Nice Body

After a while, Shen Chen finally realized what happened after recovering from the huge shock. He coughed and turned his head.

Ye Xiaoyu unconsciously exclaimed, hurriedly covering the most important place of her body with both hands, then buried her flushing cheeks in her knees.

Shen Chen looked down at the smooth floor silently and basically confirmed that the scream was because Ye Xiaoyu fell, not because Ye Xiaoyu was in danger. He shook his head helplessly and thought that he was too nervous.

He was just about to speak but saw Ye Xiaoyu struggling to hold the wall to stand up. The slippery ground and her foot injury made her groan and fall to the ground again.

A gust of wind blew past. The body that suddenly fell was stopped by a strong chest. Shen Chen only felt that what he was holding was very soft and smooth. The girl's soft body clung to his chest tightly. In a moment, he felt that his lips were as dry as the desert.