Chapter 3: The Dragon Species

Menglo stood up feeling the cold laminate floor kiss her feet; she checked her insignia it was red still and the symbols were rotating around it but slowing down and eventually came to a stop again but, the usual pulsing hadn't. She called for the nurse with the intent to share the dream she just had but then a alien thought appeared in hear mind.


Stunned by the voice that had invaded her mind she didn't see the nurse come in who noticed the shock painted on her face and went to find out; she looked up to find it wasn't the nurse but her best friend Freya who she played with from before school existed to them, she already knew of the crazy patterns and symbols and had been there when the insignia had expanded. Could she tell her? No too risky to drag her into something possibly life threatening: she'd simply stay quiet.

"What's bugging you Mego" as she always called her.

"Nothing just a bad dream..." she replied still trying to collect her thoughts.

"Hmmm... fine I'll leave it but don't say I didn't try to find out..." giggled Freya

"I'm gonna head home early so i'll see you tomo yeah, so Imma cut" said Freya mocking the slang words.

Menglo pointed her hands and said poshly "Slang does not suit you young lady but yes i'll see you tomorrow" not trying to hide her laughter.

About an half an hour later her mum had arrived looking like the usual badass CEO she was wearing tinted black shades and the best suit money could buy she was a rich mum, but never brought the 'rich mum' act home; you'd probably think them two different people. Usually the big busy mum would be furious at the time off work taken to pick up a sick or injured child but not Sarah, she was completely fuming that she took half an hour to get to the school ranting about the stupid traffic delays due to some pyro mistake with a flame user who had delayed her from taking her precious daughter safely home and away from prying eyes.

She got back to the house exhausted from the experience she just had and collapsed onto her bed. "You really should eat more" said a muffled voice

"Azura? That you AGAIN" she responded

"Yes , we resonated so now I can speak through the insignia" she replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" Menglo screamed

"Hush we don't need people to find out of this trust me. The last person that did...." and began to mumble.

"Last person what?!? What happened? What am I involved with" she demanded.

"Calm down and talk in your mind. Fine i'll tell about the one who resonated with me before you. His name was john, he was a... nice guy... I trusted him deeply but seems he did not trust me. He'd been writing notes without looking at them as not to let me find out"

"Find out what?" inquired Menglo.

"Be patient! The notes were for the government... they came at random one day with the entire army force... I told him to run but he said.. 'I deserve it... dropping the most recent note he just finished'... " Azura's voice trailed off and the pain behind it was obvious. Was this the same ferocious dragon that nearly caused her to piss herself?

"What did it say?" she asked with a more sympathetic tone.

"....Not yet she watching don't attack yet... he didn't finish the rest as the army had already filled him with holes..." Azura's voice had lost its power and Menglo could feel her emotions pouring out and the reasons behind them. She'd been betrayed by the one she loved.

Menglo knew not to speak and now had trust in Azura knowing of her pains but she knew she had to find out the reason she had a dragon inside her.

"I wanna know what i'm involved with. What I am? What you are? I have so many questions... just tell me everything.." requested Menglo almost heartlessly.

"I know you're scared... honestly I am too so i'll drop the high and mighty act for now... You are a dragon kin... It means you're going to become a dragon Like me one day except with freedom... I lost that after..." she dramatically trailed off mumbling... Again...

"After what? stop dramatically trailing off!" she snapped

"OK sheesh... About 2-3 millennia ago.." Menglo interrupted

"Wait Wait millennia ago?!? How freaking old are you?" exclaimed Menglo

"...You want me to tell the story or not?" obviously avoiding the question.

"Fine go on"she mumbled.

"As I was saying, around 3 millennia ago I was a free dragon that could soar the skies and roam the ground below it was peaceful until my brother came. He loved destruction. Not just him but many others to, but he was the worst of them. The humans had given us a warning not to destroy anything more on their island, but he didn't listen. I tried to stop him but he was a alpha and at least 10 time stronger than me so when I did, it was completely futile. He killed thousands and destroyed their villages in cold blood. The elders were furious and used some sort of technology to cage us within the surviving few; we outnumbered the survivors by the billion so they were spread across the globe. But somehow I wasn't affected as much and wasn't sealed fully like the rest. This is what gave you humans the 'special' abilities you have today as the dragons although sealed didn't die. You see we give birth in very different way to how normal creatures do; we select certain creatures that possess the developed dragon insignia much like yours and evolve them to our kind but during sealing they lost the ability to resonate with creatures and even to choose who their host was and thus ending in normal people and so only our abilities were given to you not our genes nor our voice or knowledge. There are many different abilities as i'm sure you know of; Although i'm not fully sealed even choosing a host had cost me many scars and injuries to my soul. Finally I found someone after 3 centuries and was betrayed and since I couldn't trust man again, but you're the first female dragon kin I've seen since the first sealing of dragons."

It was a lot to take in; the mystery of the specials was unknown to all but then how'd they know of Azura? Was everything she was told true?