chapter 49 - Waking Dream

The Fae did however have a weakness.

Cold iron . Or any iron really, but iron that had never experienced the blacksmiths furnace was certainly superior. Although it was iron that came down in the core of a comet that was the Absolut best, such iron able to be shaped into weaponry before it cooled to form Star Iron blades

Yet Kenji had access only to Mr Guard's iron helmet, retained as a momento in Kenji's storage from so long ago now. In a pinch, it might make all the difference.

Kenji followed the Fauns down further and further, his natural ability as a Pathfinder allowing him to instinctually understand the twisting tunnels of the 'ways'. Heading away from the faun chambers, Kenji moved outside this bodies knowledge in search of a prison or holding cell.

Instead he found an underground glade. Shimmering glass, a golden orb to represent the sun and dead trees draped in silk. Amidst it all was a ball, dozens of pale masked Fae with wearing various macabre designed outfits, with white hair and red eyes dancing with beautiful creatures of all manner of races.

Serving drinks, food and standing still as statues around the ballrooms edge were not Fauns but Sun Elves. Their golden hair, sharp ears and angellic physique were unmistakable, even under those garish butlers suits and stuffy maid outfits. In moments Kenji was met by a pair, that seized him by the arms and escorted him away.

"Hey, I was told to attend to a pair of guests. A stone boy with golden eyes and a teenage succubus. Do you know where they are?"

The maid and Butler looked at one another.

"The master dines with them," the maid said primly.

"And he does not like to be disturbed," the butler sniffed.

"Which begs the question," the maid said, pulling a thin blade from beneath her skirt.

"Who of all this realm did not already know this?" the butler said, and with a slight squeeze nearly crushed Kenji's shoulder. Whoever these sun elves were, they were awfully powerful compared to Ash at least. Was this what she would have been like before her spirits were stolen?

"I'm new, still learning my way around. If you let me go, I'll be going," Kenji tried to smile, but was unsure if his goats mouth really pulled that off properly.

In a flash the butler hit him in the neck, and Kenji crumpled like a sack of potatoes. Yet while the body was unconscious, Kenji remained wide awake within.

"Could this be one of the pathfinders sent to guide the humans?" the butler said, carrying the Faun's body somewhere else.

"Not just humans, the master said a purple sun elf and a werewolf were amongst them. He was looking forward to her being brought to him after he had heard...we cannot let our goddess fall into his hands."

"Agreed, but how do we dispose of this messenger within the bounds of our servitude?"

"I would give that back if I were you. Or else Goddess Catelyn would be most displeased," Kenji said in his main form. It was risky, but his natural old man body appeared the most likely to invoke a fear of the unknown in the pair.

The Butler's aura immediately blazed with energy as he lightly put the unconcious Faun's body aside. The maid pointed her stiletto dagger with one hand, and produced a ball of shimmering wind in the other.

"How do you know of the goddess?" hissed the maid.

"What business have you with us?" added the butler.

"I am an....agent of the Goddess. She has heard the plight of her people, and has sent me to gather information. My question for you however, is do you still serve the Goddess or must you be silenced?" Kenji cackled as if the pair were no threat to him, beautifully masking his rampant fear that he would have his throat slit like a fish and his heart punched out of his chest.

Instead they bowed.

"Until the sun expires," muttered the ready butler.

"Until the last spirit transcends," added the trembling maid.

"Good, then I need information. As well as those two people I mentioned, they at least must be saved today. So, where to start? As the resident experts of this place I look forward to your executive decision on this matter."

"We must hide of course, these side paths are used commonly. We must go to Forgetful Trees, don't you agree sister?" said the butler.

"Indeed, it will be safest to talk at Forgetful Trees brother. Although we will suffer such wrath from abandoning our post, but the nobles have not cared for us in such a long time that our absence might not be noticed, brother."

As they travelled, Kenji asked a few needling questions.

"You are siblings then? And are you really bound to serve through enchantments?"

"Indeed. The Fae love all things beautiful, and the fact all Sun Elves look closely related as a species provided the master's a chance to create a set of servants all of a gorgeous matching variety. After that they flung wicked enchantments, sent agents to sabotage us, and finally with one disastrous spell, froze our spirits in magical ice and left us temporarily as feeble as one of the humans. When the human warriors came, more of our kin died due to the confusion and grief than anything else. Yet they still stole everything, our people, our treasures, and most of our spirits being passed onto the Far King. Much of the rest was allowed to be taken by the humans, once the Far King had his set of matching maids and butlers he really didn't care about our culture nor even our power. It is what had helped us send our goddess to safety in the first place."

"You certainly seem stronger than other sun elves I have met, you made that Faun pass out with but a squeeze of the wrist!" Kenji cackled as he rubbed his hands together in what he hoped looked like a suitably devious expression.

"And you appear like no creature we have ever met," the maid frowned, elegant steps coming to a halt. "Who are you, servant of the Goddess?"

Parting his hands and bowing, Kenji whispered, "I am Kenji Aztec, enemy of the orcs, friend of the elves and the holder of a Patty Queen Elite membership card! Currently I serve the Goddess after one of her miracles saved my life, and she tasked me with saving the pair I mentioned before while also seeking information on how to have her beloved people released from the Far King's clutches!"

The maid and Butler clapped quietly, "Bravo!" whispered the butler.

"Amazing," whispered the maid, and quickly pulled open a door to reveal a small glade filled with Violet trees. Three Sun elves danced within, talking with one another and practicing their magic in here like Kenji had secretly played his Nintendo past bedtime as a kid.

"But I regret to inform you, quite impossible," the maid added as she entered the place know as Forgetful Trees.