
The village guards run towards him and drags him to the hospital. The nurses get to work on him immediately and the village guards contact Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: "What did you say!" Hiruzen runs to the hospital.

(At the Hospital)

The doctors are working harder than they ever had trying to keep him alive. Hiruzen makes it to the hospital and busts through the door where Eric is being held.

Hiruzen looks at Eric blooded and broken and looks toward the doctor.

Hiruzen: "How bad is it?"

Doctor: "Bad in fact I'm not sure how he is even still alive. Almost every bone in his body is broken and most of his organs major and minor have sustained injuries."

Hiruzen: "Do you think he can make it."

Doctor: "Yes but he probably won't be able to fight again."

Hiruzen: "Ok continue your work and don't let him die."

(Somewhere in the forest)

Kisame: "Damn brat how could he use such a strong attack without any chakra."

Itachi: "Let's go."

Kisame: "But he got away shouldn't we go get him."

Itachi: "He is most likely back at the Leaf there is nothing we can do but the next time I meet him I swear I will kill him."

Kisame: "What did he take to make your this mad."

Itachi walks away without saying anything.

(2 weeks later)

Anko comes back from her mission happy she can finally see Eric. When she goes to his house he isn't there so she head to the dango shop but he isn't there either. When she heard where he was from the Dango shop owner she freaked out and took off towards the hospital.

Hiruzen was currently sitting at the window next to Eric's bed when Anko busted in the room. When she came in and saw his condition she was trying to fight back the tears but couldn't and they rushed down her face at an alarming pace.

Anko walked over to Eric and grabbed his hand and looked at they hokage.

Anko: "Who did this."

Hiruzen could here the murder intent in her voice and sighed.

Hiruzen: "We don't know he hasn't got up since he got here but you won't be doing anything whoever made him like this is obviously extremely strong the the 2 anbu I sent with him didn't come back so they are probably dead."

Anko stares at Hiruzen

Anko: "What are you talking about where did you send him."

Hiruzen: "I sent him on a mission to the hidden hot water village to stop some raiders."

Anko: "So he is like this because of you."

Anko gets up and starts walking towards the Hokage.

Hiruzen: "Anko do you realize what you are doing right now."

Eric groans and starts to open his eyes. Anko turns her head and runs back to Eric.

Eric: "Oh so I made it back haha ow it hurts to laugh."

Hiruzen: "What the hell happened to you."

Eric: "The noble shit was a facade the person who organized the attacks was Yato himself. He wanted to trick the people into wanting there military power back."

Hiruzen: "So he did this to you."

Eric: "No although I did get injured pretty badly while fighting him I killed him and all the raiders completing the mission."

Hiruzen: "So what happened to cat and mouse."

Eric: "When we we're heading back to the village two people appeared in front of us with black robes and red clouds on it."

Hiruzen eyes widen and looks at Anko "It's time for you to leave."

Just as Anko was about to say something Eric spoke up.

Eric: "She stays. She is my wife and is worried about me so I will not keep the truth from her."

Hiruzen signs "Very well but this is a SS-Class secret do not tell anyone anything about this."

They both nod.

Eric: "One of them was Itachi."

Hiruzen and Anko become surprised.

Eric: "The other was a fishman kinda thing with a weird sword that looks like a shark."

Hiruzen: "Kisame and Itachi how did you get away from them."

Eric: "Obviously I didn't just walk away after they beat the hell out of me I surprised them when they though I was out of chakra and used the strongest attack I have buying me enough time to get to the village.Who are they."Although he knew he wanted to know what the people thought about them at the start.

Hiruzen: "The akatsuki a new organization that is starting to hunt jinchuriki and kill anyone without mercy."

Eric: "Hmm ok we can finish talking about this later I want to rest."

Anko: "Hiruzen I would like to take some time off to take care of my husband."

Hiruzen: "I permit it, I will take my leave now."

After the Hokage leaves Anko turns to Eric and starts to peel apples and feeding them to him.

Anko: "Why did you accept that mission, you dummy." Anko grabs Eric's hand and puts it to her cheek.

Eric: "It's a secret."

Anko: "You know when I came back and heard you were in the hospital my heart died." Anko's eyes start getting watery.

Eric: "Don't worry about me I am not going anywhere my beautiful Ankobear."