Chapter 4: Training Starts

Before she could respond to such a story her mother intruded into her room with panic in her eyes.

"What?!?! What's wrong" asked Meglo in a panic

"Your insignia grew!! That ain't normal you know... What if your a cursed special?!?" the fear was clear in her throat as she swallowed and she tried to hold back the tears that obviously were held up in her eyes. Menglo calmed as she no longer thought that it might be the men that killed the host before her.

"Mom it's fine.. Really.."assured Menglo

"Menglo s-she knows about me somehow she knows..." whispered Azura

"What do you mean?" she replied whilst her mom ranted on about all the bad things that could happen if she were a cursed special.

"I can tell who knows about me or not by seeing them; don't ask me how i just do. Even i don't understand it" responded Azura.

"Should I ask her about you?" queried Menglo.

"Hell no; I need to see if she won't attempt to turn us in as you'll both probably die as a result... it's happened many times now... too many times." Azura stopped talking after that as Menglo's mom had finished explaining about the dangers of a cursed special.

"Mom... MOM! I won't become a cursed special"

"I won't right Azura?" she inquired.

"Ummmm..... It heavily depends on your ability to handle my power; after all I am the sister of the alpha dragon and so am stronger than all other dragons but nothing more than a fence to jump over in his his eyes. So yeah if you can't handle my power that's more than any other special in existence then you'll end up as a 'cursed special' as stupid name it may be it is accurate...."

"Menglo? Helloooo??" said Menglo's mom attempting to gain back her attention from the daze she was trapped in.

"Wha? Ohh! Sorry kinda fell into a daze there" She responded still taken back by the news she heard. Her mother sighed and decided it best to just drop the subject for now.

"Well get some sleep you go to school again tomorrow; no objections" she stared with her down with those cat like florescent green eyes that penetrated her soul and left the room; as suggested she collapsed on to her bed sheets.

"No more talking just sleep..." murmured Menglo as to ensure she wasn't disturbed anymore.

And so clenching the warmth of the thick quilt that had at once trapped her like bait and allowed herself to sleep for about 10 minutes before finding herself once again back in the medieval space she'd met Azura in. She immediately walked to to centre where Azura stood.

"Why?" is all Menglo said.

"You need to train, plus I enjoy taking your time" Menglo grunted "My power is not going to remain dormant it'll simply grow beyond what you can handle and consume you" stated Azura.

"I'LL DIE?!?!" She panicked.

"Only if you don't learn to control it before that insignia fully covers your body. Think yourself lucky i'm here else you'd die anyway" replied Azura.

"Then let's start already!!"


Azura shrunk to her height and moved her hands along the patterned chain and symbols as she done this they ceased their glow and fell to the floor; she walked over to Menglo and touched her chest right on the dragon crest the scales had an ice touch that stripped her of warmth; she began chanting strange words 'nabith areal corrak hemord morecule and one other that seemed to disappear every time in the air before reaching her. The Symbols moved in corresponding circles like a lock opening, the pulses sped up and started to ripple like a droplet on motionless lake; her lungs burned like black flames and the 3 circles on her back felt as though they were being shredded with blunt claws slowly yet successively; the circles rotated, slow at first but eventually picked up speed, forcing the skin itself to rip like a drill burying in her skin. The pain she felt was tremendous and unrelenting as the mysterious circles etched into her shoulder blades and lower spine. The pain all but vanished but she still could not bring a word out.

"This is only the beginning to true pain lies ahead" Azura said.

"The.. THERE EXISTS MORE PAIN THAN THIS?!?" exhaustion clear in hear voice.

"Let me explain what I have done... and none of the teenage interrupting nonsense... anyway you.." .

Menglo interrupted Azura "RANDOM TEENAGE INTERRUPTION!" she mocked while laughing.

"God even after that you joke?? I know of people that died during that millennias ago..ughhhh.. You see what I did was unlock your insignia, in your terms your 'special' was unlocked, my power dragon shift as someone called it once. Pitiful but better than nothing, In the past I was one of the strongest because of it. The ability to copy a dragon completely not just in looks or style but their abilities too. As I've already told you the host or 'special' has the ability of the dragon sealed inside and so you have the ability to copy another's special but not their forms as they aren't dragons and the more complex the ability the harder it is to copy. For example I'd have no chance copying my brothers black elements they out power me with ease..."

"You explain to much..."Complained Menglo

"And You're annoying but i ain't complaining" scowled Azura

"Enough chat Let's begin" commanded Azura

The room seemed to change and reshape into a more modern looking training room. Here she would train her mind using physical methods such as running although this wouldn't affect her endurance to run in reality but would increase her mental capacity to withstand the overwhelming power. The real physical training would follow in the morning. Menglo couldn't help but shudder.

"Training starts now"