Chapter 12: Boats, Supplies, and Old Friends

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece

"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"


A few seconds passed.

"How about now?"



Dusty whimpered as she was literally dragged from the helm's room of the ferry over to room where she and her crewmates were staying. Axe and Devon looked up as one of the workers banged the door open and dragged Dusty into the quarters.

"If she," he pointed to Dusty, who was currently massaging her tail, "ever bothers us again before we reach the town...I will personally, throw you all overboard!" he screeched. Axe looked at him, then looked at Dusty who looked away, whistling innocently.

Axe looked back at the workman, "Sorry about her...she's a basket case. Here," he dug through his pocket and pulled out a small wad of bills. He tossed it and the workman caught it, his eyes wide, "Hope that works as compensation,". The man nodded and left the room, counting the money under his breath.

Dusty stuck her tongue out at him, "Meany...,". Devon rolled his eyes and looked at Axe, "You sure you could spare that money, Captain? I mean...we do need money for food and stuff. We can't steal everything...," he pointed out. Axe nodded, "Oh yeah, I'm sure. That was the money I gave to Dusty to spend...," he explained. Dusty stopped brushing her tail and slowly turned to look at him, a very shocked look on her face, "W-w-w-what...?".

Axe cracked his knuckles, "Think of it as a punishment, Dusty. You bother someone, and you lose what I like to call, an allowance...," he smirked. The fox girl's eye twitched and she slowly stood up. Devon raised an eyebrow, "You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do...are ya, kid?" he asked. Dusty nodded and curled her hand into a fist. "DON'T DO THAT!" she screamed, throwing her fist as hard as she could.

It collided with Axe's face and stopped. Both Axe and Dusty remained silent as Devon looked on, wondering what would happen as a consequence. The fox girl slowly moved her hand away and held it close to her, then started bawling. Axe sniffed slightly and looked tapped his chin, "Next time...don't hit someone if you're not prepared to face the consequences...,".

Dusty whimpered and looked at her hand. It had a large bruise around her knuckles and some slight swelling. She looked at Axe, eyes watering, "What did you do...?". Her captain shrugged, "Nothing really. Go see Kirsty and she'll help you with that,". Dusty nodded and made her way to the door.

"Hold it...Devon go with her,"

"Hm? Why?"

"Because I want you to tell Kirsty to treat her, but not with her ability. I understand Dusty was mad, but she shouldn't strike her captain...,"

"Hehe...ok then...,"

Devon rolled out of his cot and walked up to Dusty, a small grin on his face, "Let's go kid...,". Dusty glared at him and slapped him in the chest with the injured hand, making it hurt worse. Devon couldn't help laughing out loud as they left the room.

Axe sat up and stretched, "Wonder how close we are...,"

A few days later, the supply ferry anchored itself at a large docking area and all the passengers, or rather, the only passengers, walked down the ramp carrying their belongings. Dusty rubbed her newly bandaged hand, glaring at Axe as she did so.

As the group of pirates made their way into town, Kirsty, Devon, Austin and Dusty looked around, greatly interested in their surroundings. Tall buildings filled decorated with pictures of fighters, dancers, and Beli dollar signs. "Captain...where are we?" Kirsty asked, her eyes never leaving the sights.

Axe tapped his cheek, as if deep in thought, "Looks like a major gambling town. Not many of these exist outside the Grand Line...or so I'm told,". Dusty stopped at one of the dancing shops and peeked in the window. She could see beautiful women dancing around poles and doing all sorts of dances. She groaned and walked away, joining her friends. "This is not the kinda place I'd set up my act," she muttered.

Her captain glanced at her before taking a seat on a bench. Devon and the others stopped and looked at him, " what?" he asked. Axe tilted his head back and looked up at the many signs, "Well...we need a boat, for well as some starting cash and supplies. The money we have won't cover what we need, and we do need a treasure horde...ya know?" he asked with a grin and a wink.

"Well...good luck with that...," Devon said as he started walking off. "HEY! Where are you going, Devon?" Kirsty called after him. He looked back over his shoulder, "I need some new swords!" he shouted back. Kirsty nodded, and noticed that Austin was staying at her side. "Aren't you going with him, Austin?" she asked. Austin shook his head.

"'s how it's gonna go...,"

The three of them looked at Axe who was writing somethingon a pad of paper. "Dusty and Austin, you're in charge of finding us a boat of our own," he tore off the small sheet and handed it to Kirsty, "Doc, you're in charge of food and supplies,". Kirsty took the paper and her eyes widened at the length of the things that were needed, "Uh...Captain? What are you going to do while we're doing this?" she asked him.

Axe cracked his knuckles and grabbed the large bundle next to him and placed it on his back, "I'm...gonna go look for something we need...,". The others watched as he disappeared into the crowds, leaving them alone at the bench.

"Something we need? He doesn't think that a boat and supplies is something we need?" Dusty asked sarcastically.

"I'm sure he's doing what he thinks is best...," Kirsty assured her before taking her leave, the list in her hand. Dusty sighed and looked down at Austin, who looked up at her, "Guess it's just you and me kid...,". Austin shrugged and she ruffled his hair, smiling.

