A storm is raging

2 weeks passed after Luna saved us. We're still trying to decipher the map. But Vapid seems sad lately. He doesn't eat much lately. I'm worried about him.

It was evening when I was trying to understand the map with Luna. Vapid was in the room. We were referring to some books. It was quiet until an unexpected storm struck us. We acted fast and took cover under the table. The wind was too sharp. It destroyed everything in it's way. It tore open the house's roof. Everything in the house flew here and there. We were barely standing on the floor.

Then we heard a sharp loud cry. It was piercing my ears. I closed my ears with both my hands. It felt like my ears were bleeding. We were struggling because of the storm and the strange cries.

Suddenly the storm calmed down and everything was on the ground again. We looked at each other, baffled. We heard the cries again and looked up to see something flying above us. There were two strange birds. They didn't had beaks. They were dark coloured and their wings looked more like that of a bat. They only had one eye on their forehead. Their cries were so sharp that I felt dizzy.

Vapid banged opened the door and came running. He looked at the birds fiercely. Gnashing his teeth he said:"Wind wings". He stood before me. Water gushed from his hand and it solidified into a water sword. He said : "Wind wings are one eyed birds who can control the wind at their will. They are the ones who caused the storm. And worst, they are one of the army animals of G-corporation and very strong one too. "

Were they after me and Vapid? Suddenly I started feeling tired. It was like my magic was being absorbed. Vapid said to me: "Beware of them. They feed on magic around them. "

We had no choice but to take them down. Vapid was commanding our battle. He told me to make a bow. I stretched my shadow and raised towards my hand. It was tough. But I tried my best to shape it into a bow using my mind. I solidified it to create the shadow bow. I stretched my shadow again and solidified it into an arrow. I stretched the bow and started to aim. Vapid told me to shoot at its eyes. It was hard for me to hit moving objects. I missed my first and second try. Luckily the third one hit them.They fell down with a thud. Vapid slashed on their eyes one after the other. Their cries were more sharp and loud now. It was almost night. Luna raised her hands. A sphere of silver light rotated in her hands. It gave shape and solidified into a lunar gun. Luna shot it at the birds. We closed our ears. My head arched from their cries. Vapid hastily told me to cast the shadow shield. I stretched my shadow and used it to cover myself, Vapid and Luna. In an instant, the wind wings exploded. I could feel the strong impact on my shield. I barely held it in place. Vapid said that the birds explode themselves when they are at the verge of death to take down the enemy with them. A loyal servant of G-corporation.

I released my shield and turned around to see Luna's house totally destroyed. But Luna was trying her best to keep the map safe. I was touched by her kindness. I felt sorry for her and apologised. G-corporation probably attacked us because we were here.

Then, Vapid said: "You're not at fault Gabria. G-corporation wants me. So you don't have to apologize. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. " His head was down when he said this. Vapid was definitely hiding something. How does he know so much about G-corporation? I asked what he was hiding.

Vapid turned and started to walk away. He said:"Just leave it. I don't want anyone else to be hurt because of me. I'm better off dead. " What's wrong with him?

I couldn't control myself. I ran after him. I pulled him by the hand and slapped him on his face. He looked surprised. I called him an idiot again and again. I yelled : "What do you think you're doing? Stop running away from everything. Do you think everything will become fine if you die? Then you're wrong. I already told you. I'm not letting you die. You're important to me. If you weren't with me I won't be here now". My hands were shaking.

I looked at Vapid and saw his sapphire eyes filled with tears. He embraced me tightly. I was surprised. He was cold and trembling. He was releasing all of his pent up emotions. He whispered in his parched trembling voice:" I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough to protect anyone. My family, friends everyone died because of me. I'm useless. " I slowly patted his head and said : "There's nothing to worry. I will always stay by your side". He moved apart from me and looked me in my eyes. His eyes were still wet. He said :"I believe you. So I'll tell you everything I know about G-corporation.

I think Luna was suffocated by this I emotional situation. She came near us and asked:"Can I bring popcorn then? " I punched her on the head. She turned and smiled carelessly. This made Vapid laugh so hard. He was better than before. He thanked Luna and started revealing the secrets of G-corporation.