Chapter 31: Ryoka Hunt

"Captain-Commander, let me go find them"

"No, the Soul Society is too large for a one man search" Captain-Commander Yamamoto firmly answered

"Yes, but I can track them"

"I am sorry Kakashi, but we need you here encase they find a way inside the Seireitei" he denied once again

"Sir, I just need one day-"

"No!" He roared

A strong silence came between us.

"I'm sorry, we are already fighting amongst ourselves we don't need more arguing" he explained

"I know, I just want to capture them before they get any further"

"Thank you, your loyalty knows no bounds, but we must be united" he reassured

I couldn't ask or argue against his words.

It was then I saw something behind him flying in the sky.

"What is that?" I asked

Captain-Commander Yamamoto stood up as we approach the window. It was a bright blue ball of energy it was about to collide with the barrier of the Seireitei. A booming sound as it hit the then dividing into four different directions.

"It seems they got in" I said

"I'm calling all Captains! This is an emergency meeting!"

Captain Counsel Chambers

We all stood at attention as the Captains began bicker besides Captain Shunsui and Captain Utitake.

"Silence!" Captain-Commander Yamamoto said pounding his cane into the floor

All did as told with no word spoken.

"We have five Ryoka! Five! We must stop them before they go any further! Do we know what they're after!?" He asked

"They are bent on freeing former Vice-captain Kuchiki" Byakuya answered

"I see, then put patrols to any and all paths leading to the Senzaikyu!" He ordered

Every Division did so, mobilizing anyone they had on duty. I was going to act as one of the leads to help capture them.

"Kakashi" Captain Shunsui called

"Yes, sir?"

"We can't let these Ryoka get close, but we can't kill them either so if you encounter any subdue only" he emphasized

"Yes, sir"

Hours went by as I coordinated the others. We had to keep track of where they were, but due to the small numbers of the Ryoka we weren't going to find them immediately.

"Vice-captain Hatake" one called out

"Yes, what is it?"

"It's Vice-captain Renji Abarai, he's been injured"

Getting the location I had me and a few men go to investigate. What we came to was a scene of a large fight. Renji was getting patched up as his hair was free and a few scratches on him.


"Renji what happened?"

"I fought one of the Ryoka...Ichigo Kurosaki" he answered

"And you lost"

He held his head down in shame and sadness.

"To think this boy was strong"

"I underestimated him, it won't happen again" he apologized

"Where did he go?"

"Straight ahead"

Based on the direction he was heading straight for Kenpachi.

"Well I need get there before Captain Zaraki does or I won't hear the end of it"

Looking it was about to be sun down, and thought that these Ryoka wouldn't dare travel at night.

"Tell the others we need night shifts just encase"

"Yes, sir!" They left to inform the others

"What're you doing?" He asked

"We need to keep track of them" I answered

He then shot up and had caught my shoulder.

"Is something wrong? Renji" I asked firmly

"I can't..." He began

"Don't worry, we'll catch them you just get some rest" I advised

His grip tightened as I felt something off.


"Sorry Kakashi-sensie, but..."

I struck a good punch in his stomach evidently knocking him out.

"Take him to the hospital, let him get proper treatment" I ordered

"Yes, sir!" They said taking him away

"Sir! The Third-Seat of Division 7 has encountered one of the Ryoka!"


Receiving the location I decided to use my tracking wolf to scout it out. I held out my pendant and began to speak.

"Wolf Verfolgen"

Blue energy began to form into a wolf, as it left in search of the Ryoka.

Ryoka location

My avatar had found the coordinates seeing the Ryoka, he was tall with dark and hair. He had a stoic manner and didn't seem fazed. I then went to see who he was facing off against. It was a man with dark hair and beard, smoking a cigarette. Noticing my energy he turned to see the wolf observing them.

"Vice-captain Hatake, what on earth are you doing here?" He asked

"Third-Seat Asuma Sarutobi, I see you made contact with Ryoka" It said

"Yes, I have"

"You still haven't answered my question who are you?" The Ryoka asked with a deep voice

"I'm Third-Seat Asuma Sarutobi, of Division 7 and you must be here to free the young Rukia Kuchiki" he answered

"Yes, I am" he answered firmly clenching his hand

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you can't now the way I figure it you have two choices one: leave or two: be subdued" he offered

"I can't accept either choice, but I can't turn back now!"

He charged holding his arm? A strange limb of black and red. Feeling strong energy, a blast came out. Though Asuma jumped out the way before it could land.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Asuma asked

All the Ryoka did was get into a defensive position.

"Fine, let me humor you"

Asuma pulled his blade out and gripped it tight.

"Rage, Monkīfisuto"

His Zanpakuto change to a strange design between a knife and brass knuckles. It also had a zig-zag design for his knuckles as it comes to a blade.

"Alright let's start this" Asuma said spinning one in his hand

The Ryoka charged throwing another blast, Asuma duck landing a powerful straight to his chest. The Ryoka was pushed back slamming into a wall.

"My Zanpakuto increases my punching power and speed" he announced pointing examining his weapon

The Ryoka pulled himself out, staring at Asuma he seemed determined to win. Charging this time blasting from afar, Asuma again dodged. Though he was surprised when he saw the Ryoka flying towards him. He landed a strong hit, but he was bale to block it in time. Rocketing towards the ground a large dust cloud formed.

"You should let me pass" the Ryoka said

"You should've took my offer"

The Ryokas eyes widen as Asuma had flashed behind him. As the Ryoka turned, Asuma had reeled his right arm back.

"Saru Wa Moete Iru!"

The blade burned bright as he punched it into the Ryokas stomach. It launched him into a long roll as the burning mark smoked. Stopping he couldn't move probably due to the fact he used massive amounts of spiritual power.

"Like I said..." Asuma said lighting a cigarette

"...Should've taken the deal" he said taking a drag

"So you won" my avatar said

"Yes, oh and Vice-captain? What should I do about him?" He said pointing at the Ryoka

I looked as a massive burn mark was stamped on his stomach. It was still smoking as it was about to give its answer.

"Send him to the hospital, we need to get these people out of here soon" it said

My avatar the began to dissolve back to me. I was then hit the information it had gotten.

"So Asuma won"

AN: I know that I kinda busted in Asuma out the blue, but I didn't want these chapters to end short and add a few action scenes. Kakashis ability Wolf Verfolgen acts like a shadow clone it collects data and gives it to its summoner and can fight as well if you wondering.