
Days passed. Little by little, Luna cured the earth priest. But why was he injured? What was he doing in the forest? It was all a mystery.

We are still trying to decipher the map. But we never got any clue. Then we heard a loud noise from the room where the earth priest was sleeping. Something fell down. We rushed into the room. We saw the earth priest standing there, baffled.

The moment he saw us he started to panic. He shouted at us saying not to follow him. The rocks from outside gathered around his arms and stocked together into an earth gauntlet. He was going to attack. But I don't wanna fight.

Luna stepped forward. The earth priest glared at her. Luna raised her hand to show him the lunar symbol. She said with a gentle voice and a warm smile :"Don't worry. We are your comrades. " The earth priest looked at her symbol, then at her face and calmed down. The rocks fell from his hands and flew outside. He sat on the bed and Sid that he mistook us for someone else.

His name was Hadean. He had brown eyes. He was a gentle person. He was really thankful to us for saving him. I don't know how many times he thanked Luna for curing him. We asked what he was doing in the forest. Hadean looked around and asked with a worried face: "Have you seen Veson anywhere? "

We looked at each other, confused. Who was Veson? By the look of our face I think he understood we didn't know about Veson. Hadean said : "Veson is my friend. We travel the world together. But we separated when I entered the forest. " Hadean looked sad and furious at the same time.

Vapid stepped forward and asked what he was doing in the forest. Hadean's expression darkened. He answered : "Thanks to G-corporation". "G- corporation?! " The three of us yelled at the same time. Hadean was surprised. Hadean continued : "Yeah them. G-corporation is trying to resurrect the dragons of destruction. They want to rule the world using the dragon's power. They've invented a device that can control the minds of living beings using artificial waves generated by it. They call it G. M. T or 'Goblin's Mind Tuner'. The ressurection is about to be complete. It is the source of the earthquakes and storms in Petrify town. If the dragons are resurrected the world will collapse. "

An eerie silence crept over the room. Hadean continued : "I heard the G-corporation soldiers talking about this and they caught me. I was thrown into the prison for two weeks without food. They were planning to use me in their plan. But Veson and I managed to escape somehow. They kept on firing arrows at me. I was gravely injured but we managed to escape. Days and nights I wandered without food and water. At last I collapsed at the forest where you found me. "

He had a hard time. We didn't know what to say to him. Hadean jumped up from the bed and shouted : "Quick! We have to find all the remaining priests before its too late. Including me, Luna, Vapid and Gabria, we have four. We need to find the other six. Then only we can stop G-corporation. "

He was dead serious. We must stop G-corporation. Without saying a word, Luna went outside. Where did she go? After sometime, she came back with a plate in her hand. She came near us and handed it over to Hadean, saying :"By hearing your story, I understood that you're hungry. First eat this and then we will save the world. "

Hadean was touched by her kindness. He started crying and thanking Luna at the same time. Without wasting a second, he started eating. He gulped it down at once and asked more. Luna went to take some more. Hadean was really starving.

Now we had to look for the other six priests. "But where will we find them? ":I asked Vapid. We can't wander aimlessly. Then, Hadean interfered: "One is in Lava town. I heard it from one of the soldiers of G-corporation. "

We all turned towards Hadean. But he continued eating. Then it was set. We will go to Lava town. Luna decided to start our journey after three days from now. Me and Vapid was in charge of buying necessary goods. We had to buy Hadean a new set of clothes too. His current one is all torn up. Hadean seemed to have calmed down and was laughing and smiling with us.