The Trial

Ahh, my head… Where I am… everything is, black. Maybe I can use my ability like echo location, feeling the electric current running through objects in the room, in order to see.

He focused his energy and as he began emitting electricity and he began to get an idea of where he was. His headache got much worse, and he began feeling like his head was going to explode forcing him to stop.

Despite the pain he didn't scream or cry for help, he just laid there in the dark for a while thinking

I'm sure the medics would have taken care of Tayo… she should have recovered pretty well by now but I'd still like to know if she's alright. Those students we fought though, something was off from the beginning, they were organized and all had some form of lethal weapon. The guy I took down by hand even had a gun strapped to his boot. It's possible they would just always bring weapons to school but they seemed to know more than they let on.

They were fully prepared to kill me, and even Tayo who hasn't done anything wrong, at least not that I know of… Those girls she went with, her missing hair, I guess maybe she isn't so popular either, that guy on the roof clearly targeted her over me, even though I was obviously a bigger threat.

Someone finally came into the dark room. "Kyoto Naru… Come with me." The sound of a door slamming open and a large man walking in, echoed in his head and the man's deep voice vibrated in his ears, as if someone had yelled right into them.

"Right… so I take it this is the victory party." He said sarcastically to the large man that he assumed was still standing in the doorway.

"You Brat!" he yelled before grabbing his arm tightly and throwing him on the floor.

I see… well, actually I suppose I don't see. If he can through me like that it means that the lights are probably on, the most likely explanation is that my optic nerve is shut down right now, still trying to reset the resting potential of the electric current. How do I play this…? Well let's start with standing up.

He got up off of the floor and looked in the direction he thought the man was without saying a word.

"Had a change of heart then? Follow me."

Ok maybe if I just keep a conversation with him then I won't have to reveal that I can't see anything. "So I take it I'm not getting a reward for winning."

"You're lucky we didn't just let you die, much as I hate to admit it, you might be one of the most important people for this country's future… That's the only reason I don't kill you myself."

"Not a fan then, got it."

"People like you should only be in one place, the drifts."

The drifts, he means outside the walls, outside the city, the drifts of wasteland left by the monsters that now run wild… But people like me, does he mean people with powers, or maybe he's heard of my reputation of being a freak that likes beating people up for fun, I guess most of that's actually accurate, it just sounds way worse when you say it like that.

"So if you don't mind, can I ask where we're going?"

"The councils going to be judging you… I know what I said but" Kyoto could feel the man's gaze upon him "…jeez your still just a kid, what, 15 years old, well we're here. God have mercy on your soul."

He walked through what he imagined was a large door before looking back to hear it shut tight.

"Well this is all very shady and ominous." He said walking straight forward from the door, he had lost his vision before and his sense of direction was spot on now even without his sight because he had so much previous experience.

"Kyoto Naru. You stand in the seat of the guilty, what do you have to say for yourself?"

His vision had come back very slightly and he could now see a circle of pillars with a large insignia in the middle where he placed himself. The circle was made up of large pillars With thrones at the top that he assumed people were siting on.

"Well I think first it would be prudent of me to sit down, standing on a seat is rude, standing in one must be even worse." He said cracking a joke, giving himself an excuse to sit on the floor and lean back relaxing.

"Kyoto." A familiar voice called out to him from one of the many thrones. "Do you understand what you are charged with, the gravity of the situation?"

"You know, I must admit it had crossed my mind that this whole thing was probably just called to tell me how proud you all were of me." He said sarcastically.

"The insolence!" one shouted slamming his fist against his pristine armrest.

"He needs to be judged!" another joined in as Kyoto sat unaffected by the yelling.

After a few other needless comments, one man bellowed making his voice louder than all the others. "ENOUGH!"

That voice, why is it so, familiar?

"Kyoto Naru, you have been accused of having committed murder and vandalism, as well as assault and unlicensed law enforcement."

I see… so then, that boy on the roof? I shocked him while he was in the air, I suppose that might have killed him through his second skin if the lightning had no grounding point the energy could have dissipated just enough by traveling through his body to make it so that it couldn't arc through air anymore… I should have checked his vitals but if I did who knows if Tayo would have survived.

"We have three eye witnesses to the event in question where you took a Britannians life."

That doesn't even make sense, the only one conscious besides me was Tayo. I should get to the bottom of this.

