Unsespected Cercumstances.

"This is amazing!" Tayo said in astonishment.

"You've never seen a sublevel have you."

"No never… is that weird?"

"Well, yea, most of humanity lives underground like this, the only exception is the flying city of Fey Chung Shi and of course the portions of land that are residential."

"I read a lot about that, the government holds most of the land on the surface because it's the most dangerous."

"Hey, over here." He said discreetly signaling her as they ducked into a small alley disappearing out of the crowd. "Down here… Yea it's true that it's for protection but it's also just more efficient. Most people here go without sunlight for weeks, months, even years. The government has to supply them with the necessary vitamins and minerals that the sun helps their bodies to produce naturally. If more people lived on the surface, there would be a lot less production of these replacement drugs that we call Greean, and that would lead to much more illness than we already have."

"Uh Kyoto, I thought… we were going to a mall?" She said seemingly missing everything he just explained.

They slowly became more and more alone until almost no one was left. "We are, I just got to make that stop I was talking about."

They walked down the alley, and then down another one even smaller before slipping through a hidden area following a short path to a manmade hole under a seemingly collapsed old building.

"What's that light coming from?" Tayo asked seeing a bright light coming from the basement lighting up the whole area.

"That's who were here to see. You might want to cover your eyes, here take my hand."

He led her into the underground basement that opened up into a massive workshop and waited for the sound of flying sparks to die down.

"****!" a small girl screamed. Before the noise died down and they could open there eyes.

Kyoto quickly tugged on Tayos arm moving her slightly just before the girl screemed.

"Good to see you to Daydawnan."

A very short small girl with long soot covered green hair ran up to him screaming "KYOTO!" in an exited voice before wrapping her arms around him.

"I see you still don't have that mouth of yours under control yet." He said patting her on the head.

Tayo opened her eyes to see a long piece of shrapnel sticking out of the wall right next to her head. "Uh… Kyoto, I think I almost just died."

Before he had a chance to respond the girl jumped back into the conversation "O yeah sorry about that the da… I mean the stupid thing just snapped off… it may have also, kinda… sorta… exploded." She said twiddling her fingers. Before crossing her arms "Dumb thing."

"You should really work harder to watch your mouth Day, especially around new company."

"Jeez your only here like what… 30 seconds and your already trying to lecture me, it was more fun when you were the wild one, least then I could do whatever I wanted." She said kind of jokingly adding a small bit of sarcasm.

"Yea… of course back then you still needed my help to wash your hair, make you food, and…"

"STOP!!!" she jumped back in close to him reaching up to cover his mouth. "Not, another, word."

She came away from him again and turned to Tayo. "Hia I'm Daydawnan, you can call me Day though, or Dawns good too. Nice to meetcha." She said in crude English blurring words together in a cheerful voice.

"Hi I'm Tayo."

"Ok… Tayo, got it, I'm usually bad with names but I think I can probably remember that. Hey you guys mind telling me what's up? Kyoto you barley ever visit anymore and now suddenly you bring a girl over… Wait no, don't tell me, you're getting married!"

They both laughed turning slightly red and scratching their heads.

She calmed down for a moment staring at Tayo "Dang, nice catch Kyoto, at least now I know why you never visit anymore."

Kyoto looked at her as she smiled making fun of them. "Oh, you knew why I stopped coming, you wouldn't stop pestering me to try on that new second skin you invented!"

"Oh yea… I remember that one… Probably a good thing you didn't too, I decided to test it more using biomaterial to see how it would react if the person on the inside became sick or something, and well." She pointed to a half melted charred dummy with a pile of sludge beneath it.

"Yea, that right there… that's why I stopped coming bye. You even tried to put the thing on me while I was asleep!"

"You totally misinterpreted the situation I would never do anything like that." She said shrugging it off like it was nothing before pausing and looking back at Tayo who couldn't keep track of the conversation they were having. "Hey you alright Tayo?"

"Who me? Oh yea I'm fine, I've just never met anyone like you before."

"Awe thanks." She said smiling through the ash smudges on her face taking it as a complement.

Kyoto stopped shaking his head and looked back at Day. "Oh right… speaking of second skins, I can't believe I'm saying this." He paused before speaking almost under his breath. "We need new second skins."

"I'm sorry what was that?" she asked pretending not to hear leaning in closer putting a hand around one of her ears.

"Don't push your luck." He said fully aware of what she was doing

"Oh you're no fun anymore… Fine I got some in the back, what do you need."

"Well, the thing is." He looked down pinching the bridge of his nose. "I think we need… some of the new ones."

The little girl suddenly got a smile that slowly grew larger and larger. "YES!"

"I've got you both covered. Let's get going RIGHT NOW!" she began pushing them towards a corner of the workshop. "This is where I keep the experimental gear, let's get you both decked out

Tayo became nervous having heard parts of there earlier conversation. "Kyoto, Im not going to melt am I?"

He looked at her smiling trying to hide that he had no idea what was going to happen. "Oh, Yeaaaaa, I'm sure we'll be fine. The suit that melted just had an experimental health display system… I'm sure these will be much safer… for us at least, maybe not the people around us, or the buildings… actually you know what it's better to just not think about it." He said trying to stop thinking about all the past times things had gone wrong.

