Stealing a bite of the Forbidden Fruit

Since it was a Women's Kingdom, it reminded Xiao Luo of the scenarios that happened in the Women's Kingdom of the Journey to the West. Walking along the streets, Xiao Luo blended in somewhat because many of the women looked like men too. The way they spoke was quite manly, and they sounded just like men.

"Screw her grandpa duck. Look at that woman. Luckily, she does not have a beard. Or else I would have thought she was a man. If you look under her armpit, you will notice how thick her armpit hair is. She has more hair under her armpit than on her head."

Duck Emperor saw the buff-looking woman walk past and could not help commenting. "I can even smell her body odor from such a distance away. Disgusting. It is way too disgusting. Little girl, come. Let me smell the fragrance on your body to dispel the poison."

Duck Emperor slipped right into Ghost's pocket and felt better after taking a whiff of her fragrant smell.