Kyoto And Tayo.

My name is Kyoto Naru. I used to be just another ordinary kid, at least I think I was. From what I understand my parents both died in a Ramaky attack when I was just a baby. I don't know how I survived, but apparently some kids that lived on the street found me and took me in. We all lived as gutter rats for a while till I was about 5 or 6, then some scientists tricked me and my new family, they experimented on us with Ramaky blood. To tell the truth I don't blame them, heck I might have even volunteered after what happened to my parents. Well anyway, now I've got superpowers and go to some fancy school where the government gives me an allowance and special privileges, all in hopes that the other students and I will be able to protect the human race.

My life itself isn't as complicated as it sounds, in the end all this really means is that I live by myself and attend pointless classes about my abilities. Everyone's abilities are unique to themselves, and I guess it makes for some interesting competitions at least. Besides those I'm just board out of my mind and blow time watching TV or beating up street thugs.

But Today I really don't really feel like going to class, so I think I'm just going to stay home… Then again I might die from boredom if I stayed in this apartment, it barley fits a bed and a TV, besides this is one situation where I know exactly what Fae would have done. Maybe I'll go to school after all. I'll be late but it doesn't really matter.

The young man walked out of the small one room crammed apartment, and came outside walking down a one man wide alleyway till he got to a one man fast elevator that he took him to the surface.

Wow, you know what I just realized... Sometimes my life really likes pointing out that I'm totally alone. I've gotten used to it though. He thought to himself coming out of the elevator and of course immediately running into some thugs.

"Looks like maybe I'm not alone, after all I've always got you guys." his board look quickly turned to a dim smug smile, as he made a joke to himself that clearly confused his new punching bags.

"Hey kid, I'll make this simple."

"Wait... let me guess this could be fun." He said interrupting the thugs and thinking for a moment. "You're here to take my money and leave me for dead as payback for me beating up your friend's right."

"Well at least you're not as dumb as you look."

"Yes! Nailed it." he said looking at the large man who held a large board with several nails in it

"Look I'll make this quick if you give us your money willingly, I don't like beating up kids."

Kyoto spat on the ground to the side and put his hands up. "Guess it's your lucky day, though maybe not sense you're in my way."

This guy's just got a board, there's no tech in that thing that I can take control of. The three on his right don't seem to have anything either. That guy on his left has a gun though… could be handy if its mettle.

"I'm sorry kid." The large man stepped forward and swung the board like a bat.

Kyoto dodged it just barely getting a gash in his cheek from one of the nails before grabbing another man's leg, stopping his kick and pulling him into a third man's punch and then using him as a shield making the next board swing hit him in the head and knock him out. Kyoto then grabbed the board from the large man and spun it around into an upward motion tossing his human shield aside hitting the weapons' previous wielder under the chin before pulling it back and using it to block another kick that made him stager backwards as the board broke. The man with the gun pulled it out and cocked the hammer back.

"Oh… I don't think so." Kyoto said pulling the gun threw the air. It flew out of the man's hand into his own while he knocked a third man unconscious with a high spin kick to the head, and proceeded to shoot the remaining 2 in the left calf. "Oh wow, real old school, I haven't seen a six shooter in a long time."

"You're… some kind of monster."

"Yea… well the white hair and yellow eyes should have tipped you off… I wouldn't even call myself human anymore... Oh tell your boss he should move, this is my turf now." He kicked the man in the head and walked away with his shoulders back and his head held high.

If he gives that message to his boss, I think he'll probably just send more guys after me. At the very least it'll clean up the streets some for those orphan kids that live around here, fights like those are the only things telling me I'm still alive, oh looks like I'm here.

He got to the school where he walked onto the enormous campus of the Britannia Power Academy.

He shocked everyone in the class by walking in late covered in blood, scrapes, and dirt.

"Ah… Mr. Naru… Nice of you too join us." The teacher said nervously.

"Yea well this beats my bed, so thanks teach." He sat down in the back by a window where he always did and where the other students intentionally left two open seats between him and themselves.

He stared out the window at the beautiful campus watching other students play a battle game at one of the schools arenas, unfortunately a building obstructed most of the arena so all he could see was glimpses of the fighting.

Before long the lecture had finished and everyone had left the room except an odd girl that stayed behind on her own. He suddenly realized the lecture was over and brought his attention back to his own life to finally look up just as the girl reached out and touched his cheek.

He then grabbed her hand, twisted her wrist, and slammed it into the desk causing her to scream briefly

"What do you want?" He said interrogating her after letting go of her hand.

She fell on the floor and looked up holding her hand but didn't say anything.

What's with this girl…? Red eyes and blue hair huh. Interesting, does she have to be so weird though... "Whelp I'm bored, see yeah." He tried to stand up but she got up and stood in his way.

"Are you ok Kyoto?" she asked.

He instantly thought of his older sister that used to ask the same question constantly.

"I… I'm..." He was left speechless but quickly snapped out of it. "Wait, how do you even know my name?"

"I… well honestly, some bullies painted your full name next to some bad words, and that's how I learned it."

He burst out laughing at how ridiculous that was and then wiped his eyes. "Bad words you say. I see you use pretty language to match your looks. You know what, I haven't laughed like that in some time. I'll tell you what I'll give you one."

