Chapter 30: Endure

They had sent Byakuya and his Vice-captain Renji Abarai. One of my students would be executed.

I stood at the gate as midnight came with moon lighting the way. I had volunteered to escort her to the holding cell for the executed. The gate opened as the two came with Rukia behind them. Moving forward I met the Captain for the exchange.


"Vice-captain Hatake? May I ask why you're here?" He asked coldly

"Captain-Commander has asked for you, I'm here to escort the prisoner to your Divisions cells, til we escort her tomorrow to the Senzaikyū" I explained

Upon hearing the name Rukias eyes widen. Senzaikyū was the massive tower you see in the Soul Society. It connected to Sokyoku Hill the execution grounds.

Captain Kuchiki stared at me, he had grown cold over the years.

"Very well" he said stoic

The handed her over to me, as he didn't say a word. Walking to the the 6th Division, we walked in silence. She held her head down as I guided us to the cells.

"It's my fault" she whispered

"What's your fault?" I asked still focused on the trail

"If I had been more vigilant none of this would happen"

I didn't say a word as we walked a fee more feet.

"Don't dwell on the past, accept what is done and face it" I said

"What about you? I know Renji and Byakuyas opinion, but what about yourself how do you see me?" She asked

"...Those who break the rules are...scum"

She lowered even more.

"But I will not abandon you, you're still my student and I plan to be by your side til the end" I finished

"What does that mean?"

"It means you should expect to see me more throughout this ordeal"

"Thanks" she said with a smile

"Though I don't know who reported you"

"What? You mean- you didn't?" She asked

"No I meant what I said, not many knew of your situation though I do have an idea"


"Sosuke Aizen"

"Why would he do that?"

"Rukia I've been here since he was Vice-captain and he was always on my suspicion list"

She didn't Aizen had known about her breaking the law.

Division 6: Holding Cells

Stopping I had to transfer her over to the Division 6 members. She turned to give on last smile as she head to her cells.

Next Day

The sun was bright as approached Division 6 with a guard of Stealth Corp members. Rukia approached us as she wore a execution robe.




The Stealth Corp members surrounded her, as I began to guide us. The wind blew gently as the entire Seireitei was silent. The large white tower got closer the more we walked. I could feel a sense of solitude approaching the Senzaikyū. Crossing the bridge we entered, it was a massive cell with not much to it.

"Your execution is in 14 days, you have a view of Sokyoku Hill where it will take place" I explained

She went over to the window looking at massive pillars. A Stealth Corp member came to my side.

"We got report of five Ryoka have infiltrated the Soul Society, one matching the description of that Rukia gave her powers to" he whispered into my ear

"Well it seems that I have five intruders to deal with" I said aloud

I knew she heard me as her body tensed up. Leaving the Senzaikyu as the gate closed.

"What's his name?" I asked

"Ichigo Kurosaki"

"Good, now I know who to look out for"

Division 8

"Kakashi how you holding up?" Captain Shunsui asked

I really didn't know how to feel, angry? Sad? Angry at this human for making this all happen. Then again I can't blame destiny or fate or just bad luck for all this.

"I don't know"

"I understand, I wouldn't know how to react if I saw you on execution" he confessed

I was suprised to hear that, I didn't feel I was held that high in regard.

"Anyhow, did you hear?"


"It seems that Aizen was killed just before you moved Rukia they say we might have to speed up the execution" he informed

If today could get worse this was it. I felt exhausted unable to get an rest last night.

"Go home Kakashi get some rest and we'll carry on tomorrow" he advised

I didn't argue it was something I really needed. Walking to my home passing by someone I didn't want to.

"Oh Kakashi, I didn't see you" Gin said with his usually wide grin

"Captain Ichimaru is there something you wanted" I said coldly

"I hear you finished escorting Rukia?" He said

Gin was always a cold bastard, always insensitive to such matters.

"Today was very eventful for me, I kept those Ryoka from entering, and Vice-captain Momo Hinamori attacked me" he said

That shocked me Momo was never to be aggressive in anyway.

"Now why would she do that?" I asked

"She assumes that I killed Captain Aizen"

"And did you?"

He didn't say a word and kept going his way. I looked as he began to leave my sight back to Division 3.

Inner World

"Lobo! I need you!" I called out

As I entered my Inner World I saw the fires had grown burning everything in sight. I looked unable to see my Zanpakuto spirit.

"She's not here"

A slash collided with my blade as I blocked the unexpected attack. Only to see my Hollow-self, he held his blade tight.

"Why are you here!?" I spat

"Look around, your spirit is weakened and I won't have that"

He flashed striking at me once more, and it was strong as I was barely able to block it.

"Come on Kakashi, you got to be better than this!"

I pushed him off and began my assault he effortlessly parried and blocked each attack.

"Your blade is dull, I need it sharp!"

He struck me with his free hand to the side of the head. I flew into a burning tree, causing some embers to fall.

"I smell something on you"

I glared at him as he was stuck in thought.

"I know, Fear, mixed with anger and pain"

"You don't that"

I flashed clashing with him again.

"I know everything"

He slashed as I was able to barely block it.

"You fear what you will become, will you be like Byakuya cold and unforgiving?"

He slashed again this time stronger almost putting me on my knees.

"You're angry, unable to know who you are, how you're unable to remember as each memory slips away"

He slashed again finally putting me down.

"Pain, the pain struck in you when you killed your student Kaien, now you wonder how much pain you will feel once Rukia is put on the chopping block"

I was knelt down and my body ached he felt stronger than before.

"If you're aren't going to be a warrior and overcome it, then you might as well let me strike you down!"

He raised his sword high as thunder began to boom in the back. As it came down lightning shot out as my blade clashed with his. His eyes widen and my strength began to comeback. Rain began to fall, as I remembered what Lobo said.

"Rain calms the flames" I whispered

He growled as I pushed him back, I began to assault him. He was barely able to block my strikes, and I was turning the tide. As I struck he fell to the mud as my blade pointed at his face.

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Hmph...endure it"