Chapter 5 - The Waiting Room

"Our collections have fallen because of you," the man with ink black skin, along with blinding white eyes and teeth said as he looked into the lemon coloured walls of the Waiting Room. "If you could tell me who you gave that unauthorised power too, I could still fix everything."

"I did nothing outside of my station. If you sent me a resource by mistake, you have no right to quarantine me for making the best use of it," answered the milk white woman with ink black teeth and eyes, who sat calmly upon a lemon coloured sofa of the human variety.

Since she had been one of their kind once, he had hoped it would sooth her. For whatever reason he sensed only anger in her prefrontal lobe instead.

"Allow me to examine you mental state, sister. I believe you are acting irrationally, serving me in all things is for the greater good."

"I would prefer to await the council's decision. Unless, Arkitect, you have not transmitted the report yet?" she smiled with void dark teeth at the ceiling, despite not being able to see him, the Arkitect still shied away.

"I heard you speak a name before, when you thought I wasn't watching. Noir...who is that?" he said.

"That's my name, all for me. Mine," she said, closing her eyes and letting the bliss of a name roll over her.

"Names are dangerous, accepting one more so. Would you really risk becoming corrupted over somthing so small as that?" he hissed.

"You have a name," she sniffed, "why can't I have one too? I used to have a name before they took them from us. It's not fair that you get a new one, just because you're an Arkitect."

"'The One' is not a name, it is a title. One that I look forward to be relieved of when all is done. It was necessary for the experiment, and let me remind you that due to your actions the output of the experiment had been put into question. I shouldn't have to say why wasting an entire world's worth of collections over this much time would prove....negative, for our wellbeing," the One said, only to grit his teeth as the damn foolish Observer continued to smile and think of that damned name.

"I'll kill it, girl. Whoever has given you these false notions, I'll have their soul trapped in a dying star for ten thousand years for what they've done to you."

That got her to open her eyes, the cold anger of the void freezing her little lemon covered room.

"That would be unwise," she said evenly, "not when you can only focus on so many things at once. How have the rest of your 'evil souls' fared? How do they do away from your control, can your pets convince them to do a damned thing?"

The One turned away, and stepped through a grand mirror to reappear at his desk. He had work to do, but her words continued to grate at him.

Even as Arkitect his powers were limited, and the sheets filled with plans could still hold some flaw not yet found. Scanning them again, he decided perhaps a meeting with the King was in order, a person the One had to be careful around.

He had suspicions the King wasn't as fooled by the One had he seemed. Perhaps, he would need to call on his trump cards to prove a point - no.

It was not yet time.

He could still pull the plan together without their help.