Pt. Six

"Why can't I figure out how to make this damn thing turn on!?" I yelled at the odd half glass tube that was supposed to be their equivalent to a shower, they called it a bathing unit.

I stood completely naked, save for the towel that I'd wrapped around my body in an attempt to keep warm before entering. The problem was that I'd been in here for fifteen minutes trying to get the darn thing to turn on. I decided to take a chance and dropped my towel, going into the tube. I took a look around, my glance once again going to the white, red, and blue crystals on the left side. When I touched them from the outside nothing happened. I started with the white crystal and squealed as cool water began to fall from the ceiling, I had to make it warmer! I instantly reached out and hit the red crystal three times, and the water temperature increased fairly quickly and began to burn my skin. I let out a hiss and hit the bluestone once, bringing the temperature to one that I could manage.

I groaned as the water began to slowly ease the knots out of my muscles, with all the time I'd been having I had begun to work out for what was probably the first time in my life, all these super muscular men running around had me beginning to feel self-conscious. I doubt I'd ever get close to how in shape they seemed, but it's not like it was a bad change of lifestyle, and it helped to fill the times that Rek' Sai left the room without me. I'd also started to read the various books that were on the bookshelves in the corner. For the most part, I was barely able to understand their topics, they were mainly about tactics of war and fighting forms. There were, however, a few books about Authorian history, and a few books that seemed to bee for children, but also contained fighting.

My visit hadn't been unpleasant for the most part, but with Rek'Sai and the Doctor being busy men on the ship, I wasn't able to leave the room very frequently and I was starting to go stir crazy. It really didn't help that no-one knew how to get the gates working so that they could send me to my planet, which I knew they wanted to explore and find their males mates, but I am also very aware of how the male in the government back home would react to an alien invasion stealing their female population. Suddenly my mind questioned if it would really be bad if I never found my way back to my own planet, the Docter and Prince seemed like good enough people, I didn't want to see either of them get hurt. I was starting to realize that there were a lot of things that could happen because of my actions, I have to learn more about Rek' Sai's people, and that I may never get to see my sister again.

I got out of the shower and walked into the room to look through the drawers and closets, there had been some clothes from their world packed away for me, but I hadn't tried anything too dressy yet., Today I was going to change that. I pulled out a shimmery red outfit that looked like a bando and medium-length skirt. I dropped the towel I had around me and pulled the smooth fabric of the skit up my legs and was pleasantly surprised to find it was actually fluffy pants! I decided the outfit needed more so I grabbed a silver arm bracelet, silver belt, and a translucent red scarf.

I found the outsits they worn to be something you'd expect from desert cultures on Earth, and also super comfortable. I twirled and danced around the room, it felt like I was dancing in the stars, It was an incredible moment that quickly fizzled and faded away. I had no one to share this moment with. Rek' Sai had been gone since the early morning, I had also stayed in bed to get more sleep, so I didn't speak to him before he went to perform his duties, an itch began to burn deep in my belly. I wanted to roam the ship, I had to find a way out. I looked at the door, then a book, and lastly I looked at the communication station at the door. A mischevious smile spread across my pink lips as I walked to the pannel with my crazy plan to get out.

I placed the book by the door and quickly moved towards the bed, I attempted to lay down in an enticing manner and appear to be sleeping, I'd convinced the computer system to send Rek' Sai the message that I needed him, that it was an emergency. Of course, the only emergency would be that I was falling asleep due to boredom. I'd be offering him an ultimatum, stay with me for a bit or bring me out to the ship with him. If he brings me out then my goal is easily completed, but I suspect he will be mad. When he tries to storm out I'll stick the book in the door to keep it open and slip into the hallway quickly.

It wasn't long, maybe ten minutes before I heard his boot clunking against the metal floors as he ran to the door. I heard the door authenticating his access, moments before the door burst open and he ran into the room with a low growl as he took in every detail of the room he could in a sweeping look. He took notice of me on the bed and walked over, I could feel his eyes as they traveled my body, leaving heat in their wake. Eventually, he grabbed me where our skin didn't touch and turned me over.

"Emilie, are you alright?." His voice was thick with concern. I slowly looked at him with one eye and let out a yawn. "What's the emergency that you called me here for?" I yawned again and gave a big stretch, popping out some of my body's curves. Earning a soft growl from Rek' Sai's throat.

"I was hoping you would come to save me from my boredom before I fell asleep, but I guess that didn't work out too well." I smiled up at him. Emotions flew over his face, confusion, happiness, sadness, then lastly, anger. And Anger was definitely the emotion that boomed from his voice when he next spoke.

"You are a foolish woman. I am a Prince and a Captain, my duties are many, I don't have time to come running every time you have the urge to be entertained. You act as if you are a child!" I'll admit that it was stupid to say it was an emergency but I didn't think it was childish. He dropped the sword I hadn't originally noticed was in his palm. "I truly believed that you were in harm's way, I couldn't handle the thought and ran straight here."

He ran his hand over his face, taking in a few deep breaths with his eyes closed, he appeared to calm down. "I'm sorry Rek" Sai, but I can't help it. I've been locked in this room most of the time for over a week, I've only left these walls three times, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Either stay with me, or take me with you, but I'm not staying here for a minute longer!" My voice raised the longer I spoke, I needed this warrior man to understand that something needed to change, right now.

"The businesses in conducting today are no concern of a lady. You will stay here, I must return to finish the preparations for our return to my world, there is much to do." He stood and began to walk back towards the door, I got up and tried to run towards the door, he was quick, but I managed to drop, grab the book, and slide it into the door just in time to keep it from closing.