The Hidden Hot Water Village

Eric gets up in the morning showers and makes some breakfast after he eats he puts on lancer's suit and heads to the gate where to people are standing wearing anbu mask one mouse and the other cat.

Eric: "Are y'all ready."

Mouse and cat don't say anything and take off in the direction of the village.

Eric: "Well I guess they aren't talkers."

An 4 hours later the stop to rest then continue on for 2 more hours before reaching the Hidden hot water village. They head over to the village elder.

Eric: "Hello sir we are here to help with your noble problem."

Village Elder: "please call me Yato."

Eric: "I can see why you need help after going from a military power to a vacation spot."

Yato: "They constantly try to take over out hot springs they said that they will come again today."

Eric: "We take care of them don't worry."

Yato: "Thank you."

After a 2 hour wait the people come they are filled with rogue ninja and other outcast.

Raid leader: "Bring is the old man and we will let you live."

Eric: "Ha very funny."

Eric, cat, and mouse run towards the raiders and engage in an intense battle.

Rogue ninja: "water style- water burst bomb."

Eric: "bullet string."

The attacks cancel each other out and Eric jumps back. Eric pulls Gae Bolg out of his ring and swings it around before diving straight in the middle of the raiders and fighting.

Eric stand one raider then turns and swings his spear killing 3 more but then gets cut by a flying kunai and jumps back to the gate.

Eric jumps up into the air and yells.

Eric: "Spear style: Heavy rains." Eric throws Gae Bolg towards the raiders. Gae Bolg then divides into 2 then 4 then 8 then 16 then 32 then 64 before raining down like arrows slaughtering the a majority of the raider.

Mouse brings the raider's leader to Eric while Cat kills the few survivors.

Eric: "Good their leader is still alive. Tell me which noble hired you to take over this village."

After a couple minutes of torture the raider's leader finally breaks.

Raider's leader: "I'll talk.... it was old man Yato."

Eric: "What."

Before the raider could say anything else a sickle connected to a chain tore through his head.

Eric: "why did you order people to raid your own village."

Yato: "Because they are weak no matter how many times I told them to go back to our military ways they would listen. So I decide to show them exactly why we need the military."

Eric: "Cat Mouse stay out of this I will handle this myself."

Eric picks Gae Bolg out the ground before going into a fighting stance. Yato starts swinging his chain causing the sickle at the ending to look like a fan.

Yato screams and throws the chain towards Eric who uses Gae Bolg to block it. Eric runs towards Yato and jumps using both hand to slam his spear down. Right before his spear hits him Yato body flickers out the way.

Eric starts swinging his spear at Yato Left Right Up Diagnol. Yato dodges all them and swings the sickle at Eric's feet. Eric plants Gae Bolg into the ground and uses it to hoist himself into the air.

Eric: "Return." Gae Bolg moves to Eric hand.

Eric slashes down at Yato who uses the body flicker again.

Eric: "Slippery bastard just stay in one place."

Yato starts swinging the chain and throws it at Eric once more but Eric jumps and throws Gae Bolg at the chain pinning it to the ground. When Eric lands he runs towards Yato and uppercuts him.

Yato: "Find then brat you asked for it."

Yato: "Earth style-mobile core." The ground above Eric rises.

Yato jumps above Eric who is still rising due to his jutsu. When Yato is directly above him he looks down and yells.

Yato: "Wind style: Great Breakthrough."

Yato pushes a mass of air crashing down on Eric and he goes through the risen piece of earth all the way to the ground before the rocks all fall on him.