room near by. I couldn't walk properly. Every step was painful. We entered the room and saw Vapid lying there on a bed. He was covered in bandages from head to feet. His chest was bandaged too. I hope it didn't affected the heart. He was still unconscious. I went near him and sat on a chair beside his bed. I placed my hands on his hand. It was cold. I held it and raised it towards my cheeks. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Why did it happened to us? Luna came near me and kept her warm hands on my shoulders. She comforted me:"It will be fine. He will wake up soon". I took her hand and cried my heart our. She stood there holding me. She felt like an older sister to me.


4 days passed after the incident on the island. I'm getting along well with Luna. Luna is very kind and friendly. We're still staying at her house. Vapid still hasn't woke up. Every day I stay by his side.

Luna always manages to give me hope. She lives alone in Rendeztarian town. When I ask her about her parents she manages to change the topic. It's like she don't want to talk about them.

We don't know who saved us from the sea. We were talking today and asked Luna whether I will stay as a ghost for my entire life. Luna was surprised and said :"Well, you're really not a ghost."My eyes were wide open. She continued :"Ghosts are souls who abandoned their bodies for eternity. But it's different in case of you, Gabria. I can sense life forces of living beings. Ghosts have a really weak life force, almost negligible. But your life force is as strong as a normal human being. Your soul was extracted by force. If you use the suitable resurrection magic you can go back to your body. Luckily, I know the magic. "

I was filled with happiness and excitement. I asked if she could do it now. She shook her head in refusal and said :"The magic can only be performed at Comet mountain. And no one know where it is ". I was a bit sad. But I told Luna not to worry. I'm fine the way I am. I thought that I will go and check how's Vapid and entered his room.

He was still lying on the bed. I went and sat near him. He was pale and weak. His wounds were healing. Luna uses her healing magic on him every day. He's healing fast. But why won't he wake up? What if he never wakes up? Tears rolled down my cheeks and fell on Vapid's weak hands.

Vapid slowly opened his eyes and looked around. I called out for Luna. Luna rushed into the room. Vapid looked towards me and called out my name gently. I was overjoyed. He got up and sat upright.

He looked at me and tried to smile. I introduced Luna to him and talked about how I have a chance of getting my body back. Suddenly Luna said, remembering something :"I forgot to tell you something. I have the map to comet mountain. It is the family heirloom passed down by generations". I was speechless and sat there with my mouth wide open. Without wasting a moment Luna went outside the room with the door closing behind her. I didn't know how to react.

Vapid turned to me and asked whether I was hurt. I shook my head saying I'm fine. Vapid was worried. He yelled at me:"Why did you jumped in between the battlefield? You were almost killed. "I told him that I was worried and just wanted to save him. He breathed a sigh. He patted my head and said:"Promise me you will never do that again. "

I said:"I won't promise you. I just can't stand aside and see you get hurt. So I will jump between battles again and again if it can save you. I... I thought that you would die back there. " Tears welled up in my eyes. "I don't want to lose you":I said. Vapid wiped the tears from my eyes.

At that time, Luna entered the room with the map. She saw Vapid wiping my tears. She stood at the door and said :"I think I'm disturbing someone. Gee hee hee. "What was that gee hee hee? And she was making a strange face while saying that.

We tried our best to tell her that it was a misunderstanding. But she wasn't ready to hear us out. I could see Vapid blushing. His face was red. Was I blushing too? My face was warm.Luna said that I look like a tomato. I covered my face. After a long time, she claimed that it was a misunderstanding.

Then, she opened the map and spread it before us. It was a scroll. We leaned forward to look what was in there. Something was written in it. We tried to read what it was. But we couldn't. It was like random letters scattered all over the page. Luna said that the script was written in code language.

Vapid tried to cheer me up saying that we will find a way to figure it out. I nodded. We talked for a long time. But Vapid space out most of the time. He must be feeling sad and lonely after what happened at the island. I want to help him. But I don't know how.