Danger again?

It's been a month since the wind wings attacked. We're still living at Luna's house. We help her in household chores. She earns money by selling the clay sculptures she make. The role of the trader is done by Vapid though. We bought new clothes for everyone. Vapid looked cool in his new clothes. He couldn't go out in his rags. We couldn't decipher the map even a bit. But I feel comfortable when I'm with Vapid and Luna.

I wonder how mom, dad and brother is doing. The news about earthquakes and storms in Petrify town, my hometown are increasing. But there are no traces of an earthquake or storm in Rendeztarian town.

As usual, Luna sent Vapid to the market for selling and buying stuffs. But today I'm going with him as the goods were too much for a single person. This is the first time I'm going to the market in this town. I must help Luna as much as I can as a gratitude for letting us stay. The way to the market is through a small forest. We call it a forest but there are barely any wild animals. All we can see are some birds or rabbits. I like that place surrounded by trees, covered in flowers and fruits.

We crossed the forest and reached the market. It is a huge place with lots of shops of dresses, jewelries, and many food items. I could see a lot of customers. Vapid told me not to get lost and entered the shops. I followed him.

The shopkeepers were very friendly to Vapid wherever we went. Some of them even gave him special discounts. Of course they can't see me. They weren't even surprised to see me carry the bags. I mean they saw the bags floating in air. They thought that it was Vapid's magic. What creeped me out was that a bunch of girls were following us until we left the town. Well I know that Vapid is cool. I looked at Vapid. He turned to me with a smile and told to ignore them. I guess he was used to this.

Today seemed to be a peaceful day until we reached the forest. The atmosphere was strange and eerie. I couldn't see any difference. But it felt strange.

We were walking when Vapid told me to stay on my guard. He said that he could sense strong magic around. It could be demons. My heart started to beat faster. I was afraid to hear the word 'demon'.

We both dropped the groceries. Water gushed from Vapid's hand and it solidified into the water sword. I stretched my shadows and crafted a shadow bow and arrows out of it. We walked a bit ahead, cautiously. We were ready for an attack from any direction. I turned to my side to see a large number of stone pillars standing in a queue on both sides leading deep into the forest. They weren't there when we were going to the market. How did they came here? And such a large number of them. I followed the path between the pillars. Vapid ran behind me shouting to me to not to go alone.

We ran and ran and reached deep into the forest where light barely entered. In the middle of the forest there stood a rock pillar much larger than the others. Under the pillar we saw someone lying down, covered in bruises and cuts. He was unconscious. Was he alive? We went near him. Vapid bent down and checked his pulse. He was barely alive. We decided to take him to Luna. She might be able to cure him. He was a bit older than us. He had brown hair and was wearing torn out rags which was covered in blood. Blood still oozed from the freshly cut wounds on his skin. He had a symbol with brown circle with a star in the middle. He was the earth priest. Without wasting a second, Vapid carried him on his back and started to run towards Luna's house. Suddenly, the rock pillars around us turned into dust and disappeared. We looked at each other, baffled.

But first we must save him. We ran towards Luna's house with all our might. The bushes around us started to move. We stooped on our path. Suddenly, a something jumped out from the bushes. A gigantic violet cobra! It was as big as me. It was creepy. The earth priest was struggling to breath. It isn't good. If we don't hurry he might die. And the cobra is blocking our way. Something squeezed my heart. I don't wanna witness any more deaths. I don't have any choice but to take it down.

I aimed my shadow bow at it and shot an arrow. But it was faster than I thought. It dodged my attacks and jumped towards me. It plunged its sharp teeth into my flesh. My hand was severely injures. Blood oozed out from my wound. Everything around me started to become blurry. I felt dizzy. I was in agony. The snake poisoned me.

Vapid came in front of me and locked the cobra in the water cage. I asked him, why did he interfered? He said to me: " I just can't stand aside and see you get hurt. So I will jump between battles again and again if it can save you." It made me really happy.

Vapid took my hand and we started to run towards Luna's house as fast as we could. Vapid was carrying the earth priest. He kept telling me not to give up. But was really weak. The poison was taking its effect.

After sometime, Luna's house came into vision. We ran towards it. I could barely run. I was panting heavily and my vision was all blurry. Vapid thrust opened the door. Luna came running. Then my body gave up. I saw the floor hitting my face. Then it was pitch black.

I could hear something but I couldn't figure out what it was. I could feel someone lifting me up with his warm hands. I felt safe and comfortable in those arms. I could hear a faint sound of heart beating. Then slowly my pain reduced and reduced and kept reducing. After sometime, when my pain was totally gone I opened my eyes. My body was still weak. I looked around to see myself leaning on Vapid's chest. I felt secure. I couldn't move my body. Vapid was helping me to sit upright. I could hear his heart beating fast.

I asked about the earth priest and Luna said that she cured him and was sleeping in the room. We told Luna about what happened in the forest. Luna said too that it was strange to see a cobra there. Thanks to Vapid and Luna I'm fine. Strength returned to my body and I sat upright on my own. Luna said that we could count on her for curing. We are really lucky to have her around.