Chapter 2: The Power Behind The Insignia

First period was Maths with Mr. lathos and he often batted a evil eye her way but other than that nothing really worth mentioning happened. Next was English, her favorite, she loved to write as it was pretty much the only thing she had the freedom to do; but things didn't go so well... Mrs. Triss had broken a leg and so a supply was needed, usually a good thing, so as if laughing in her face Mrs. Kerin marched in immediately silencing the class.

"I see a decent number of specials in here. hmm pathetic looking i'll have to fix that next year..." Mrs. Kerin scowled

"Am I to understand you're to retake the exams you miserable lot failed so disgracefully at?" She inquired

"Well? Will someone answer or are you too dumb to do so?"

An student, at first glance obviously terrified and justifiably so, stood and almost inaudibly said "y-yes w-we are Miss" and sat as fast as possible as to avoid any further attention. 

"yes? yes what? yes your too dumb to answer or yes you're to retake SPEAK CLEARLY" she growled back.

Menglo decided to respond without her usual sarcasm "miss we are to retake the tests..." Miss Kerin sneered at her but accepted the answer, Menglo knew the lesson was not going to go well.

The class although a bit shaken up got on with their rewrite pretty well and some finished early, Menglo included. The remaining time until the the end of the lesson was about 20 minutes so she just rested her head on the table; she was suddenly awoken by pain, not just any pain, the sort that usually people pass out from; she cried out in pain hands cradling her chest in search for comfort. She barely managed to raise a hand to call over the teacher, although despised by practically everyone Miss Kerin wasn't evil, just overly strict and so immediately called for the school nurse to come and collect her. When she finally arrived the pain had increased by the equivalence of a spark to a nuke completely overwhelming her, it wasn't only pain, she was sweltering and sweating like ice in an oven; the nurse encouraged her to stand but her voice was distant like someone shouting at the end of a long tunnel. She understood what she asked but couldn't comply her body felt like it weighed tonnes. While looking at the nurses in an attempt to refocus herself, she found it futile and soon passed out.

She awoke in a white bed and clothes the pain faded but still near unbearable she was in the schools first aid room it, was huge which was to be expected as people of had fights on more life threatening levels than most, the nurse was busy typing away at her desk until she noticed the Menglo had awoke: a frown appeared. She approached Menglo with a the look of bad news plastered on her face like red paint on a white wall; it was obvious something was wrong.

"How are you feeling?" inquired the nurse

"In short? it hurts, a lot" she replied

The nurse said nothing more after that, she simply lifted the white shirt that had been placed on her; and the pain seared back in full, no worse than before, the shirt and trousers seemed to have restrained the pain somehow. The nurse still said not a word but pointed insistently at the nearby mirror opposite the sick bed, hesitantly she approached it, what she saw wasn't the usual giant insignia but something far stranger and far far bigger. The weird symbols had changed and glowed red hot literally, the patterns seemed to have expanded further down and even to her back leaving two spaces clear at the top and one near the bottom all of which had a new set of unknown symbols circling them; the rest of her body remained the same but burned not much less. The pulsing hadn't ceased either rather it had increased stemming from the dragon symbol and spread throughout the patterns like blood through veins. Each pulse brought more pain than the last until it was to much again and she was swept back to sleep.

Every was dark; the sky seemed to circle around her and when she looked harder the symbols painted the sky in rings that spun in reverse to each other. The area was like a scene out of a medieval movie but much darker and finally drawing her attention to the centre was horrified by the sight, unsure whether to be afraid or sympathetic towards such a sight; cautiously she approached and found her feet heated by red hot symbols below. Whatever it was, it was alive; and aware that it's slumber had been disturbed and turned to face it's awake. As the creature turned the sound of chains rattling filled the seemingly infinite area and finally her eyes allowed to see properly among the darkness revealing clawed flesh, shredded skin, and other injuries jotted around its body. It was obviously angry and Menglo had seen enough horror movies to know what would happen next and so she spun around and went to run..

"WAIT!! WHO ARE YOU?!?!" it bellowed out echoing in the void like area.

Menglo was terrified but still managed to reply somehow"I-I'm I'm..."

She couldn't finish as the fear was too great


"M-Menglo... m-my name's M-Menglo..." she stuttered still terrified.


Menglo's fear slowly faded once realizing that Azura wasn't able to move due to these weird symbols and chain like patterns that enticed it, having figured this, she once again approached to imposing figure to see just what it was. Up close the injuries only looked worse gashes all across its body and giant breasts... breasts? It was a female?

"Wh-what are you?" Menglo questioned.


Having taken a better look she was huge, at least tripled her in size and realized that she did indeed have scales instead of skin, black with the same symbols of red that resided on her very own skin. She resembled a lizard person but more muscular and bigger not to mention the obvious red and black tail and wings that she spread in pride when she noticed Menglo was looking at them. Her face was the only feature hidden in from her but still her eyes glowed a luminous green with a depth-less slit inside. (A/N like toothless when mad)

"Where is this place?" inquired Menglo with added confidence.

Azura thought for a second before seemingly shrinking to her height.

"I'm not sure as to 'where' this is but I do know it links to you"

Menglo could only look dumbfounded at the sight of this shrinking her face was reptilian but not as scary as she had perceived it to be. The gashes and shredded skin retracted to mere scars and she also seemed younger now; less like a strict granny and more like a annoying little sister that acts all high class. Her voice was softer as well but carried the same threat as before;

"Let me see your chest... I need to confirm something..."

Finally realizing she was completely naked


Azura was taken back and seemed visibly.... pissed the heck off.


"Umm... I guess?" Menglo shyly replied.

She revealed her chest fully to Azura and as she did the symbols glowed a more fiery red and they seemed to pulsate with Azura's symbols in unison.

"you're... YOU'RE THE ONE!!! YOU'RE THE F***ING ONE!!!" she smiled like an over excited teenager, but, before another word was spoken the area imploded inwards revealing the white bed sheets around her in of the first aid room.