After training for 5 more months Eric now has full control over his strings and his observation haki has increase to 15 meters.
Eric:"Now that I am 5 and my Observation haki and strings are at a good level let's work on something else."
Opening the ring Eric looks at the armament haki manual but decides to work on it later since his body is strong enough for now. Then he looks over to the 10 foot blood red spear.
Eric: "Gae Bolg." He whispers
Eric grabs Gae bolg along with lancers suit and earrings before closing the ring. Eric puts on the suit and it shrinks to his sizes then the long sliver earrings (look up images of [lancer fate/stay type moon] he looks like that but a kid instead of adult). He grabs Gae Bolg and leaves towards the mountain.
Eric arrives at the mountain and starts practicing spear moments for some reason as soon as he touched Gae Bolg a bunch of spear combos and movements came into his head.
After training with Gae Bolg for 6 months he can now wield it like a master spearman but wants to test out its FULL capabilities. He runs deep into the mountain in search for a worthy opponent.
Eric has become the king of this area as he has scared off all the monster and animals in it. He runs around until he spots a gigantic 15 foot bear, he smirks and stops.
Eric: "You are the perfect target for my training."
Eric starts to spin the spear around and slashes some trees showing its power. He starts running towards the bear and strikes but the bear uses its claws to parry the attack. As they start to engage in fierce combat the land below their feet starts to crack.
Eric dodges two attacks from the bear and sweeps the bear's feet. As the bear starts to fall Eric swings his spear slashing across the bears chest.
The bear screams in pain and becomes enraged.
The bear starts to swing wildly and hits Eric's left arm. Eric jumps back and looks at his arm his blood starts to pump even more and he screams.
Eric: "Ahahaha YES YES! This is it, this is what I live for. Now bear take my final attack let's see who is really stronger."
Saying that Eric plants his feet into the ground and jumps backwards into the sky. When Eric reaches past tree height he cocks his arm back as far as he can and a red aura starts bursting out of the spear. The aura completely covered the spear and was gathering a lot of energy at the tip. Feeling the spear reach its limit Eric screams.
Throwing the spear as hard as he can it flies towards the bear and breaks the sound barrier producing a shockwave that obliterated all the environment in a 20 meter radius.
The bear tries to block the spear but it flies right throw its claws and pierced its heart before coming out of the bear's back with its heart stuck to the tip of it.
Seeing what had happened as he was falling from the sky Eric was very satisfied with his spear and power. Eric lands and starts to walk back to the village to get some dango.
Eric: "Return!" As Eric shouts Gae Bolg rises from the rock it was stuck in and moves to Eric before landing in his hand.
Eric: "Why is the heart still on here?" Eric swings the spear and the heart is sent off into the Crater that was once filled with trees.
He looks down at the huge gash in his left arm and uses his strings to repair the tissue and bone before stitching his wound up with the strings. He looks at the cut in his suit and watches as the suit repairs itself looking like it just got out in the ring well expect the blood from the bear all over it.
Eric walks into town with blood on him but doesn't care about the looks from people and keeps walking to the dango shop.
Eric sits down and orders his food. He looks across the table to see a girl sitting across from him enjoying dango.
Eric: "Hey I can see you have a great sense of taste eating here but you need to move this is my table I come and sit at this table everyday to eat dango."
????: "Shut it brat. Before I knock some sense in to you."
Eric: 'oh I quite like her temper.' "Very well I guess we can sit here together you should be happy I am benevolent enough to share my space with you."
????: "Yeah whatever brat."
Eric starts to get angry but feels another emotion too but he can't make it out.