Bearing Grudges

"You overestimate yourself!"

Xiao Luo said coldly… and a strong surge of internal energy exploded from his body.

A shrill scream pierced the air as Yang Hongzhi was thrown right out of the court, looking like he was hit by a speeding car. Xiao Luo was still hovering in the air, his right arm winding up behind his head before dunking the basketball through the hoop. The ball was slammed fiercely into the basket, like a cannonball, and the net swung back upwards as it swished through.

After completing the dunk, Xiao Luo landed softly with both feet slightly apart. The ball was bouncing right under the basket going BOP, BOP, BOP—as if bowing to Xiao Luo in deference, and it eventually stopped bouncing and rolled towards his feet in total submission.