"Where is Tayo, She will testify on my behalf." He suddenly demanded to know, becoming more serious, but maintaining his composure.

Their response should tell me how she's doing if nothing else.

"She is one of the eye witnesses to the murder."

He closed his eyes and smiled looking down exhaling. "So she's alright then, good." He said under his breath.

"Ok, so spill the beans, who'd I kill and when."

"You killed a kid that controls object's speeds so long as he's touching the object in question, we have three witnesses pinning you as the cause of his death, saying you used an unnecessary amount of force to subdue him."

So it was the kid on the roof… I guess… I really killed someone… No, I'll worry about that later, they could be lying, and even if they aren't, that man deserved it, he would have done the same thing to Tayo. My stomach feels all twisted inside all the sudden. Wait, there blaming me for this when they set this whole conceited battle up themselves.

"An unnecessary amount of force! You seem to forget the part where YOU forced my entire class into a battle game unprepared! You then also proceeded to let students take lethal weapons onto the campus that almost killed my friend!"

Adrenaline started rushing through his system and his blood began racing through his veins causing them too bulge out making him look intimidating , even though he wasn't very large he was incredibly well built and toned. His sight also became much clearer but he managed to keep his cool and not try to attack now that he had control over his sense again.

"Friend you say?"

That voice again… who is that. He looked up to the throne higher than all the others and saw a large man with incredibly large muscles that were defined even under his lab coat. It's… of course, it all makes sense now, the chill I got when I first heard his voice…

"Doctor Sacario, I trust you've been doing well." He said narrowing his eyes giving him a deathly glare, as if saying the man was already dead.

The unsettling look made the doctor uneasy until he remembered that the boy was wearing power inhibiters.

"Haha, I have been quite well actually, after all, those experiments you were a part of made the power academy possible."

Kyoto was first both terrified and furious at the sight of the man but then he smiled and gave him a warning. "Make no mistake… You will be judged, and after your judgment, you will burn in hell for what you've done." Kyoto's words echoed faintly throughout the entire room putting a chill in the air that now made everyone uneasy.

"Oh really? I'm sorry BOY, but I just don't see that happening. I'm sitting right here if you want to take a shot though… Oh but those pesky cuffs might be a problem. And by the way you mentioned a, friend, earlier. I don't suppose you mean Tayo. I thought I already mentioned that my daughter was testifying against you, what kind of relationship do you think you have with her."

She walked out from behind the largest towering throne that the man who had called her daughter was sitting atop.

He felt betrayed… Was she working for him this entire time, was she just a spy, another tool he used in his conceited schemes. Even if she was… did it even matter?

She was the first girl that has shown me kindness since Fae died… She is the only thing in my life that gave me any meaning. I paid for her ticket and I'm going to make sure that she stays on the train for the whole ride.

The power inhibiters were just shaped in the form of a simple pair of metal hand cuffs, built to withstand 500 lbs. of tension. He put the chains on the ground and put his foot on the chain pulling with all his might and pushing into the ground at the same time with the help from the adrenaline until the chains broke.

"MAKE NO MISTAKE!" he yelled as he began emitting an electric field, frying any guard that came close to him. "YOUR LAWS DO NOT PROTECT YOU!" they all looked shocked and terrified except for Tayo who had begun to cry feeling nothing but sadness.


"Stop!" one of them yelled instantly regretting his own action as Kyoto looked at him, and then at all of them rotating to stare down every person there.

"Your technology will not save you from the wrath of those you have persecuted, I can control any gadget you can think of, you will never put me down like a dog, and if you try again… then justice will find you sooner than intended."

His eyes eventually came full circle and then dropped down to Tayo. He walked up to her and took her hands in his. "Tayo, if you want to come with me you can. I've paid for your ticket on the ride of life, and even if you say no, I will make sure that you stay on for the whole ride."

As their hands touched a spark of electricity shot threw her hands. After hearing his words she began weeping even more than before hugging him causing him to be uncertain of what to do for a moment before briefly hugging her back, and then wiping away her tears.

"Let's go."

He walked out of the room holding her hand to guide her, blasting the very small portion of guards that actually dared to get near him. He caused every gun to backfire as the gunpowder ignited early after electricity shot through the guns. On top of this, any bullet that actually managed to come near him was instantly deflected by a constant magnetic field he was emitting.

The two of them marched straight out the front door of the tower and walked away almost completely uncontested, after a few demonstrations of his power.