63. The Rules.

After Ryans shopping spree which he bough everything he possibly could think of From anti constipation potions to pimple and boil removing potions his gate had just about anything and most women in the world would kill for a few items in there. I mean beauty and anti aging like the elixir of life? yeah he could get all the ladies. but he won't cause there are rules for harems first rule of the harem don't take all the girls. Taking all the girls is a dick move it's only polite to let your friends and allies find love don't be a douche. Second rule don't over stuff the harem if you can't handle it. Having a 100 girls would be great but how do you expect to be able to handle all of them without some magical clones or something. That would lead to very unhappy women which could lead to an NTR end for the main Mc and some other Mc taking his women we cannot allow this. so moderation is needed so you don't get cucked. Rule number 3 no gender benders in my harem. Like no he was a man I knew he was a man I'm not doing a man. Girls born as girls however in alternate realities are okay though. rule number 4 of Ryans harems personal rule. No traps. They got peepee they no with me capiche? last rule is happy harem happy life. keep your harem happy and your life will be happy spend time with them don't just bang and run around fighting young masters and trying to be the strongest of all time forgetting your partners you Lil cunt. how hard is it to take them with you. No harem member left behind. can you just imagine a sad little Luna holding a stuffed Pikachu waiting for you to come home and cuddle all while your out fighting god knows what cause your on some powertrip no no no. Not allowed. on to basic life rules. first rule don't be an asshole simple rule. that causes problems. arrogance leads to ignorance and ignorance leads to death. don't be arrogant or over confident bad shit happens it's good to know your strong it's another to overestimate yourself and get killed for it. next rule in Ryans basic life guide. always put the toilet seat down. you have a harem do the little things your supposed too. next, treat everything you can as kindly as you can. your a king if your acting like some kind of tyrant that's a good way to find some strange op Mc out trying to kill you with his plot armor fully active. which leads us to our next rule. make sure your kills are dead we don't want anyone coming back we didn't expect. which leads us onto our next rule. we don't kill innocents. no matter how much some little shit offended you family annihilation is off the table don't become one of those young masters. Children are also off the table we don't kill kids or malfoy would probably be dead already. next rule try to handle problems silently. don't fight assholes in a full tavern and kill the governors son where everyone can see like wtf man that causes problems. assassinate them when they are farther away and leave no witnesses also wear a disguise. best one would be make yourself look like someone you hate. that's killing 2 birds with 1 stone. and no father's come after you. I know this is a lot of rules but there are far too many idiots out there. don't be an idiot.

anyway everyone had made it to the train station being escorted by aurors cause of Harry and Sirius Black being free. the train was packed like usual I don't know why kids don't just get basic charms on trunks like Featherlight and shrinking I mean it's not that expensive. Ryan found the apartment with lupin in it the man looked super raggedy. bad clothes sick and tired looking we gotta help him out later with that lycanthropy is pretty shit here expecially the potter world version I mean if it was the underworld version where it's 9 foot tall bipedal monster wolves that you can turn into anytime you want that's the good shit. this one however full moon gollum from lord of the rings lookin ass wolf creature gross. I would even accept the twilight werewolves before this those guys are cool. massive wolves that tear things apart oh yeah. but i think they classify as shape shifters. but they still get immortality as long as they change. this guy however got the shit end of the stick a werewolf that goes crazy you don't remember you inflict wounds on yourself you don't really get any cool powers besides the love for more bloody steak and some increased smells and minor strength increase. yeah not worth it plus the entire Wizarding world is prejudice against you and no jobs? yeah that sucks. anyway I'll talk to the man later on in school and try to recruit him as long as I can drive out that Dumbledore worship in him that's totally lame we can't have that I'm pretty sure Dumbledore just used him cause he was a werewolf and needed someone on the inside. I mean it was war time and some people do crazy things after all he is way over 100 years old he shouldn't be leading wars he should be in retirement on a beach somewhere looking at hot bikini asses. or trunks you know whatever floats his boat I'm not against it I'm just not interested myself. I involuntarily stroke Lunas head. yes more waifus. *cough* I trailed off there for a bit anyway the train was doing its train like duties when it started slowing down I left the apartment knowing what comes next. it's kinda like a silent Hill horror game the world went grey and cold and everything felt clammy I had small flashbacks of burning alive in agony. I frowned at that and had my shadows spread out. we ended up with 13 dementors before the train started moving not many but it's a start I know there's going to be so many at hogwarts it actually effects the weather making it cold and dark and gloomy most of the year. giant hooded zombie soul suckers. and that screech they do. chilling. anyway I taught our whole group effectively how to use patroni so we should be good. the only things that were worth mentioning these years was the hogsmeade trips which Harry can go on and more dates for me the quidditch game the dark creatures classes with lupin the hippogryff arc. the Sirius black attacks Harrys training which won't happen now that he has permission and we already know it Pettigrew escape basically like last year I'd already gotten most of the problems solved we have care of magical creatures with slytherin so malfoy isn't in our class I don't know what's going to happen to the little shit if he does the same crap and gets attacked at least his dad can't bribe anyone they had to sell most of their things to be able to maintain a good life. I mean I can't steal malfoy manor...can i? nahhhh let's not try. I have to leave Narcissa something at least I do have the rest of her family living with me and I don't want them hiddenly upset from what I know she's just a spoiled trophy wife who doesn't do any wrong really she never participated in the wars or muggle hunts or anything like that. she didn't want anything to do with voldie and only wanted her son safe she was a caring mother. I'll see if I can help her I may have to kidnap malfoy and imprison him for rehabilitation from daddy's problem but I'm sure she could understand that. and get he away from lucy and his shenanigans. we will work on it and ask the other members. my prison has sound dampening so we don't have to hear shouts about his father will hear about this I plan to kill the man off at some point. anyway. good train ride ended no mishaps.