Tear up Zombies

Shen Chen's words implied something else. Ye Tianlong's face suddenly froze. He stammered and didn't know what to say, so he had to make a few awkward laughs to cover it.

This really was a neighborhood of low occupancy. There were only a few zombies along the way, and Shen Chen easily got rid of them. As they passed through the children's park of the neighborhood, several five-year-old zombies staggered over and roared.

Looking at the little zombies, who used to be pure and lovely kids, Shen Chen shook his head helplessly. If now was the end of the world, what he felt the worst about was the children. They couldn't protect themselves and were often the first targets to be attacked by zombies. Even if they avoided the initial misfortune, they wouldn't be able to survive long in the future.