chapter 50 - Master in Disguise

"Only a Master servant has access to restricted areas. It is quite impossible for anyone else, and unless our enchanted contracts are broken we Sun Elves would be unable to help you either," the maid said, her large blue eyes wilting.

"That's ok, I don't think only five of you would be able to achieve much anyway," Kenji nodded, "the satyr appeared too numerous for that at least."

The pair smirked as they looked at one another.

"Dearest agent, firstly there is a neat twelve of us that survived the master's training. Secondly, while already powerful, we have been given the finest training possible so that we might become battle servants, able to fight off wild salamanders, angry spirits or even other Fae that might seek to overthrow the master. If we were set free, this entire realm would tremble in fear."

The bloodlust in their aura spiked even as their smiles remained bright and their eyes warm. The outcome was Kenji being drenched in a cold sweat, feeling as if he stood before a nest of sleeping dragons.

"If you acquire for me a master servant, I Could replicate him and save the orphans at least. Perhaps if there is a focus point of your enchantments I could break them and free you? After that we could meet up with the Goddess and-"

"Please stop there. I thank you for your efforts, but that won't happen. Only the Far King can release us from his service, and with the effort required to destroy our kingdom and grind our people into his is unlikely to the extreme that he will ever release us willingly."

"Then what about a trade? I could steal-"

"Stop!" the butler said suddenly, both he and the other sun elves having bathed the area in bloodlust. "Do not use that word - we are bound to protect the property of our Master, please be more careful or the enchanments will compel us to act."

"Then... bring me to where I can speak with a master servant in private...?" Kenji was anxious as he waited for the bloodlust to drain from the air, the still smiling sun elves returning to calm.

"Just this way, I'll bring you one of the master servants from another house for a, shall we say," primly the maid vanished through the door at an astounding speed despite her maids outfit, the other elves returning to their endless dance around the Violet trees.

As he waited, Kenji decided to explore.

Further within was another Sun elf with a long golden beard, chiseling at stone into the rough shape of a woman. Behind him we're dozens more such statues, and peering behind them a long path filled with even more. All of Violet, their lost Goddess.

"You say she lives," the old elf said with a straight back and trembling hands. While he hacked at the stone neither his fine white gloves nor black butlers dress were marred in the slightest.

"She does, healthy and happy. But alone, she thinks she's the only one left. I see it in her at times, that she puts up walls around her heart because she's afraid of losing everyone once more. Your return would mean the world to her, and that would mean a lot to me in turn."

"And who are you little creature of chain, cloth and deceit? What path has led you to our fair Goddess?"

"I saved her from a human prison, and again when the humans returned for her. They aren't all bad, but some of their kind are truly horrible for what they have done," Kenji's hands trembled with rage, so many painful memories of the evil deeds of humanity rushing through him.

Kenji felt a living vessel for their revenge, and he would be lying if the thought of breaking their power and setting the land free of King Thunberad's power hungry ways did not excite him. But was he such a hero as that? Was Kenji to scout worthy heroes to fight such a man - or should Kenji focus on the lands liberation himself?

First thing first, Kenji had already decided to free these elves. He knew not how - but he swore it would be done.

"It is good our nearest Goddess is not alone in the world. With her origins as a parasite we thought she would continue to hate her own existence," the old elf said with a fatherly smile. "Even her father, the king, could not convince her otherwise."

"You...know that she was a mana worm? And you're ok with that?"

"Ok...? My dear agent, we were thrilled! Her mere presence stilled the curse on our people, and while the Far King's magics protect us now, only the Goddesses continued protection could give us any hope of a nation of our own again. She is vital to any future possibility of the Sun Elf people being strong and happy."

The old elf held Kenji's hands, tears welling in his skyblue eyes. Wiping the wet from his cheeks, be smiled wider than that forced on him by his station while life returned to his face.

"Thank you kindly for this news. Working all day, forced to train and watch our people die through brutal trials to increase our has been heart breaking. Should the day come when we are free, rest assured we Sun Elves will NEVER fall again!"

With that Kenji noticed the distant door open, and a faun with fluffy gold/brown fur and with an air of the sophisticated about him stepped primly into the Forgetful Trees.

"What is this lazy servant you spoke of?" said the Master Faun with all the eloquence of a noble.

"These way, good Master. He sleeps this way," the maid gave Kenji plenty of time to hide before leading the master Faun to where the other unconcious Tracker Faun lay.

"Disgraceful, I'll have him dearly punished for this," the master Faun sniffed. Ears stiffening, the Master Faun turned suddenly and yet was slamned into nearby wall by a gust of wind.

Kenji struggled to hold the spirit crystal, the silver boy having thrust a great surge of power behind the blast. Running over, Kenji found the Master Faun knocked out and quickly thought as what to do.

"Kill him," muttered the old elf, fixated smile barely holding beyond a face contorted with rage. "You did well to bring this one Misha, the Master Faun that had conducted out training. Agent, feel no pity for this creature, it has hundreds of sun elf murders to its name, is a key supporter of the Far King and is one of his most willing instruments in our demise. I beg of you, the enchanments forbid us to do so ourselves, but you can kill this wretch in our place!"

Kenji pulled out his dagger, arm trembling as the Master Faun opened its eyes. Sun elves held the creature down as it thrashed, eyes filled with building bloodlust even as the enchantments continued to forced those fixed smiles.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

"Let me go - or else I'll feed you to the wolves and have to collect more elf slaves to fill your pathetic places!" screeched the Master Faun, not even a hint of remorse in his eyes. For not even a moment did the Master Faun seem to believe dying here was an option.

"If you release me know I'll- huek," surprised to the extreme, the Master Faun found blood spurting from a wound at its chest.

Kenji plunged the dagger down again, and again, until the grass was filled with red blood and the Master Faun ceased to twitch.

Then Kenji became the Master Faun, and the secrets of this realm became his. The secrets to it's possible destruction too.