chapter 6 - The Mayor

Essenark was beautiful.

Trees were trimmed, storefronts had fresh coats of paint, while the people were fat and jolly. Yet while men laughed and ladies ate their fill, dark eyed werewolves could be found everywhere.

Watching, waiting, and willing to attend any villager with a sense of urgency Kenji found disturbing. They carried bags, pulled carts, worked fields, and served drinks.

The villagers treated this like the natural way of things, and coming into the centre of the village Kenji caught many people talking joyfully of the new construction projects without the slightest mention as to the workforce building it. Several frameworks of huge buildings rose slowly in the village's centre, while stone walls were hastily being prepared as if Essenark expected a siege.

"How long have you had werewolves working for you?" Kenji said, interrupting the farmer's long winded speech on the intricacies of beetroot farming.

"It's only natural, once the Mayor offered them a chance to join civilisation and stop being hunted...well it's obvious no? They were animals, and now they are tamed animals. Like donkeys or pigs, they now serve the common good. We hope to breed enough for export, the Mayor has spoken at length of how rich we'll all be when Essenark becomes the source of the world's werewolf supply. Their cubs are especially easy to produce-"

"Thank you, that was interesting," Kenji wheezed, having to stop the man speaking before Tenko snapped his arm like dry wood.

"Indeed, here's the Townhall, you'll find the mayor inside. The Hunter General too, assuming someone was daft enough to replace the last one after The Hound was done with him. A terrible thing that happened to that fellow, really scaring people that wild werewolves might still lurk in the dark."

"This Hound, you think his a wild werewolf?" Kenji said, relieved they hadn't all been placed into this strange delirium.

"Has to be, our werewolves are well trained. Don't bite, and if they do they get gummed. Had a rocky start when the Mayor first introduced them, but I swear to you that they are loyal now. Would cut off their own heads if I asked," the man chuckled, Kenji mirroring him with a mirthless gurgle of his own.

"Well, places to be. Hope you find what you're looking for," the man said eyeing Kenji a tad annoyed, and lashed the werewolf boy across the back to get him going. Heaving again, the poor boy got to pulling the cart down the road.

"Calm down Tenko, control yourself," Kenji whispered, feigning a smile to match the very happy villagers all around him. Staying silent, Tenko focused on not losing her shit as she tightened her grip enough to became Kenji wince.

In great pain he entered the charming wooden town hall, the only tall building yet finished, and was greeted by a series of doe eyed werewolf maids and charming werewolf butlers. Behind them sauntered bow and sword wielding guards with green feathered caps, each wearing at least one silver ring.

"Who are you?" grunted one of the guards, his steel breastplate marred with dirt and his face unshaven for many days.

"Kenji of the Hero Guild. Apologies for coming unannounced, but I was hoping to speak with either the Mayor or the Hunter General," Kenji looked the fellow up and down, the dishevelled man practically radiating exhaustion, "are you quite alright?"

"No," the guard snapped, and waved a hand towards the furthers door of heavy set oak. "Mayor's in there, indisposed though. I'm the Hunter General but, what do you want with me, pretty boy?"

Rubbing his face free of the grips of exhaustion, he stared at Kenji then the cloth bound Tenko in turn. "What's wrong with her? Sick or something?"

"Shy," Kenji corrected him, feeling Tenko's bone crushing grip strengthen on his arm as he did so. Alarmingly the flaring yellow eyes of the werewolves all snapped to her, confused snarls mixing with the raising of ears.

"What's gotten into you lot? Blackie! Blackie, get in here and sort these dumb mutts out," roared the Hunter General, a suave gentleman with raven dark hair and plenty of muscle beneath his butler's suit stepping out of a nearby doorway. With a slight frown the man peered at the riled up werewolves, then Tenko in turn.

Snapping his fingers, the werewolves aggression faded in an instant. Curiously so did Tenko's, her grip lightening considerably on Kenji's bruised arm.

"Master Hunter General, how might I be of service?" the gentlemen said regally bowing, one white gloved hand over the satin black of his breast.

"Tell my boys to gear up, and have these mutts ready for punishment. The Mayor chose them for the looks - but they'll need to try harder to stop being rabid beasts if they want to stay out of the fields!"

"There's no need for that - there's no time either. We want to investigate the feral werewolf pack on behalf of the Hero Guild. Might you tell us where to look?"

Spitting on the nearest maid, The Hunter General pulled Kenji and Tenko by the arm.

"Right you two, time to get pissed up," the Hunter General grunted. "And pay, not doing anything without pay. So what'll it be, this piss is expensive you know."

Pulling free a golden coin from his purse, Kenji watched the Hunter Generals features summersault into a much kindlier set.

"Wealthy aye?" he said snatching the coin and eyeing his purse, "we'll be leaving right away then. Don't want to get caught out after dusk, pissed up or nay."

"Please tell me by 'pissed up' you mean drunk," Kenji whispered. Looking him dead in the eye, the Hunter General grinned.

"Nope, I'm talking about the finest monster urine in all the land. Guaranteed to drive away any but the most desperate predators, and will get us just close enough to the nest you can get a good look. So what're you waiting for? We're wasting daylight."

Pulled along by the repulsive man, Kenji groaned as he was reluctantly taken to the 'piss stations', even if Tenko's tail had started to wag beneath her layers.

For her at least, she was about to finally arrive home.