Devon walked around the shop, taking in all the swords that were on display. "I bet they don't even have those blades...," he said to himself.

"Can I help you, young man?"

He turned to see a middle aged woman standing at the counter, a bored look on her face. "Yeah...I was wondering if you could help me with something...," he walked over to the lady and pulled out his Collector's Guidebook. He flipped through the pages and stopped at two pages. One page had a long katana with a blade that had half of it painted black, and the front half painted red. The second page had a similar katana, except it had an azure blade with silver linings.

"Do you sell any of these?" he asked, pointing to the blades.

The clerk looked at the book and started laughing. "You're looking for these swords? Kid, I hate to tell ya, but the Onimaru and the Water Moon are complete myths. They only put those in that book to show everyone what they look like,".

Devon let out a sigh and closed the book, "Guess this means I'll have to look elsewhere...," he said to himself. The clerk stopped laughing, but the smile remained on her face, "Look? You're actually looking for those? Kid, piece of advice. Don't go after things that aren't real, ok? Go do something with your life...I hear the Marines are always taking in recruits...," she suggested.

"Sorry...the Marines aren't my thing. So, what do you have here? I don't have much...only about 4,500 Beli...," Devon asked, deciding to get back to his sword shopping.

Dusty's jaw dropped at the sights in the shipyard. Boats from all sizes and shapes were being made there, or were held there until the proper buyer came along. "HOLY CRAP! I never saw boats like these even when I was with the Silver Foxes...," she exclaimed. Austin looked from side to side, taking in all the boats.

"Well, where do we start, Austin?" she asked, putting her arms behind her head. He pulled on her skirt, making her look down. "Ease up, or you're gonna de-pants me, kid," she warned. Austin shook his head and took off in a run to the right.


Dusty broke into a run as well, trying to catch up with Austin, bad had a difficult time with it. Damn, this kid's fast... she thought as she started to lag behind him.

Kirsty groaned as she dragged the large bags of food behind her. "Why...did...he this?" she asked, straining. After a few moments of dragging and hurting her back, Kirsty let go and collapsed on the street. "Devon should've be assigned this..," she whined.

"Looks like a good thing I actually went off when I did...,".

Kirsty looked up to see Devon lugging both bags of supplies over his shoulders with ease. She stuck her tongue out at him, "Bite me...,". Devon grinned as she picked herself up, then adjusted the bags on his back, "So how much did you actually buy?" he asked her.

"As much as the Captain put down on the seen him?"

Devon shook his head, "He's not with you?". Kirsty groaned, " we gotta carry all this stuff, straining our backs just looking for him!". Devon stopped and raised an eyebrow, "We?" he asked. Kirsty kicked him in the shin, "You know what I mean...,".

"So you have no clue where Axe is?" he asked, ignoring the kick.

"No...but I'm sure whatever it is, it's for the good of the crew, and it's nothing stupid...,"

The black haired woman sat quietly in her dark corner, waiting for her meal to come. It was later than usual, especially for such a small base. Heavy footsteps reached her ears and she crawled over to the bars, waiting for the tray of food to pass through. Black boots came into her view and she frowned.

Black boots weren't the issue of the Marines, she knew this. She slowly looked up to see a man with black hair that went past his shoulders. He adjusted his hat and straightened the vest he was wearing.

"Well now I don't believe this. Niri Zolaro...a prisoner?"

Her eyes went wide at the sound of the man's voice. He looked somewhat different, but it was definitely him.


The treasure hunter waved at her, "Yo, sup? Long time no see, Niri,".

She rubbed her eyes, making sure she wasn't dreaming. She wasn't...he was standing there, just inches away from her. She stood up quickly and hugged him through the bars, "I can't believe it! What are you doing here!".

Axe tapped the bars of the cell, "I can ask you the same question...,". Niri smiled and hugged him again, "Man, I'm glad you're here! I wa-," she stopped and looked at him, a look of confusion on her face.


"How did you know I was here?"

"I heard a rumor that a friend of a pirate was in prison, so I thought I'd come check it out...," he explained with a goofy grin.

Niri frowned again, "How did you know it was me?".

He shrugged, "Fifty/fifty chance it was you...,".

She smacked him upside his head, "YOU WEREN'T SURE AND YOU STILL CAME! Axe...if any Marines find you...,"

"If they find me, Niri. You know what I can do right?" he asked with a hint of both seriousness and joy. She nodded, "I know fully well what you can do, Axe! Now I have one other question...,"

He pulled away from the bars and cracked his knuckles again, "Don't even need to say it...just move...,"

Niri moved away from the door of the cell and Axe grabbed it firmly with both hands, "One 'Get Out of Jail Free' card...comin' right up...,". He pulled and almost immediately, the door broke off the hinges, sending dust and bits of metal to the floor. "Huh...oh well," Axe said casually before setting the door down next to him. Niri walked through the now open cell, a large smile on her face.

"C'mon, we need to go before they...,"



The two of them looked to the side to see a handful of Marines standing a few feet away, rifles aimed directly at them.

"...find us,"

Kilnorc: There it is! Hope y'all like! More excitement and stuff to come, Ipromise! Ja ne!