62. what are ya buyin stranger?

After a nerve wracking summer which ended up being the biggest heist ever not to mention he spent the majority of his time playing with enkidu and those vibranium cannonballs I mean do you know how satisfying it is to fire off a 5 pound ball of almost indestructible metal at trees and rocks and anything that moves he was like a child with a new toy he started practicing on random things he couldn't do it on dummies it was instantly destroyed and as for enkidu it's super up and fun to play with he spent half the time pretending to be scorpion from mortal kombat the other half learning how to use it as a kind of whip and projectile chained weapons are oddly hard to use like flails he spent most of the time with the cannonballs and with the auto collect function hrnggg so good he really needed a combat trainer tho he had so many options like scathach and evangeline mcdowell or he could wait and go to history's strongest disciple Kenichis world and learn from those masters and get better that kid got super op but those exercises made him shiver in thought. he didn't want to go to some super op world and have to deal with a bunch of shit game of thrones would be perfect to start his kingdom there's the wildlings the slaves the unsullied there's real war and combat there's a few dragons he'd be rich plus there are some extinct animals there like dire wolves and mammoths and some giants the only problem would be white walkers and politics or he could go to arifureta and work through the magic dungeons save the vampire girl get creation magic get beast people for his kingdom who are being enslaved work on his levels cause right now he's at level 9 from killing those people so he has 45 free Stat points but he wants to save all those. he could also go to is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon world but that place has so many gods and quite a few troublesome people and most of that place is corrupt with slavery corrupt nobles insane gods roaming around doing fuck all. the choice is up in the air. anyway it's time to get ready for school again they did the classic diagon alley trip for new clothes and books and splurged on even more books they had the choice of picking new classes this year for electives he picked ancient runes and arithmancy divination and care of magical creatures he had Luna and he was worthless at that shit muggle studies was over a hundred years behind however runes and arithmancy were great for curse breaking and setting up wards and Hagrid was a good friend he didn't want to steal more animals no sir also he found the biting books interesting he had also bought 1 invisible book of invisibility he had to be careful not to lose it so he kept it in his inventory he stocked up a bunch of potions at the apothecary for his gate like 20 pepper ups some bezoars he had some calming draughts and dreamless sleep potions he had got essence of murtlap for cuts and scars he bought some bottles of skelegrow he was basically making his own potions store in his gate and thinking ahead always be prepared he bought a draught of peace the Draught of Peace calms nerves and allows concentration. It might not eliminate enemies or give an edge in battle, but the Draught of Peace combats our unseen struggles against depression and anxiety, something that would aid a great number of people in real life he even got some things from the black market in nocturnal he had a bottle of amortentia Advertised as the strongest love potion in existence, Amortentia can't create true love, but it causes such powerful infatuation bordering on obsession that it's hard to tell the difference. The process for mixing it has yet to be revealed, but we know that the potion's aroma changes to match scents that every individual finds pleasant; A dangerous drug Why force a false love with Amortentia when you can simply make yourself desirable with the Beautification Potion? Rather than manipulating another's feelings towards you, this handy elixir temporarily removes your blemishes and enhance your features. Looks aren't everything, but they certainly don't hurt when attracting a partner. he bought Wolfsbane Potion it doesn't cure but alleviates the symptoms of lycanthropy, Lycanthropy is simply a fancy term for a werewolf, and while Wolfsbane does not prevent the transformation under a full moon, it morphs its user into a drowsy regular wolf rather than a vicious werewolf. Wolfsbane also allows consumers to maintain their memories after the transformation.

As helpful as it is to lycanthropy-inflicted wizards, Wolfsbane is tricky to craft, and the ingredients are expensive to find, meaning several werewolves are unable to regularly ingest it. he bought invisibility potions self-explanatory there he got a vial of veritaserum for when people are being stubborn 10 bottles of polyjuice potion 1 vial of liquid luck that cost him 10mgp it can only be used rarely or else bad shit happens he even got the opposite of it a vial of maclaw poison which causes extreme bad luck all of these potions were stored in his gate of Babylon for a permanent supply. better to have and not need than need and not have