Pt. Eight

My arms stayed wrapped around him as he took me in his own and lifted me from the ground, I continued to weep into the man's shoulder as he carried me from the room as quickly as he could. He walked through the halls rubbing my back soothingly and murmuring words of encouragement to me, not caring that his crew was watching us as we passed by them. It was obvious that it was odd to see a female, let allow being held by their prince.

When we entered the medical wing the Doctor stood immediately, gestured to a bed and grabbed some of his equipment be from meeting us at the bed that I was now lying upon. The Doctor used his scanner to do the initial look, they were definitely a handy device. He began to clean the small cuts on my brow and nose, he then applied some ointment on the bruising to my cheeks arms and knees. When examining her neck and head he suddenly smiled and stopped, turning to suddenly ask Rek' Sai if he could examine the prince. The beast of a man raised a brow but agreed to hold his hands out to the man, the Doctor quickly cleaned then and applied oil and then examined behind his ear before he had a chance to ask why.

The Doctor began to beam and let out a roar of laughter. "You two finally made skin to skin contact and a bond was formed!" He clapped his hands a few times, "Congratulations Prince, you have both found your bandmate, and have secured a future for our people."

Rek' Sai's Eye went wide and they turned to meet my own pair. He then ran to the sink and mirror to look at his neck, and he also began to beam. He crossed the room to me once again and looked behind my ear, smiling wider, as if that was possible. "You are my moon, and I am your sun. At last, I have found you, my bonded mate. I will protect and cherish you until the end of my days." He bowed towards me with his fist crossed over his heart.

I stared up at the man in front of me, pledging himself to me, but we had just met, it was too early to be in love, wasn't it? "I'm sorry, what? I don't know how to react to this." My eyes were wide with confusion, swimming with so many questions.

Rek'Sai bent down to my bedside, "Whatever life will bring us, I will be by your side to face it with you." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. He reached his hand out to me and I watched myself put my hand in his before I even realized I was doing it. I began to truly take in the beauty of his silver skin, his jet black hair pulled back in braids, his pointed eyes, ears, and teeth. None of it really seemed so strange anymore, at some point this alien being had become someone familiar, someone, who I found comfort in for the first time in my life. A tear slipped from my eye as I smiled up at my alien prince, maybe I had finally found a place that I truly belonged to.

Rek' Sai wiped away the tear and cupped my face gently in his large hand, He looked me in the eyes as he closed the distance between us, stopping just before our lips touched. I closed my eyes and puckered my lips slightly, this small invitation caused a happy growl to come from his throat as he crushed his lips softly into mine. My breath hitched in my throat, my heart seemed to swell painfully in my chest, I suddenly felt a need to get closer to the warrior and I wrap an arm around his neck, my body bending into his as I deepen the kiss, letting out a small moan as I feel my body temperature increase and a wetness begin to form.

Suddenly Rek' Sai's face shows shock and he pulls away and examines my face. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? I don't really have much experience with things like that." I ask and the Doctor clears his throat.

"Our females usually are not as receptive as you just were, Arousal juices usually do not flow until after the female is already being taken forcefully." The doctor appeared to be sniffing the air.

"Arousal juices, do you mean you can smell my.." I asked timidly, looking more to Rek' Sai hoping for an answer, and with an intoxicated look on his face, he replied.

"We have a very heightened sense of smell then your species, and it is the most delicious scent I have ever encountered, I will taste it, once you are ready." He landed a mischievous smile in my direction, causing me to whimper and for more moisture to be produced.

With my face now completely red with embarrassment I looked towards the doctor and then to Rek' Sai. I had begun to feel a little dizzy, maybe a shower and a nap would help, I'd had to absorb a lot of information today, and now that my bond-mate was an alien prince, I had to assume there would be a lot more mindblowing facts to learn. " Rek' Sai, I'd like to return to our room, I'd like to have a shower and lay down."

Rek' Sai laughed, realizing my discomfort, and scooped me up the bridal style in his arms. "I could never turn down my bond mates request to bring her to our quarters.. unless there was a war council." He smiled down at me and began the walk to the elevator that led the way to our room.