Fear of Domination

Feng Zhiqiang walked in with 40 to 50 scoundrels, all of them muscular men garbed in black workout tank tops. Most of them sported tattoos on their bodies, and it made them look fierce and intimidating. The vibrations they gave off immediately warned the others that they were not people to be trifled with, which caused the bar's atmosphere to become tense. Almost instantly, the men and women who had come seeking fun looked distressed. No one not dared to make a sound out of fear.

Pointing at Feng Zhiqiang, Luo Shuang shouted, "The police are investigating this case. I warn you not to cause trouble, or we will take all of you back to the station!"

"Madam, you can eat anything you want but you cannot talk nonsense. We are just here to have fun and you're already painting us in such a bad light! I have half a mind to sue you for slander!"