She blushed after hearing what she thought was a compliment but was still confused. "Uh wait one what.

"You know, one, like a favor, like I owe you one, except I don't owe you, I'm just doing it because you cured my boredom for a while."

"Oh ok, in that case… Come with me."

"Calling it in already? This should entertain me for a while."

They walked out of the classroom and down the hall where they eventually came to one of the many first aid stations. All students were expected to know how to treat their own injuries as well as others if need be.

"I have to do this don't I…" He sighed looking board again.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure this will hurt less than that gash did when you got it."

"Well, actually my adrenaline was pretty high when I got hit, so I didn't even feel it."

"You know, you don't always have to pretend to be so tough." She smiled and tilted her head without even realizing it.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say pretend…"

"Oh sorry." She began wiping the dried blood away. "I didn't mean it like that… just that I've never seen you talk to anyone, don't you get lonely?"

"Wow… already prying into my personal life? We're moving pretty fast here, what's next?" he said making her blush again.

"Sorry, I shouldn't ha..."

"No its fine… It's just that the answer is a bet complicated."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sticks and stones… Just don't expect an answer."

"I don't know what you mean… but I'll take it as a yes. Why didn't you lie to me just now?"

"Hm? I don't know when you mean, but lying just complicates things too much, it's not worth it, besides I find that truth in a world of lies makes for a more interesting life."

She laughed. "Is that so, I guess that means you really meant it when you called me pretty."

This time he turned red and flinched as she was finishing up covering the wound with a warm honey like substance.

"Hey, stay still now, you've got it all over your neck."

"Its… fine." He said giving full effort to not moving anymore till she was done and he could wipe off the rest of the goo.

"Here, let me help." She froze the air surrounding the tips of her fingers and touched his neck which melted the ice turning it to water.

"Try it now, it shouldn't be all sticky anymore."

He noticed someone behind her in the distance.

"TAYO HURRY UP!" a voice from a group of girls shouted, but he could only make out one of their faces.

"Oh… sorry, I have to go." The fire came out of her eyes as she turned around and began to walk away.

"WAIT." He reached a hand out and for the first time in forever acted on emotion losing his cool.

"Hm?" she turned back around and faced him

He stood there without saying anything just thinking. What the heck am I doing…? What's with this girl, why, don't I want her to leave…

"Hey kyoto." She said before smiling at him again, life coming back into her eyes.

I have to say something… just… cool… be… cool. "If today was your last day, what would you do?" He managed to get something totally random out while sounding calm like he actually wanted to ask her that before he yelled for her to wait.

She came three steps closer ignoring the girls that called to her.

"Well, I think you're the one that should answer that… Each days a gift and not given right. I think we should leave no stone unturned and all our fears behind. The first step you take will always be the longest stride after all. If I knew it was my last day, well that would be a big push for me to do anything."

She looks like, she's saying this for herself as much as she's saying it for me. I wonder what she needs the confidence boost for.

She moved her hair behind her ear. "If today was our last day, and tomorrow was too late, could we say goodbye to yesterday… I think we'd try to live each moment like our last. Id donate every dime I had… You know I think the real question here, is whether or not we could leave old pictures in the past."

He stood there completely shocked as she touched his face and he thought of his older sister.

Her hand is warm… We were never related by blood… but, Fae… You really were my sister. This girl reminds me of you in so many ways.

"What's worth the prize, is what's always worth the fight." He said calmly putting his hand over hers.

She blushed and pulled away gently. "Always violence with you, your such a boy."

"I see no problem with that. It's a true statement, and a part of who I am."

"The violence or being a boy?"

"Both." He turned more serious but she could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Oh, well I should get going."

"One more thing. Our lives are really on the line here. Every second counts because there's no second try. Always live your life like you'll never live it twice… I don't know what you'll be doing with those girls… But don't take the free ride in your own life. Live against the grain."

She smiled this time much smaller and less joyful. "Your certainly one to talk."

He was stunned still and chills went down his spine as words from his past echoed through his mind.

"Kyoto, if your find yourself taking a free ride through life… Make sure you at least pay for someone else."

Man why'd you have to say that before you died, couldn't you have just let things be… now I probably have to look out for this girl. EHHHH this means I probably have to start trying to live my own life to the fullest and all that other garbage now too, Screw you Fae... I can't believe somehow I forgot you said that.

"And here I thought, the scary Naru didn't give advice." She turned and began walking away again throwing her bag over her shoulder. "Well… maybe just to the girl he likes I guess."

He laughed siting down putting his hand on his knee. "Well, if by like you mean my favorite person, you wouldn't be off at all!" He spun around turning his back to her and put his feet up as she left with the other girls.

I hope I didn't keep her too long from her friends… they didn't seem like friends though, I wonder what their relationship is, maybe I'll check it out next time I see them together…

Or maybe I'll just hack her phone next time I see that other girl, I got a pretty good look at her face. Yea, I think that's a better plan.

Fae... I wish you were still here to give me advice. It's easy for me to make decisions, but it was always nice to have your thoughts, I always went with those over my own stunts anyway.