Chapter 1: Special

world's doomed to self destruction either by its resource deprived soil and war.

Mourning sky rises over the curved face of the earth lighting up the corpses that lie rotting on its ground of ages so young it would rot the sanity of all that looked at it - the centre grounds - a battle ground located on an artificial island in the middle of the four nations, it had vegetation, animals, ponds/lakes and rivers but this island was far far from normal as it's grounds contained the majority of the nation's dead population and those dead remained unburied and uncared for. The vegetation wasn't natural either the trees were laid out numerically without fail

Menglo felt her eyes flutter as if ordering her awake she lie on the field voices shouting, piercing her ears as blood loomed unclean from previous battles, she demanded her legs to move but nothing would respond she focused on the power she knew she had but it never came... silence.

The ground seemed to vibrate beneath her gradually increasing in its ferocity until the ground was beating revealing A man that easily towered her his face shadowed beyond recognition feet tearing trees and leaving craters were his foot laid, if he wanted he could squish her in under a second and not notice the crushing of her bone. His left heel landed just in front sending a blast of air with it and at the moment she knew were his foot would land. On her

The cold air nibbled at her skin and the warmth sucked away with it, she was desperately trying to retain what little she had left. A voice called it was like her mum's but that was impossible her mum was at home, it called again but louder and more footsteps penetrated her ears had the man not seen her and walked on somehow? No. it was definitely her mum, she was on her way up to get her but from where? she couldn't have come to the island, only the nation's kings 'n' queens knew where that was -and a select other few- so how was she kneeling there shaking her in panic saying words that blurred out before they reached her ears. Once again she demanded her body to move but without success.

It got colder almost at an instant the voices became louder but less in a panic and more in agitation, why was she angry? Everything went red but not in anger or fear more like when light shines on closed eyes. Her eyes blinked and the world transformed into a room with posters layering the walls some had rock bands others martial arts; beside the bed she lay on was a small white bedside table with a family portrait; a single light dangled from the ceiling surrounded by a red lampshade and finally her mum she had a rare red hair that covered her face slightly but somehow maintained a professional aura due to her Matt black suit and tie she had a sort of body that the boys would see and say "i'll bang her any day", she was well quite annoyed understandably so, her alarm clock read 08:32 and she was extremely late for school, it had been a dream and one she had every night - not exactly the same but she'd always die or be about to die at the end.

She willed herself up and to her please her body listened, for another wasteful 10 minutes her mum ranted on about the importance of punctuality, once she realised that Menglo had stopped listening altogether she excused herself to work leaving Menglo to her last minuet school sprint, but first she needed clothes - she'd rather not excite the boys... - she pulled a top over her shining red hair down to her waist and trousers both had a futuristic style colour and bared its well known logo a pawn piece from a chess board in a rather fancy hexagon, all uniform was skin tight yet extremely flexible and didn't restrict movement at all. her shoes were no different but still were fairly comfortable as well. Lastly she skied down the rail of the stairs and burst into the kitchen and grabbed the pre-made toast her mum had generously made before leaving and left the house. The outside was no different to how it was before the nuclear war - well except from the mind readers, flying people and half beasts that roamed beside her casually - she sprinted down the street not willing to wait for the bus, she only had 10 minutes before the bell went off signalling the start of the school day. Finally she smiled she'd just made it to the gates with minutes to spare but only for a brief moment she still had to get to class in the maze of a school. The school was ordinary well as ordinary as a child committing murder that is, so pretty normal to them. Sector Three Academy - widely known as S.T.A - was huge for a secondary school, it held big signs on each and everyone of it's walls each one read the exact same thing and appalled all that looked upon it. All that gazed on it would see what a disgrace the world had become

For one it took too long to read but that didn't matter. What mattered was that she knew she'd end up there day in - day out. Summer holiday was nearing and her first year at the wretched school was almost finished. The worst thing was that her ability hadn't developed yet although her insignia had and was by far the weirdest ever seen; it covered her entire chest like an out of control collage of all sorts of patterns twining together beautifully; but, that weren't all it pulsated red like it was alive, unrecognisable symbols dotted around it and at the centre was a dragon crest. Most insignia were small, about the size of your palm, on the arms and  in a pentagonal shape, usually showing a image related to the ability it had. For example if it had flames designed on it, the bearer would usually have some sort of flame in their ability but never in the way expected. One thing was for certain though the bigger the insignia is the stronger the power the bearer will have.