A good day

Today Eric turned 7 years old and is 1 year away from going to the academy. He gets up takes off his pajamas and takes a shower. After that he makes some breakfast and looks at his funds.

Eric: "Hmm I still have 150,000 ryo this should last me until I passed the academy and start going on mission."

After he checks his funds Eric puts on Lancer's suit and walks to the mirror looking back at him is a 5'4 slim muscular Kid with short spiky blue hair and a ponytail coming down to his back with a slim face and crimson eyes.

Eric: "Damn I'm sexy."

Leaving the mirror Eric grabs his wallet and leaves for the dango shop. As he is walking down the street he bends his upper body back dodging the incoming paint coming his way.

Eric: " Naruto how many times do you have to harass me before you get that its never going to work."

Naruto: " I will get you for tricking me about ramen and for knocking me out and did I mention ramen."

Eric: "Yes you said it twice and I recall that it was you that broke into my house. I mean come on I get you want to prank me but you literally committed a crime."

Naruto: " Oh yeah I did do that hehe but I become hokage and prank you. Believe it!"

Eric: "Do you even know my name."

Naruto: " Ehh....."

Eric: " I thought as much so if you don't mine I would like to get to my dango shop."

Naruto: "Hey pal let's go get so real food."

Eric: "What." eric balls up his fist.

Naruto: "I'm just saying that dango doesn't compare to ramen."

As soon as he finished talking Eric punches Naruto in his face.

Naruto: "Hey why did you do that I'm just trying to help you out." Naruto starts to rub the lump on his head.

Eric: "I don't need help from someone that lives off of disgusting food."

Naruto: "What did you say."

Naruto gets in Erics face and they start screaming at each other about which is better between ramen and dango.

Naruto: "Ichiraku ramen is the best food in the world. Believe it!"

Eric: "Who would listen to a simpleton like you. I'm done here."

Naruto: "Hey where are you going."

Eric: "To get some real food."

Eric starts walking over to the dango shop when he spot a certain someone and bolts towards them.

Eric: "ANKO-SAN!" Eric jumps in the air causing his face to go in between Anko's twin mountains and wraps his arms and legs around her.

Anko gets angry and hit Eric as hard as she can.


Eric: "Hey come on now is that any way to treat your husband."

Anko: "Shut up."

Eric: "Alright I'm sorry how about I take you to get some dango as an apology."

Anko: "3."

Eric: " Uhh three what."

Anko: "You have to buy me dango three times then I will forgive you."

Eric: " Any thing for my Beautiful wife."

Anko: "Good... Wait who's your wife."

Eric: "Why you of course aren't we going on a date now and you already told me you want two more."

Anko: "Th..This is not a date just a...um... a debt."

Eric: "Do you even believe yourself when you say that."

Anko: "Shut it brat beside how can we get married when I'm am 13 years older than you."

Eric: "Ah so you were thinking about it and it doesn't matter what age you are I love you and that's all that matters."

Naruto: "Umm can we go get some ramen now."

Eric: "Quiet kid the adults are talking."

Anko: "Why do I really want to punch you right now." then she smirks

Anko: "You are right Naruto let's go get some ramen."

Eric was caught off guard by this and stares at Anko.

Anko: "Come along Naruto."

Naruto: "Ok I'm coming Old lady."

Anko: "Old what!" viens start appearing on her head.

Eric: "Ptth....Ahahahaha."

Anko: "Stop laughing!"

Eric: "You deserved that now let's go get some dango to calm your nerves."

Anko: "Fine but I get to order as much as I want."

Eric: "What it takes to please you."

Eric and Anko leave to the dango shop leaving naruto alone.

Naruto: "Why was she so mad... whatever lets go get some ramen."

(Later that day)

Eric: "Anko I told you, you should stop after the second beer."

Anko: "Can you ..hic... believe that ...hic... he called me a... an OLD LADY!" anko slams her hand on the table.

Eric: "Anko we have been here for hours."

Anko: "I mean look at me I'm only 20." she grabs Eric face and pulls him over the table. "Eric tell the....hic... truth do I... do I... do I look like an old lady."

Eric: "Of course not beautiful."

Anko: "Aww thank... hic... you baby husband."

Eric: "and we're done here let's go anko I already payed the bill."

Anko: "Ok just one more beer. HEY WAITER ONE MORE....HIC.... BEER PLEASE."

Eric: "Anko stop yelling." Eric looks at the waiter. " She was just kidding we leaving sorry for the trouble."

Anko:"You should...hic...watch out baby husband the hokage has been keeping tabs on you during your training. Danzo probably know how strong you are too."

Eric: "Is that so." Eric's face turns ugly.

Eric grabs Anko and spends 3 hours trying to find her house through her drunk directions. After she gets in her house Eric leaves and starts walking home.

Eric: "Baby Husband huh. I guess it will due for now."

Eric: "Today was a good day." all the people on the street stare as the see the demon child with a genuine smile on his face.