Anko Mitarashi

Eric: "Wait I have seen you somewhere before."

Anko: "Is that right."

Eric:"You were there the night naruto broke into my house the one that took him away."

Anko:"How do you know that brat depending on your answer I might have to kill you." She smirks

Eric's frowns and starts getting ready for a fight

Anko:"Hahaha I just messing with you calm down."

At this point Eric is starting to get mad from being toyed with.

Anko:"and my name is Anko not you."

Eric:"I know your name and know a lot of things about the people I take interest in."

Anko:"You don't know anything about me brat."

Eric: "You got a curse mark don't you."

Anko's face turns grim

Eric: "My look who's out of words now."

Anko: "How do you know that brat." She says in a serious manner.

Eric: "I would advise you to stop calling me that."

Anko: "This isn't a game anymore brat."

Eric was about to say something before Anko pulls a kunai to his throat.

Anko:"So are you going to tell me now."

Eric inwardly curses himself for not learning armament haki. Anko yells at him again and he opens his mouth.

Eric: "I would tell you but...."

Anko:"Your testing my patience kid."

Eric:"How about a bet."

Anko: "What the bet."

Eric: "we fight and the first one to land a blow wins."

Anko:"Or I can just torture the information out of you."

Eric:"Yeah but where is the fun in that."

Anko:"Ok then what's the wager."

Eric:"If you win I will tell you how I know but If I win you have to give me a kiss on the cheek."

Anko:"So your a pervert I didn't see that coming."

Eric:" Say what you want so deal or no deal."

Anko:"Ok deal. Let's step outside."

Eric and Anko step outside and face each other. Eric throws a rock up in the air and when it hits the ground Anko charges him.

Anko: "Hidden snake hands."

Four snakes come out of Anko sleeves and fly towards Eric. Eric laughs.

Eric: "Bullet string."

High speed strings move towards the snake killings them and hand towards Anko. Anko jumps in the air and throws 3 kunai at Eric.

Eric blast his observation haki and dodges all three kunai before jumping into the air. Anko stares at Eric who is in the air but in falling.

Anko: "Fire style- Dragon Fire jutsu."

Seeing the fire dragon moving towards him Eric starts laughing.

Eric: "Spiderweb."

The dragon explodes on contact with the spider web causing a smoke screen. Anko jumps through the smoke the 3 fireballs behinds her.

Eric was surprised but didn't show it on his face.

Eric: "Five color strings." Eric sends a blue, red, purple, green, and yellow string from his fingers and swings them diagonally.

The strings slice throw the fireballs and Anko's but but her body turns into a log.

Eric: "Oh a didn't expect you to get pass that attack but then again I do like my wives to be strong."

Anko: " You think I am going to marry you wait did you say wives."

Eric: "Yes I plan to have 2 wives and you are one of them."

Anko: "Your dreaming big to think I would marry you kid."

Eric: "We will see. Fallbright." Eric sends five strings down from the sky.

Anko narrowly escapes the strings before falling to the ground. When she tries to get up Eric touches her.

Eric: "Well I guess it's mine win."

Anko didn't speak as she was angry that she lost to a kid.

Eric:"Will where is my kiss."

As Eric says that Anko punches him in the face.

Anko: "There you go."

Eric: "Oh I didn't think a proud woman like you would go back on your word."

Anko walks over to Eric and when she went to kiss him on the cheek Eric turned his head and their lips met. Realizing what happened Anko jumps back with a red face.

Anko:"What are you doing you shameless bastard."

Eric:"The shameless bastard you are going to marry. Don't worry I will treat you and your future sister well."

Eric: "I know how you can be but I don't want you bullying your future sister."

Anko:"I will never marry you."

After saying that Anko takes off leaving Eric alone.

Eric:'Sorry kakashi but I am not giving her up'