The Haunting Past.

Kyoto and Tayo made their way underground back to his apartment.

"I know it's a bit crammed but this is my home."

"This is where you live?" she asked almost shocked expecting a much larger house rather than a room just big enough for a bed a stove and a table. "Is, this it?"

He kept his smile and sat down on the bed. "Sure is… I know it's not much but I don't really have need for much, at least I didn't until now."

"Kyoto I…" she walked closer to him. "You have so little and yet you'd still…" she began to tear up once again.

"You should be careful you know, we don't want you running out of tears." He smiled and stood up. "You should be fine sleeping here I have a clean change of sheets in this closet for you." He opened a small door to an area no bigger than himself.

"But… where will you sleep?"

"Don't worry about me… Its late, will this be alright for tonight?"

"I…" she paused biting her tongue not wanting to take his generosity for granted. Instead of asking him more she just simply smiled. "Yes, thank you."

"Good, I'll see you in the morning. If I would guess I'd say I was out for no more than a day or two, so we shouldn't have classes tomorrow. We can go shopping for anything else you might need then."

"Wait… you mean you're still planning on going to classes?"

"Yea I am… The government and the scientists always try to go on power trips but in the end their too scared to actually do anything, at least for now, I'm sure there getting sick of it and probably developing something right now to try and take care of me."

"Oh… I see." She suddenly looked pale.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll keep you safe." He spoke softly before exiting through the only door.

He came out into the narrow alley and climbed up on top of a canopy where he slept the rest of the night away waking up early the next morning.

Its imposable too tell when sunrise is when you're down here, so I usually have to rely on my internal clock. I sleep exactly eight hours every night, it used to take an alarm to get me up… Now things are different. I have a clock built into my second skin to that connects directly to my brain and gives the time.

Right… they took my second skin before they brought me to the trial… I'll ask Tayo when I see her, she was still wearing hers.

He got off the canopy still wearing the cloths they gave him when he was in prison and walked back into the apartment to find Tayo still sleeping peacefully. He then grabbed some raw rice that had been in his cabinet for a while and began cooking it in boiling water.

It wasn't long before she woke up. "Hey, Kyoto… what are you doing?" she stared at the stove in astonishment.

"I'm cooking… all I had was rice but even though it doesn't have a whole lot of protein its rich in minerals, at least it's something,"

He finished cooking as she stared fascinated, seemingly never having seen a stove before.

"Where dose the heat come from? Why do you have too heat it up, what's the water for?" she flooded him with questions.

"Well the heat is generated by using electricity, the water is to help soften it and you heat it up so that the water can do its job."

She calmed down but stayed starry eyed as he put the food on the table and gave her some in a bowl. She immediately started eating it. "It's so good." She said eating without him.

It's just rice… I don't think I did anything special… I guess I used my own electricity to power the oven, true it was supposed to come from the fried but it wasn't working this morning, don't know when it cut out.

"Hey Kyoto, what are you eating." She asked looking at him as he sat across from her in silence.

"Me, oh I'm fine I don't need anything, besides I only have one bowl."

Although she seems to like it so much I kind of want to know what it tastes like… maybe ageing the rice made it taste better.

She looked down at her bowl about to force him to eat something.

"You know maybe I will have some, I'll just eat out of the dish I used to cook it."

He took out a fork having given her the spoon and folded his hands saying a silent prayer before he tried it.

This… tastes awful… It's like I'm eating electricity. Why on earth would she like this?

"Hey… Tayo, I think it's time that you explain some things too me, he said becoming more serious as she finished her rice.

"Su, sure… What do you want to know…?" she nervously asked hoping he'd only give her one thing to explain.

"Well, how about we just start with your life's story." He said with a grin.

You won't get out of it that easy, you're going to explain everything, I have all day.

"I see… nothing gets past you dose it."

"Benefits of a magnetic field." He quickly said jokingly stopping her attempt to stall.

She paused and backed away from the short table now looking at the floor.

"My birth than… is it alright if I start there?" her voice turned heavy as if it carried a weight with every word.

"Ya that should be fine."

She took a deep breath and pulled her knees to her chest. "I was born in Iceland… It's not far north of Britannia, but any distance of travel is dangerous outside the cities. My mother was a pilot, she took invaluable resources between Iceland and Britannia. My dad, well he's…"

"Doctor Sacario…" he said hoping he was wrong.

"Well, yes and no. he wasn't always a doctor… When I was born he was just her copilot, he had tried getting her out of the job for a while and was studying biological enhancement research. Back then, that really just meant he studied things like genetic enhancement and new forms of steroids."

"So… you were happy?"

"I was… Sacario wasn't bad he was just like every other decent person. All he wanted was to help make the world a safer place." Kyoto kept his composure but clenched a fist to his side where she couldn't see. "I grew up in Iceland, things were quite a bit different there, and we cooked food over a fire, never anything like that." She said pointing to the stove.

"You said yes and no, what do you mean, is he your father or not?"

"He wasn't my biological father, so not like that. My actual dad ran away before I was born, but he was always there and he and my mom were almost always together. Whenever they would come here then they would leave me with my mom's brother… But then one day, mom never came back." She put her head down hiding her face from him and beginning to freeze the air around her.

"So then… the Ramaky attacked her plane…"

"Yea, the plane managed to survive the attack but crashed on landing coming into Britannia, she died and Sabastion, I mean Sacario, was wounded really badly. I was 10 when I finally figured it out, she was trying to make the trip fast so that they could get back for my birthday." She began to cry as goose bumps become visible on her forearms over the large bruises she had, it was clearly not the first time she had cried about this. Her tears were few as if it was a waste to cry more about this than she already had in the past.

He looked at her with pity and relaxed his hand. Great… I made her cry, how do I make this right. Whenever Fae would cry, I remember that just having someone be by her would make it better.

He walked around the table and sat beside her. "I know it hurts… You think it was your fault… if she wouldn't have rushed then she might have been more careful, she could have avoided the Ramaky and maybe then she would have come home safe. I'm sure you also know that even If that is true that something else could have happened, that it was just a matter of time… Of course none of that changes what happened does it."

She looked up at him as he stared at the door across the room.

She slowly raised her head and wiped her eyes looking up at him. "Kyoto…" she said looking at the sadness in his eyes starting to shiver.

He channeled an electric current through a blanket that was nearby heating it up before he covered her with it. "This should help… Tayo."

She looked at him as he wrapped her in the blanket with a serious expression on his face. "I'm only going to ask this once…why did you get close to me were you told to become my friend?" he asked touching her arm.

"No… to be perfectly honest, you looked like you felt the same way I did on the inside."

She's… not lying? I wonder if Sacario even knew. "Thank you, for telling the truth I mean."

"It makes the world more interesting." She smiled holding the blanket tight beginning to warm up.

Kyoto stood up and pushed his hand through his white hair. "Can you tell me what time its."

"Sure, it's about noon."

"Ok then let's get going, I know a good mall around here that we can go too."

"Uh… Kyoto, if we're going to go back to school won't you need a second skin."

"I never needed one in the first place, but... yea just in case I know where we can get one. What about you, yours is only a low level one, it doesn't even have half sleeves."

"Oh I'm fine. It has all the basic functions at least so it's already repaired from all the times I got cut."

"That may be true but I'd still feel safer if you had a higher level one. Your ability is strong, I'm sure you did well during testing, so why didn't they give you a better one?"