The Queen’s Tears

Ghost and the Duck Emperor felt a great pain, and they were rolling on the ground in agony. They did not know if it was a sign of pregnancy from consuming the forbidden fruit, so Xiao Luo found an inn for them to take a rest. He faked a high-pitched voice to imitate a woman when he spoke to the desk clerk. Since he had a face with fine features, the desk clerk did not even think about the possibility that he was a man.

The pain subsided when they entered their room. Ghost was lying on the bed feebly and her face was very pale. The Duck Emperor was also lying prone on the bed, thoroughly exhausted.

Xiao Luo once exchanged for medical skill in the system when he was in the Original World. He took their pulses and confirmed Ghost was pregnant, and so was the Duck Emperor. He ate so many that his reaction was faster and his belly even bulged visibly.