She's an absolute genius, just a bit eccentric, I'm sure that she knows what's safe for full time use, Right?

Day was rummaging through a large pile of square containers mumbling things to herself. "This one blew up, that one caught fire... this one." She paused and looked up laughing to herself. "That one was fun to watch. Oh this one was pretty good, no wait it didn't actually hold up against any physical damage. She looked back having made them both significantly more nervous.

"Hey Kyoto, what do you need these for anyway?"

"I'd like one that would be good enough that I'll never need another one, it would be nice to if it could stop my brain from frying when I use my powers too much."

"Ok, that's easy, what about the girl."

"She has Ice powers so probably something that can heat up, otherwise it needs to be highly protective and have good electrical dampening so I don't have to hold back when I'm around her."

She started laughing. "That makes things easy, I've already got those, and I've even tested them myself!" she pointed to herself with her thumb pulling her shoulders back looking proud.

Kyoto and Tayo both sighed in relief.

"Right so can we have them?"

"Well… I guess you can have the one I made for you Kyoto… but the other one is actually mine, I'm wherrying it right now see." She pulled down the color offer her shirt slightly, showing her crest of a cross and two Gaelic hammers under a sunrise.

"I see…"

"I thought that when the time came for us to actually fight the Ramaky that you'd take me with you… so these were actually the first two suits I ever started developing." Her tone became quitter and more shy, almost embarrassed even.

"I see… I take it you can't just make another one."

"I'm sorry, but that's right, you see second skin technology is complicated, it took me months to finally get these two right, I'd have to start from scratch to make another one, especially sense she controls temperature it means her biology is completely different than mine."

"I've got my best all-purpose protective suite… although." She put her hand out and Tayos second skin that she was holding turned to liquid forming into a ball in front of Tayos hand.

"This is just as good… maybe better. This stuff has to be the latest technology that Britannia has."

Tayo suddenly became dizzy and started staggering around before collapsing into Kyoto burning his hands as he caught her.

"She's burning up, any normal person would be dying from this temperature. Dump the quench water on her from the forge, we have too cool her down somehow.

"You have to use your power to restructure the coding on her second skin." She ran over and knelt down beside her as steam was coming off her body filling the air.

"Ok what do I need to do?"

"You need to find the coding that represses powers and you need to disable it."

"Hold on what!"

"JUST DO IT!" she said yelling at him for some reason already seeming attached to this girl treading a fine line between completely panicking and in control.

"Ok now what."

"I'm reading the skins bios and it doesn't even have a cooling system in it at all, we need to somehow enhance her Biological ability to cool down."

"Ok how do I do that?"


Kyoto was ready to yell back at her but managed to keep his calm and waited.

"In Freezers electricity powers a pump that releases Freon, a kind of gas that causes everything too cool down… Maybe her power works in the same way, in that sense there has to be somewhere in her body that produces the gas, or stores it. The scientists that gave us these abilities don't even understand how they work exactly, but they are all still grounded in laws of the universe... At least mostly. You need to reactivate the code that suppresses her heating power. Ok now for the hard part.

She backed up and started messing with her long hair tugging at it.

He kneeled down and put her head on his lap. "Nothing to worry about right… just one step at a time. He was finally starting to show that he was beginning to crack, his shaking voice gave away that he was pushed to his limit.

"I believe in you Kyoto…" Day said just barley loud enough to here.

"Ok… let's get going then, the longer I wait the worse it gets."

He rubbed his hands together and a spark began going between them, the spark died down and he placed his hands on her temples.

"You have to shut down her liver and other abdominal organs, 50 percent of a normal person's body heat comes from there when they are at rest, which means that there's a high likelihood that the area is the center for her ability to produce heat like this. Ok now you need to find the source of her ability to freeze things. Normal people loose heat by radiating it into a cooler environment, or by sweating." She was thinking out loud as she began pacing back and forth.

"In order for her ability too work she must be able to produce it from glands in the skin… so if you temporarily rewire her brain to increase blood flow to the skin, and then I stimulate the glands with electricity… THAT'S IT!"

An arc began shooting through her skin causing all the tiny muscles to contract and stimulating the glands they hoped would be there. She got goosebumps and the air around her almost instantly became cool.

"It worked!" He aid relieved

"We aren't done yet, her internal body temperature is still really high she's only cooling her skin and the area outside of it."

"This girl is going to be the death of me." He said finally getting a chance to breath.

"Hey no fair that's my job." Day replied jokingly leaning on his shoulder now that he was sitting down.

"Fine after she's done getting me killed you can bring me back and kill me again."

She chuckled. "So you'll die twice then, and how will that work?"

"I'd prefer not to die at all, but I'm sure if I do you'll find a way to bring me back, make the imposable possible, I may have saved her, but you've saved me with the imposable more times than I can count."

"Sounds like you're doing a lot better than before. There was a time I could've sworn you wanted to die."

"There was a time… when I did…"