At death’s door

Yato thinks it's done and turns to Cat and Mouse who still haven't moved.Then Yato here's a loud Voice.


Sixteen black colored thread(not armament haki) slice through the rocks and make trees way to Yato.

Yato: "Earth Style- Stone Wall" a giant stone wall appears in front of Yato.

The sixteen thread pieces go through the wall without slowing down hitting Yato and successfully killing him.

Eric breaks out the pile of rocks blooded and exhausted. He lays down and rest for an hour before that start to head back.

On the way back Eric wondered how to deal with his situation that move was his trump card and he knew the anbu would tell the hokage.

He looks up in the sky lost in thought and spots a familiar crow in the sky. A crow with a sharingan. Eric wasn't missing this.

Eric: "String Stlye-Parasite." A string from Eric finger shoots up towards the crow and Eric starts controlling it moving it towards him.

As the crow was nearing the thread was cut and the crow takes off towards the sky but Eric wasn't giving it up.

Eric: "String style-Sky's path." Eric connects his string to clouds allowing him to "fly". The bird turns and tries to head toward the ground but Eric uses his string to pluck it's eye out.

Eric grabs the eye and puts it in his ring. When he arrives back at the ground he can see Cat and Mouse dead at the feet of a fish man in a black robe with red clouds on it wielding a weird sword with spikes and a mouth.

????: "Itachi is this the one that took it from you."

Itachi: "Yes Kisame."

Kisame: "Just let me kill him and we can take it back."

Kisame rushes towards Eric and swings down at his shoulder but Eric uses Gae Bolg to block it.

Kisame: "Oh that's a pretty nice weapon you got there but it isn't enough." Samehada spikes turn long and sharps then rips across Eric's skin.

Kisame looks at Samehada who is flailing around angrily because Eric doesn't have a lot of chakra.

Eric is on the ground holding his arm and turns to start running before he gets far Itachi shows up in front of him.

Itachi: "Fire style - Super Dragon Flame." A massive fire dragon comes out and rushes to Eric.

Eric: "String style: Spider web"

A huge spider web of string appears in front of Eric and is immediately blasted by the dragon looking flame. The dragon flame begins pushing through the string and Eric panicks reinforcing the string as much as he can.

The dragon flame breaks through the spiderweb and hits him point blank. Eric gets sent flying his body goes through 10 trees before crashing into a mountain. Eric coughs up blood repeatedly and uses his strings to temporarily keep his organs and bones together.

Itachi and Kisame arrive and look down at Eric.

Kisame: "So you are still alive and kicking eh don't worry I will end it real quick."

Eric stands up and rubs the blood off his mouth.

Eric: "Your an idiot if you think I'm dying to a fish bastard like you."

Eric jumps as high as he can and stretches his arm across his whole body holding Gae Bolg.

Eric: "Spear style: Sonic Boom!"

A wave of air was coming at them at super sonic speeds bringing immense pressure. Itachi and Kisame's eyes go wide as they brace for the impact. Both members get sent flying by the insane power of the air.

After the attack was over a line 5 miles long and 1 mile wide of forest was cleared out completely. Eric cough up blood his almost every bone in his body was broken the only thing keeping him up was the string inside his body keeping the organs and bone connected.

Adding the effect of the sonic boom which takes a massive toll on the body Eric felt that he was about to die. He used the last amount of his power to run towards the village he makes it to where he can see the village gates before he blacks out and collapses.