Arrest Operation

Xiang Gaoyang's vehicle was parked in a nearby parking lot.

Chu Yue's body was really light, only weighing about 90 jin. Xiao Luo hardly felt her weight, and carrying her was effortless. Her body still had a faint fragrance that was pleasant to the senses, and Xiao Luo couldn't help but feel excited as he carried her to the parking lot. Wasn't this the response of any normal man?

"When she wakes up, let her know that she was the salesperson for whatever investment there was. Her backer will be arrested tonight barring any unexpected developments. If she doesn't believe it then just tell her that I said so," Xiao Luo said to Xiang Gaoyang after placing her carefully in the backseat.

Xiang Gaoyang nodded and replied, "Thank you so much, Mr. Xiao. To be honest, Boss Chu already knew it was a scam, but he didn't want to kill off Ms. Chu's enthusiasm. Well, at least Ms. Chu's visit to Xiahai wasn't entirely wasted since she got to meet you.