Chapter 13: Where To Go From Here

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece

"Well...that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Niri stared at the hole Axe had made when he tossed the Marines through the wall. "Damn, you have not changed one bit...," she murmured, still staring at the wall. Axe laughed and picked up his bundle from the floor, "Oh, I have...more ways then one, Niri,".

She nodded slowly, "Uh what's the plan for this place? You busted me out, so now what?". Axe scrunched his face up in concentration, "Well...the others are lookin' for a ship...and food. So, I guess all we need is some cash and maybe some guns," he said slowly. The ex-Marine giggled softly and slapped him on the back, "No problem...,"

Devon adjusted the bags on his back for the hundredth time while Kirsty looked in every direction. "You keep doin' that, you're gonna get a kink in your neck, Doc," he warned. Kirsty waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, yeah...damn where the hell is Axe?". She tugged at her hair, frustrated that she couldn't find any sign of her captain.

"Like you said, probably getting something we need. Calm down...,"

Kirsty side-glared Devon, "For someone with a high bounty on his head, you seem pretty calm when you're in a place with a Marine Base...," she whispered. Devon returned the glare, "At least until somebody blabs it all over! Watch what you say, say one word about the Demon being here, and it can ruin the whole trip...," he whispered back.

She sighed and rubbed her scalp, "Sorry...just a little tense. So if you don't mind me asking, why do they call you the Demon?" she asked, looking up at the swordsman. Devon remained silent and kept walking down the road.

Must be something really personal... Kirsty observed, looking closer at his face, trying to find some trace of anything that might help her. Devon noticed her staring and started walking faster. Kirsty frowned as she tried to catch up with him, "Well that's rude...,".

"That has got to be...the most stupid looking pirate boat, ever,"

Dusty stared at a small caravel-class boat that had one cannon in the front, just under what looked like a ram's head. Past it, the sails had a large skull and crossbones with a straw-hat on it. She crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, something on her mind, "Why would a pirate ship be docked where everyone can see it? The mark gives it away to Marines," she asked herself.

Austin just shook his head and tugged at her skirt again. She reached down and grabbed his hand, " more time...and I'm putting you on that boat!" she threatened. Austin gave her a look that said 'Yeah, right' and took off down the road again.

As they left, a young man wearing a yellowish, checkered bandanna poked his head out from over the railing of the ship and crossed his arms, "Stupid ship...?".


"Huh?" the young man turned around only to get hit over the head with a brown bo staff. The owner of the staff, a teenage girl with short orange hair, glared at him, "Go fix the sail...,"

Axe and Niri casually walked out of the Marine base, each carrying two large briefcases. Niri had a large bag over her shoulders and a scoped pistol at her hip. "So what do you plan on doing, Axe? You heading back there?" Niri asked him. He nodded, "I got to...treasure hunting's in my blood, Niri...just like sniping is in yours,".

His friend smiled at him, "Still looking for the greatest legendary treasure of all, eh?". Axe chuckled loudly, "Yeah...I don't care for the title if I find it...I just want to prove that I'm the best Treasure Hunter out there. Say...," he stopped walking and turned to her, "how's about you join us? We could use a sniper...especially one with your skill,"

Niri glanced at him and grinned, "Why not...I'm gonna have to be on the run anyway. Count me in,". They walked until they reached the shipyard area. "Funny...Dusty and Austin should be around here," Axe murmured, looking from side to side.


Axe turned around to see a somewhat angry Kirsty and a very annoyed looking Devon. "Hey, guys...get what we need?" he greeted. Devon let out a loud grunt and dropped the heavy bags on the street.

"Good we just need to find Dusty and Austin...,".

"They're not here? I thought you told them to look for a ship,".

The captain shrugged, "I dunno what to tell ya, Devon...they probably got lost...this town is really big...,". Kirsty nodded, 'That's true, Dev-," she stopped, finally taking notice of Niri. "Who's that?" she asked. Axe followed her gaze, and smiled, "This is a friend of mine, Niri. Niri, this is Kirsty Chambers, and this is-,"

"Devon the Demon," she finished.

They all looked at her, eyes a little wide, "Oh, ok, since you sorta know him, let's get on with this. Niri here is an old friend of mine. She's volunteered to be a part of our crew!" Axe informed his crewmates.

Devon rolled his eyes, "Great...another girl,"

Niri glared at him, "You got a problem, blondie?" she snapped.

He reached for his blades, "Do you?" he countered.

Kirsty quickly stepped in between them, "Ok...we don't need this. We need to find the others...and get a boat, and leave...,"

Niri nodded in agreement, "Before the Marines find out what happened at the Base,"

The blonde duo looked at her, "What did you do at the base?" they asked in unison.

As if on cue, a loud, rapid ringing sound echoed through the town. Kirsty and Devon looked at each other, then at their captain and newest crewmate, "Oh hell no...,"

Axe tossed the briefcases he was holding to them and grabbed them by the collars, "WE'LL EXPLAIN LATER, JUST C'MON!".

"Hey wait, what about the others!"


Like bats out of hell, Axe and Niri ran off, dragging the other two behind them as the Marines began to pour out of the Marine Base nearby.

"Royal Flush...I win again...,"

Dusty stared at the set of cards as her opponent slapped them down on the table. "Dammit...ONE MORE GAME!" she offered, pounding the table. The woman across from her leaned back in her chair, a smug look on her face, "I'd quit if I were you, Miss Dusty...gambling can take a terrible toll on you if taken too far...,".

She glared at the woman. This bitch is so goin' down... she thought as she dug through her pockets. Finding nothing, she began to panic, Crap...I already used all of Austin's money...and Axe used my to pay that ferry worker...

"Well...if you have no more money, I'd say that this end of the our little game," the woman said quietly. Dusty glared at her, "Hold it! I got a new bet!" she yelled. The woman stopped and turned her head slightly, "I'm listening...,"

Kilnorc: there's the update! hope it's good